Etruscan GlossaryA.pdf - maravot.com

Etruscan GlossaryA.pdf - maravot.com

Etruscan GlossaryA.pdf - maravot.com


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A B C D<br />

1293 hand (L. manus-us; It. mano; Fr. main) MANU (MAN8) R596<br />

1294 sea (L. mare-is; It. mare; Fr. mar, pond; mer, sea) MAR Z572, Z1236, Z1250, Q406, Q512, M64<br />

1295 sea (L. mare-is; It. mare; Fr. mar, pond; mer, sea) MARAM (context: Nun you rule the sea!) Z43<br />

1296 the seas (L. mare-is, 3 rd Decl. Acc. pl -es) MARAS S-8, S34<br />

1297 Mark, name, to mark (L. marcus-i; It. marcare; Fr. marque, mark) MARCA (he/she marks) M-8<br />

1298 Mark, name, to mark, a mark (L. marcus-i; It. marcare; Fr. marque, mark) MARCE (you mark, the mark) J3-5<br />

1299 sea (L. mare-is, mare, abl. sing.; It. mare; Fr. mar, pond; mer, sea) MARE R543<br />

1300 sea (L. mare-is; It. mare; Fr. mar, pond; mer, sea) MAREM (of / by the sea) Z1139<br />

1301 Mars (L. Mars, Martis, [old form Mavors]) MARIS CF-1, CF-6, M72, CBW-4, CCA-3<br />

1302 blackbird (L. merula-ae; It. merlo; Fr. merle) MARLE (See MERLVM) Z592<br />

1303 Marsi, ancient people of Latium (L. Marsi-orum; adj. Marsicus and Marsus-a-um) MARSI M60<br />

1304 for Maro (L. Maro-onis ; 2 nd Decl. Pl. Dat./Abl. –is) MARVNV J31-8<br />

1305 witness, to testify (L. testor-ari; It. martire; Fr. martyr) MARTEN (they witness) N11, N533<br />

1306 L. Mars, Martis, old form Mavors, 3 rd Decl. Abl. single -e; transf. to fight, wage war, battle) MARTE N539<br />

1307 Mars, god of war (L, Mars, Martis [old form Mavors] martius-a-um) MARTI N628, M60<br />

1308 Mars, god of war (L, Mars, Martis [old form Mavors] martius-a-um) MARTIES (from Mars) N304, N324<br />

1309 witness, to testify (L. testor-ari; It. martire; Fr. martyr) MARTIR (to witness) Z598<br />

1310 Masnial, name? Tanaquil Masnial? Old form of modern name as, Tommas Aniello Masaniello? MASNIAL A-4<br />

1311 manly, vigorous (L. mas, maris) MAS J41-15<br />

1312 mass, heap, tomb (L. massa-ae; It. massa; Fr. masse, to mass, masser) MASA BS20<br />

1313 mass, to mass (L. massa-ae; It. massa; Fr. masse, masser) MaSaN (they mass) Z1164<br />

1314 they amass/crowd (Fr. masser, Pres. 3 rd Pers. Pl. ils massent; L. agrarrere, to amass) MASAN Au83<br />

1315 mass, to mass (L. massa-ae; It. massa; masso, boulder; Fr. masse, masser) MASO (MASV) (I / to mass, heap) (boulder?) K75, K84, K92<br />

1316 Masnia ; suffix indicates proper name, name of town MASNIA Le [possible noun, Masnia there (le)] A-4<br />

1317 Matalia, person, place name MATALIA BD-16<br />

1318 steam, be wet (L. madeo-ere); possibly we subdued (Fr. mater, Simp. Past 1st pers. pl. matâmes MATAM Z761, Z1359, Z1647<br />

1319 steam, to be wet (L. madeo-ere) MATAN (they steam, wet) Z1777<br />

1320 mother (L. mater, matris) MATER XB-8 XB-10, XB-12<br />

1321 mother (L. mater, matris) MATRA R426<br />

1322 mother (L. mater, matris) MATRO (MATRV) R487<br />

1323 mother (L. mater, matris) MATROU (MATRV8) R459<br />

1324 Mathuma, person's name? MATHVMA PA-5<br />

1325 MAUSIA (Mysia? or Moesia) MAFSIA (possibly MAF SIA) S-9<br />

1326 great, maximum (L. maximus-a-um) MAXIMAS (MAKIMAS) (Ch character is a circled-x) VF-6<br />

1327 by, from, with me (L. Abl. me) ME (to me) Z126, Z224, N149, N280, N357, N363, N391, N485, N589, Q311, Q360, Q551, R459, R474, R619, PC-9<br />

1328 me (L. Acc., Abl. me) Me M45, S35<br />

1329 Mean, goddess, Diana, Artimus MEAN DM-7, CU-3, CZ-2, CBZ-5<br />

1330 me, with me, to me (It. mecco) MEK N74, N112, N139, N173 N206, N216, N230, Q311, Q326, Q452,<br />

1331 me, with me, to me (It. mecco) MEK Q521, Q784, Q795, Q806, Q813, Q829, Q837, Q863, Q871, TC213, Au18, PO-5, Au18<br />

1332 the honey, sweetness, pleasantness (L. mel, mellis) MEL BD-17<br />

1333 honey (L. mel, mellis; It. miele; Fr. miel) (Note: Etr. MELE corresponds with It. Miele) MELE Z133, Z224<br />

1334 honey (L. mel, mellis) MELI (MELI agrees with ARNOI, same location) AJ-1<br />

1335 Meleager, prince of Calydon, hero of the Calydonian Boar Hunt MELIAPHR (MELIAØR) DB-2,<br />

1336 mother (It. mamma)? the self, same (Fr. même) MEM XA-26, XE-2<br />

1337 lead, to conduct, guide (It. menare; Fr. mener) MENA (he/she leads) K128<br />

1338 lead, to conduct, guide (It. menare; Fr. mener) MENAN (they lead) K131<br />

1339 lead, to conduct, guide (It. menare; Fr. mener) MENAS (you lead) Z805<br />

1340 The hand, force, effort, power (L. manus-us, 4th Decl. Acc. singl. –um); MENE (you lead) Z1835, M60<br />

1341 menare, to lead, 2nd pers. Ind. Pres. meni. MENE (you lead) Z1835, M60<br />

1342 lead, to conduct, guide (It. menare; Fr. mener) MENARI J6-1<br />

1343 lead, to conduct, guide (It. menare; Fr. mener) MENES (you lead, subj.?) N160<br />

1344 lead, to conduct, guide (It. menare; Fr. mener) MENIAR (to lead) N428<br />

1345 Menelaus, Greek hero MENLE DM-10, MM-1<br />

1346 Minerva, goddess of war, wisdom, arts & sciences (L. Minerva-ae) MENARFA CN-3<br />

1347 Minerva, goddess of war, wisdom, arts & sciences (L. Minerva-ae) MENERFA DH-2, DL-4, MH-1<br />

1348 Minerva, goddess of war, wisdom, arts & sciences (L. Minerva-ae) MENRFA (See MANRIFA, MANRFA) MR-2, MG-3, LM-3, CF-4, CK-1, CX-2, CAB-1, DG-3, DK-1, CBY-2, CBT-1, CCF-2<br />

1349 Minerva, goddess of war, wisdom, arts & sciences (L. Minerva-ae) _ _ NRFA OB-1<br />

1350 mind, understanding (L. mens, mentis) MENS R349, R359<br />

1351 Mepie, name? MEPIE CBO-4<br />

1352 Neple, name unknown, Nauplius? NEPLE MM-5<br />

1353 deserve, to merit (L. mereo-ere) MER (I merit) K97, L38<br />

1354 pure, unmixed, <strong>com</strong>plete, (L. merus-a-um; Acc. -em; merum-i, wine unmixed with water) MEREM J39-11<br />

1355 deserve, to merit (L. mereo-ere; 1st pers. perfect, merui) MERI (I merited) Z98, Z317, Z386<br />

1356 deserve, to merit (L. mereo-ere) MeReS J34-5<br />

1357 deserve, to merit (L. mereo-ere); or you may defile, (L. temero-are, Conj. 2nd Pers. Single, temerēs) MERES (See TAMERES) Au35<br />

1358 Mercury? (L. Mercurius-a) MeRKeR J36-2<br />

1359 Merio, name MERIO L38<br />

1360 they deserve, merit (L. mereo-ere, Ind. Conj. 1st Pers. singl. mereant, meritus-a-um) MERiTAN PC-11<br />

1361 deserve, to merit (L. mereo-ere, meritus-a-um) MERITO (MERITV) (merited) R347<br />

1362 blackbird (L. merula-ae; It. merlo; Fr. merle) MERLOM (MERLVM) (See MARLE) (Merlum Acc.) Z142, Z245, Z470, Z969, Z1016, Z1065, Z1602, Z1832<br />

1363 Merlum, name of a king MERLvM BE-12<br />

1364 immerse, to dip (L. merso, are) MERSO (MERSV) (to immerse) Q326, Q468<br />

1365 immerse, to dip (L. merso, are) MERSOS (MERSVS) (we immerse) Q294<br />

1366 you go or pass (L. meo, meare; 2nd pers. pres. mes) MES PQ-6<br />

1367 from the harvest, crop, time of harvest (L. mesis-is, Ablative Single, Pres. –e) MESE J43-2<br />

1368 reap, to harvest (L. meto-metere) MeTH M38

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