dallas dressage club august 2000 message from the president

dallas dressage club august 2000 message from the president

dallas dressage club august 2000 message from the president


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Transitions - August <strong>2000</strong><br />

The Dallas Dressage Club<br />

<strong>2000</strong> Membership Application<br />

Renewal of all DDC Memberships is required by January 1st of each year. Included with your DDC membership is a group membership in<br />

<strong>the</strong> United States Dressage Federation (USDF) and a subscription to <strong>the</strong> DDC monthly newsletter.<br />

The DDC is a USDF Group Member Organization; and our members are automatically USDF Group Members.<br />

Individual Membership ($30.00) _____ Junior Membership ($20.00) _____ Family Membership ($35.00) _____<br />

New Member _____ Renewal _____ (<strong>2000</strong> Junior Members are 17 or younger as of 1/1/00)<br />

Applicant’s Information:<br />

I prefer an electronic newsletter via email: Yes ____ No ____ E-Mail: ________________________________<br />

The DDC may release my address for selected mailings? Yes ____ No ____<br />

Select membership directory category: Full ____ Limited ____ None ____ (Limited = name, city, state only)<br />

Name: Dr./Mr./Mrs./Ms./Miss _______________________________<br />

(circle one)<br />

Address: ___________________________________________<br />

___________________________________________<br />

Phone (Home): _________________________<br />

Phone (Work): _________________________<br />

Phone (Fax): ___________________________<br />

___________________________________________ Phone (O<strong>the</strong>r): _________________________<br />

These items are needed by USDF: Birth Date: ____/____/____<br />

Social Security #: _______________________<br />

Additional Applicants’ Information for Family Membership:<br />

Name: Dr./Mr./Mrs./Ms./Miss _____________________ Birth Date: ___/___/___ Social Security #: _______________<br />

(circle one)<br />

Name: Dr./Mr./Mrs./Ms./Miss _____________________ Birth Date: ___/___/___ Social Security #: _______________<br />

(circle one)<br />

Note: Family Memberships applicants may obtain an USDF Group Membership for each additional applicant for $10.00 each<br />

Can you give a helping hand? (please check all that apply)<br />

Shows/Meets _____ Scribing _____ Newsletter _____ Public Relations _____ Photography _____<br />

Video Taping _____ Phone Committee _____ O<strong>the</strong>r _____ (please list ____________________________)<br />

Please complete <strong>the</strong> following: (please check all that apply)<br />

Do you show at meets _____, schooling shows _____, and/or recognized competitions _____?<br />

If so, at what levels? ___________________________ How many horses do you own? _____<br />

Additional Comments:<br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

I hereby release <strong>the</strong> Dallas Dressage Club, Inc., its officers, members, employees, and agents <strong>from</strong> any liability and all claims of every kind (including costs, expenses,<br />

or attorney fees) that might result <strong>from</strong> damages, injuries or losses to my person or property during, or in connection with, any show, clinic, event or function, whe<strong>the</strong>r<br />

or not such damages, injuries, losses result directly <strong>from</strong> <strong>the</strong> negligent act of omissions of <strong>the</strong> officers, members, employees, or agents of <strong>the</strong> Dallas Dressage Club, Inc.<br />

Signed ___________________________________________________________ Date ____________________<br />

(if under 18, must be signed by parent or legal guardian)<br />

Return application and check made payable to “DDC” to: Kyl Scott, 4250 East Renner Rd #1717, Richardson TX 75082<br />

Questions: Contact Kyl Scott at horseplay@ieee.org, (972)994-9516(H), or (972)479-4128(W)<br />

DDC Office Use Only<br />

Check #: ________ Amount: __________ Date: ______________ Date Rec’d: ______________ ID: _______<br />


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