Mercy Hospital Medical Staff Bylaws - Mercy Health

Mercy Hospital Medical Staff Bylaws - Mercy Health

Mercy Hospital Medical Staff Bylaws - Mercy Health


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120 days;Temporary privileges for a new applicant may be granted for nomore than 120 days upon verification of criteria defined in the <strong>Mercy</strong><strong>Health</strong> Partners Credentialing Manual and8.1.1.2 To fulfill an important patient care, treatment and serviceneed. Temporary privileges to fill an important patient care needas set forth in the <strong>Mercy</strong> <strong>Health</strong> Partners Credentialing Manual. Locum Tenens: Upon receipt of a written request, anappropriately licensed practitioner who possesses the basicqualifications set forth in Section 3.2-1, and who is serving as alocum tenens for a member of the <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>Staff</strong> may, withoutapplying for membership on the staff, be granted temporaryprivileges for an initial period of thirty (30) days, but not toexceed his services as locum tenens. Such temporary privilegesmay be granted only after receipt of verification of licensure fromthe appropriate Ohio State licensing board, and verification inwriting of clinical competency to serve as a locum tenens for amember of the staff (if the practitioner is a member of the staff ofanother hospital, by the practitioner's department director on thatstaff).8.1.2 Standards for Approval of temporary privileges: The <strong>Hospital</strong> ChiefExecutive Administrative Officer (or his/her designee), upon therecommendation of the Chief of <strong>Staff</strong> (or his/her designee), (Upon writtenconcurrence of the director of the department where the privileges will beexercised, the Sr. VP, or his designee) may grant a request for temporaryprivileges if the applicant meets the qualifications set forth in these<strong>Bylaws</strong> and in the <strong>Mercy</strong> <strong>Health</strong> Partners Credentialing Manual.8.1.3 Condition: Temporary privileges may be granted only when theinformation available reasonably supports a favorable determinationregarding the requesting practitioner’s qualifications, ability and judgmentto exercise the privileges requested, and only after the practitioner hassatisfied the requirement of Section 15.4 regarding professional liabilityinsurance. Special requirements of dual admission, consultation, and/orreporting may be imposed by the director of the department responsiblefor supervision of a practitioner granted temporary privileges. Beforetemporary privileges are granted, the practitioner must acknowledge inwriting that he will abide by the <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>Staff</strong> Code of Regulations in allmatters relating to his temporary privileges.8.1.4 Denial or Termination of temporary privileges: The Chief Executive<strong>Hospital</strong> Administrative Officer may, upon consultation with one of thefollowing, Chief of <strong>Staff</strong>; Chief Elect; Immediate Past Chief; or aDepartment Chairperson (COS not required in TJH—states Chair ofExecutive Cte, which is COS) and the appropriate DepartmentChairperson (or their designees), deny, modify or terminate temporaryprivileges. The termination may also be effected by any person entitled toimpose summary suspension under Article VIII. In the event of any suchtermination, the practitioner's patients then in the <strong>Hospital</strong> shall beassigned to another practitioner by the department director responsible for- 35 -

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