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Love SpotsHannah Fritzke“Whatʼs that?” Jamie asked as she plopped herself downin Gramps lap. She was still sucking on a treat from Grams.It was her favorite; a frozen raspberry and she loved how itmade her cheeks and tongue tingle. Jamie loved sitting inGramps lap because it meant it was story time. When theysat in his lazy boy chair, Gramps took them to exciting placeslike Mil-Wau-Kee and back to the farm where he grew up.He was like a giant teddy bear that smelt like oatmeal andpeppermint arthritis lotion.“Whatʼs what?” Gramps replied. Trying not to laugh aboutthe raspberry juice running down her chin.“Those spotty things on your hands.” Jamie asked with animpatient curiosity.They were Gramps liver spots, hut Jamie was too young toknow that at four, so he snuggled her in closer and whisperin her ear,“Love spots.”“Love spots?” Jamie said with a giggle.“Yep,” said Gramps.“Where do they come from and why do you have somany?” Jamie asked while examining his whole arm andhand.“Well, when you really love someone, I mean with yourwhole heart and no matter what, your heart bursts because itdoesnʼt have enough room. This love has nowhere to go andso itmakes a spot.”“Nu uh,” Jamie said. Her mouth dropped open in disbelief.“Of course, Iʼll show you. This one (he said pointing to thelargest one on his hand) is Grandmaʼs love spot, itʼs the biggestbecause I have loved her for a very, very long time.”“Whose spot is this?” Jamie pointed to a much smallerspot.“Thatʼs yours,” Gramps said.“Really, I have my own spot too.” She said looking back atGramps and then back at her spot.“Yep, and each year our love will grow bigger and biggerand the spot will grow too.” Jamie put her little hand on hishuge palm and examined her own hand.“How come I donʼt have any spots,” she said disappointed.“Yes you do.”“What?” Jamie said looking even closer at both her hands.“No I donʼt,” said Jamie.Gramps got up from his chair, took Jamieʼs little hand, andwalked to the bathroom. He picked her up so she could seeherself in the mirror.“See theyʼre right there, in front of your nose.” He pointedat her cheeks.“Those are freckles silly,” she giggled again.“Right now they are, but someday when your older andyour heart has so much love that it bursts, they will start togrow and become love spots.”Jamie leaned over and gave him a big kiss on the cheekand said,“I love you Gramps.”Warm ColorsOma RadisKristel KlankYour favorite wool sweater hangs in my closet.The one I took from your house when you didnʼt need it anymore-I thought it wold never lose your once familiar smell.I can still remember that March phone call,how I didnʼt realize how sick you were,the moment you no longer remembered my name,the sight of my father hugging you for the final timepickingyour lifeless body out of that stained maple casket.I can still see you lying in that hospital bed,silver hair sweaty and unbrushed.Dried spit flaking at the corners of your mouth.Blue eyes barely open.I didnʼt expect to see you like that.I was so young,I didnʼt know what to say,or how to say it.So, I am letting you know nowwhat I didnʼt know how to say then:I loved cooking with you;hearing those potato pankcakes sizzle in the greasewhile listening to you rattle off advice on lifein your harsh German accent.I miss you.Come back to me.Call me your Little Helper one more time.Teach me how to be strong.I didnʼt have enough time with youto even learn how.Megan Sandbergafterglow 17

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