(1978). On Facilitating Networks for Social Change ... - INSNA

(1978). On Facilitating Networks for Social Change ... - INSNA

(1978). On Facilitating Networks for Social Change ... - INSNA


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. . . Computer Programs, cont'd .3 .3 Observed Relations in <strong>On</strong>e or More <strong>Networks</strong>3 .4 Equilibrium Relations in <strong>On</strong>e or More <strong>Networks</strong>3 .5 Distances Based on Observed Relations3 .6 Distances Based on Equilibrium Relations3 .7 Moments <strong>for</strong> Observed Distances3 .8 Moments <strong>for</strong> Equilibrium Distances3 .9 Indices3 .10 Estimating Card Output <strong>for</strong> an Analysis4 . Numerical Illustration 154 .1 Two Systems of Actors/Positions4 .2 Sociometry and Clique Detection4 .3 Continuous Distance <strong>Social</strong> Topologies4 .4 Discrete Distance <strong>Social</strong> Topologies : Blockmodels4 .5 Equilibrium Under the Independence Model4 .6 Equilibrium if Stratification is Based on Observed Distances4 .7 Equilibrium if Stratification is Based on Actor/Position Attributes4 .8 Equilibrium Under the Interdependence Model4 .9 Equilibrium, Multiple <strong>Networks</strong> and Constrained ExchangeReferencesAppendix A : Example OutputAppendix B : Running STRUCTURE on the CDC 6400 at BerkeleyReferencesBurt, R .S .1976 "Positions in networks ." <strong>Social</strong> Forces 55 :93-1221977a "Positions in multiple network systems, part one : a general conception of stratification andprestige in a system of actors cast as a social topology ." <strong>Social</strong> Forces 56 :106-131 .1977b "Relational equilibrium in a social topology ." Paper presented at the annual meetings of theAmerican Sociological Association .Harary, F ., R .Z . Norman and D . Cartwright1965 Structural Models . New York : John Wiley .Johnson, S .C .1967 "Hierarchical clustering schemes" . Psychometrika 32 :241-254 .Joreskog, K .G . and M . van Thillo1972 "LISREL : a general computer program <strong>for</strong> estimating a linear structural equation system involvingmultiple indicators of unmeasured variables ." Research Bulletin RB-72-56 . Princeton : EducationalTesting Service .Lin, N .1976 Foundations of <strong>Social</strong> Research . New York : McGraw-Hill .Nie, N .H ., C .H . Hull, J .G . Jenkins, K . Steinbrener and D .H . Bent1975 SPSS : Statistical Package <strong>for</strong> the <strong>Social</strong> Sciences . New York : McGraw-Hill .Smith, B .T ., et al .1976 Matrix Eigensystem Routines : EISPACK Guide . New York : Springer-Verlag .White, H .C ., S .A . Boorman and R .L . Breiger1976 "<strong>Social</strong> structure from multiple networks . I . blockmodels of roles and positions ." AmericanJournal of Sociology 81 :730-780 .

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