M E S '9 8 - University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine

M E S '9 8 - University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine

M E S '9 8 - University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine

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34Latimer, K.S., Niagro, F.D., Williams, O.C., Ramis, A.,Goodwin, M.A., Ritchie, B.W., Campagnoli, R.P.:Diagnosis <strong>of</strong> avian adenovirus infections using DNA in situhybridization. Avian Dis. 41:773-782, 1997.Lew, L.J., Fowler, J.D., Egger, C.M., Thompson, D.J., Rosin,M.W., Pharr, J.W.: Deep hypothermic low flow cardiopulmonarybypass in small dogs. Vet. Surg. 26:281-289, 1997.Lewis, D.D., Stubbs, W.P., Neuwirth, L., Bertrand, S.G.,Parker, R.B., Stallings, J.T., Murphy, S.: Results <strong>of</strong>screw/wire/polymethylmethacrylate composite fixation foracetabular fracture repair in fourteen dogs. Vet. Surg.26:223-234, 1997.Linhart, S.B., Baer, G.M., Balderas Torres, J.M., Engeman,R.M., Collins, E.F., Meslin, F.X., Schumacher, C.L.,Taweel (El-), A-H, Wlodkowski, J.C.: Acceptance <strong>of</strong> candidatebaits by domestic dogs for delivery <strong>of</strong> oral rabies vaccines.Onderstepoort J. Vet. Res. 64:115-124, 1997.Linhart, S.B., King, R., Zamir, S., Naveh, U., Davidson, M.,Perl, S.: Oral rabies vaccination <strong>of</strong> red foxes and goldenjackals in Israel: Preliminary bait evaluation. Rev. Sci. Tech.Off. Int. Epizoot. 16:874-880, 1997.Little, S.E., Carmichael, K.P., Rakich, P.M.: Trombidiosisinduceddermatitis in white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus).Vet. Pathol. 34:350-352, 1997.Little, S.E., Davidson, W.R., Howerth, E.H., Rakich, P.M.,Nettles, V.F.: Diseases diagnosed in red foxes (Vulpesvulpes) from the Southeastern United States. J. Wildl. Dis.34:620-624, 1998.Little, S.E., Davidson, W.R., Rakich, P.M., Nixon, T.L.,Bounous, D.I., Nettles, V.F.: Responses <strong>of</strong> red foxes(Vulpes vulpes) to first and second infestation withSarcoptes scabiei. J. Wildl. Dis. 34:625-628, 1998.Lockhart, J.M., Davidson, W.R., Stallknecht, D.E., Dawson,J.E.: Lack <strong>of</strong> seroreactivity to Ehrlichia chaffeensis amongrodent populations. J. Wildl. Dis. 34:392-396, 1998.Lockhart, J.M., Davidson, W.R., Stallknecht, D.E., Dawson,J.E., Howerth, E.W.: Isolation <strong>of</strong> Ehrlichia chaffeensisfrom wild white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) confirmstheir role as natural reservoir hosts. J. Clin. Microbiol.35:1681-1686, 1997.Lockhart, J.M., Davidson, W.R., Stallknecht, D.E., Dawson,J.E., Little, S.E.: Natural history <strong>of</strong> Ehrlichia chaffeensis(Rickettsiales: Ehrlichieae) in the Piedmont physiographicprovince <strong>of</strong> <strong>Georgia</strong>. J. Parasitol. 83:887-894, 1997.Lowder, M.Q.: Who is teaching equine dentistry? Compend.Contin. Educ. Pract. Vet. 19:624-626, 1997.Luo, Y., Glisson, J.R., Jackwood, M.W.: Cloning and characterization<strong>of</strong> the major outer membrane protein gene (ompH)<strong>of</strong> Pasteurella multocida X-73. J. 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Educ. 9:317-327, 1997.Pilkington, P., Brown, T.P., Villegas, P., McMurray, B., Page,R.K., Rowland, G.N., Thayer, S.G.: Adenovirus-inducedinclusion body hepatitis in four-day-old broiler breeders.Avian Dis. 41:472-474, 1997.Plaza, H., Whelchel, T.R., Garczynski, S.F., Howerth, E.W.,Gherardini, F.C.: Purified outer membranes <strong>of</strong> Serpulinahyodysenteriae contain cholesterol. J. Bacteriol. 179:5414-5421, 1997.Puette, M., Latimer, K.S.: Acute granulocytic leukemia in aslaughter goat. J. Vet. Diagn. Invest. 9:318-319, 1997.Qiu, H., Jun, H.W., Dzimianski, M., McCall, J.: Reducedtransdermal absorption <strong>of</strong> N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide from anew topical insect repellent formulation. Pharm. Dev.Technol. 2:33-42, 1997.Quist, C.F., Dutton, D.M., Schneider, D., Prestwood, A.K.:Gastrointestinal ulceration and pulmonary aspergillosis in allama treated for parelaphostrongylosis. J. Am. Vet. Med.Assoc. 212:1638-1642, 1998.

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