Shree Yamunashtak – an introduction 1 - VaishnavSangh.org.uk

Shree Yamunashtak – an introduction 1 - VaishnavSangh.org.uk

Shree Yamunashtak – an introduction 1 - VaishnavSangh.org.uk


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<strong>Shree</strong> <strong>Yamunashtak</strong> <strong>–</strong> <strong>an</strong> <strong>introduction</strong>In V.S. 1549 (year 1493) at the age of 14 years, Shri Mahaprabhuji arrived in Gokulduring his first global tour; he resided at Thakur<strong>an</strong>i Ghat / Govind ghat on theb<strong>an</strong>k of Yamuna river. He was totally mersmerised by <strong>Shree</strong> Yamunaji’s beauty,<strong>an</strong>d on the spur of the moment, he wrote Shri Yamunastakam which describes ShriYamunaji’s divine form.In Yamunastakam’s first eight shloks, Shri Mahaprabhuji describes ShriYamunaji’s eight fold powers, her divine & wonderful idol <strong>an</strong>d her divine qualities.Shri Yamunaji is the daughter of divine Sun. Her purpose for coming to earth fromheaven through Kalind mountain is to bless her devotees. Her physical state as ariver is also very attractive <strong>an</strong>d charming. She is so kind that she even blessed evilspirited people. Shri Yamunaji blessed her devotees with eight fold powers. If someevil person, drinks water from Yamuna river to quench thirst, she blessed thatperson as well. So, if we pray her, with knowledge <strong>an</strong>d underst<strong>an</strong>ding, we should notbe surprised if we also get blessed. One of the examples from Shri Mahaprabhuju’s84 Vaishnavas, is of Kishoribai, who was ch<strong>an</strong>ting only two lines fromYamunastakam with full faith. Shri Yamunaji blessed Kishoribai with all divinefruits.1

<strong>Shree</strong> <strong>Yamunashtak</strong>********** Shlok 1 **********Namami Yamuna Maham, Sakal Siddhi Hetum Muda, Murari Padp<strong>an</strong>kaj-Sfuradm<strong>an</strong>d, Renoot-katam, Tatasth Nav K<strong>an</strong><strong>an</strong>, Prakat ModPushpambunaa, Suraa Sur suPoojitaha, Smara Pituh Shri yam-bibhrateemI (Shri Mahaprabhuji) bow (Namami) to Shri Yamunaji with my full love <strong>an</strong>ddevotion. She is capable of giving fulfillment of all the desires(Sakal Siddhi) of thedevotee in enjoying God’s love. Shri Yamunaji is capable of giving all kind ofachievements. This first shlok describes the physical state of the river. Its both b<strong>an</strong>ksare full of glittering s<strong>an</strong>d which is believed to be as soft as lotus feet of Shri MurariPrabhu (Shri Krishna.) Also, there are various kinds of evergreen gardens on bothb<strong>an</strong>ks of the river. The river water is filled with scent from the flowers of thegardens. Shri Yamunaji is also worshipped by two kinds (Suraa -Sur) of vrajdevotees.********** Shlok 2 **********Kalind Girimastake, Pata-d-m<strong>an</strong>d Poorojjwalaa, Vilas Gam<strong>an</strong>ollasat,Prakatg<strong>an</strong>d Shailonnata, Sagosh-g<strong>an</strong>tid<strong>an</strong>tura, Samadhiroodh Dolottama,M<strong>uk</strong>und Rati Vardhinee, Jayati Padma B<strong>an</strong>dho SutaIn this shlok, Shri Mahaprabhuji describes how Shri Yamunaji c<strong>an</strong> bless her devoteesto increase their love towards Shri M<strong>uk</strong>und Prabhu. Also, Shri Mahaprabhujidescribes the physical existence of Yamunaji as river. It flows enthusiastically (withspeed <strong>an</strong>d splendor - Poorojjwalaa) from the top of Kalind mountain. The waterappears to be as rich as milk because of the force <strong>an</strong>d twirls. It seems that Shri2

Yamunaji is very eager to reach Vraj <strong>an</strong>d meet Shri Krishna. It also gives theimpression that Shri Yamunaji is swinging on (Dolottama) jhula. Shri Yamunaji isdaughter of Sun, who is so fond of lotus(Padma).********** Shlok 3 **********Bhuvam Bhuv<strong>an</strong> Paw<strong>an</strong>eem, Madhigatam<strong>an</strong>e Kashw<strong>an</strong>aihi, PriyabhirivSevatam, Sh<strong>uk</strong>a Mayur H<strong>an</strong>sadibhihi, Tar<strong>an</strong>g Bhuj K<strong>an</strong>k<strong>an</strong>a, Prakatm<strong>uk</strong>tikaval<strong>uk</strong>a, Nitambtat Sundareem, Namat Krishna Turya Priyam.Whenever Shri Yamunaji comes to earth from heaven, she blesses the Earth(Bhuvam Bhuv<strong>an</strong>a Paw<strong>an</strong>eem). All birds like Parrot, Peacock, H<strong>an</strong>sas (Sw<strong>an</strong>s) servesShri Yamunaji. Shri Mahaprabhuji visualizes glittering (sterling) s<strong>an</strong>d as her b<strong>an</strong>gle’spearls (m<strong>uk</strong>tikaval<strong>uk</strong>a) <strong>an</strong>d waves of water as beautiful divine h<strong>an</strong>ds (Tar<strong>an</strong>g BhujK<strong>an</strong>k<strong>an</strong>a) of Shri Yamunaji. From the birds eye view, Shri Yamunaji appears asbeautiful with both the b<strong>an</strong>ks with glamorous s<strong>an</strong>d <strong>an</strong>d river full of water. She isfavorite fourth queen of Shri Krishna, <strong>an</strong>d Shri Mahaprabhuji asks us to bow to her(Namat Krishna Turya Priyam).********** Shlok 4 **********An<strong>an</strong>t Gunbhusite, Shiva Vir<strong>an</strong>chi Devastute, Gh<strong>an</strong>agh<strong>an</strong> Nibhe Sada,Dhruva Parasharaa Bhistade, Vishuddha Mathura Tate, Sakal Gop-gopiVrute, Krupa Jaladhi S<strong>an</strong>shrite, Mama M<strong>an</strong>ha S<strong>uk</strong>ham Bhavayah.In this shlok, Shri Mahaprabhuji offers his prayers to Shri Yamuna Mahar<strong>an</strong>i. O! ShriYamunaji, you are having infinite divine qualities <strong>–</strong> countless virtues. Even Gods likeShiv, Brahama praise you. You are capable of gr<strong>an</strong>ting wishes to devotees like Dhruv<strong>an</strong>d Parasher. There are holy pilgrim places like “Mathura” on your b<strong>an</strong>ks. You arealways surrounded with gopis <strong>an</strong>d gopij<strong>an</strong>s <strong>an</strong>d you are always protected byblessings of Shri Krishna. O! Shri Yamunaji, I wish that you give me such a blessingthat it gives peace <strong>an</strong>d happiness to my mind. Ch<strong>an</strong>ting this shlok with pure <strong>an</strong>dhonest heart gives tremendous mental peace <strong>an</strong>d eternal happiness. (Kishoribai wasch<strong>an</strong>ting only two lines Vishuddha Mathura Tate, Sakal Gopgopi Vrute, Krupa JaladhiS<strong>an</strong>shrite, Mama M<strong>an</strong>ha S<strong>uk</strong>ham Bhavayah. with full faith. Shri Yamunaji blessedKishoribai with all divine fruits.)********** Shlok 5 ********** 3

Yaya Char<strong>an</strong> Padmajaa, Muraripoho Priyam Bhav<strong>uk</strong>a, Samaagam<strong>an</strong>toBhavat, Sakal Siddhida Sevatam, Taya Sadrushtamiyat, Kamalaja SpatneeVayat, Hari Priya Kalindaya, M<strong>an</strong>si Me sada Stheeyatam.Shri G<strong>an</strong>gaji evolved from the lotus feet of Shri Bhagav<strong>an</strong>. Shri G<strong>an</strong>gaji became holy<strong>an</strong>d pious due to merging with Shri Yamunaji at Triveni S<strong>an</strong>gam. Shri Yamunajimade Shri G<strong>an</strong>gaji capable of giving all achievements (Sakal Siddhi) to the servingdevotees. Only Shri Laxmiji is equal <strong>an</strong>d comparable to Shri Yamunaji-but on a lesserdegree. I wish that this type of Shri Yamunaji, who c<strong>an</strong> take all worries of herdevotees <strong>an</strong>d who is also favorite (Hari Priya) to Shri Krishna, come <strong>an</strong>d reside in myheart <strong>an</strong>d soul forever.********** Shlok 6 **********Namostu Yamune Sada, Tav Charitra Matyadbhutam, Na Jaatu Yam Yatna,Bhavati Te Payaha P<strong>an</strong>at-ha, Yamopi Bhaginee Sut<strong>an</strong>, Kathamuh<strong>an</strong>tiDusht<strong>an</strong>pi, Priyobhavati Sev<strong>an</strong>aat, Tav Hareryatha Gopikaha.O! Shri Yamunaji, I bow to you with my full body <strong>an</strong>d heart. Your divine character isvery wonderful. Just by drinking your water in Vraj, we do not have to worry aboutpainful death. Your devotees c<strong>an</strong> become favorite to Shri Krishna just like gopij<strong>an</strong>aswho became favorite by doing “Katy<strong>an</strong>i Vrat”.********** Shlok 7 **********Mamastu Tav S<strong>an</strong>nidhau, T<strong>an</strong>u Navatva Metavata, Na Durlabhatama Rati,Muraripau M<strong>uk</strong>undpriye, Atostu Tav Lalna, Surdhunee Param S<strong>an</strong>gamaat,Tavaiv Bhuvi Keertita, Na Tu Kadapi Pushti Sthitaihi.O! Shri Yamunaji, who is favorite of Shri M<strong>uk</strong>und Prabhu, I pray to you to give medivine body (T<strong>an</strong>u Navatv) which c<strong>an</strong> be used in divine Leela of Lord <strong>an</strong>d also toserve you. Only you are capable of doing so. With such a divine body, I c<strong>an</strong> serveShri M<strong>uk</strong>und Prabhu very well. Pushti Margiya vaishnavas - Divine souls (Jeevs) hadnever praised Shri G<strong>an</strong>gaji without your merging with Shri G<strong>an</strong>gaji.********** Shlok 8 ********** 4

Stutim Tava Karotikaha, Kamal Ja Sapatni Priye, Harer Yad<strong>an</strong>u Sevaya,Bhavati Sa<strong>uk</strong>hya Mamoxataha, Iyam Tav Kathadhika, Sakal Gopika S<strong>an</strong>gamSmar, Shram jaLunibhi, Sakalgatra Jaihi S<strong>an</strong>gamaha.O! Shri Yamunaji, you are like Shri Laxmiji, who has good fortune. But no one iscapable of praising you, because <strong>an</strong>y one serving God first <strong>an</strong>d then Shri Laxmiji getsall happiness after death also Mamoxataha. But the import<strong>an</strong>ce of Shri Yamunaji isunique. Here Shri Maha Prabhuji explains the exaltation of soul just by bathing in thewaters of Shri Yamunaji which becomes pious daily by the “Ras-Lila of Lord with thevraj-bhakts”. By serving Shri Yamunaji we get blessing from her, which is helpful inexalting our soul <strong>an</strong>d making pious. As we wash our body from outside to make itlook pretty, we need to have blessings in form of Shri Yamunaji’s river water to washour soul <strong>an</strong>d body from within. Due to her blessings our mind <strong>an</strong>d thoughts becomecapable to serve Shri Krishna.********** Shlok 9 **********Tavashtak Midam Muda, Pathati Soorsootesada, Samasta Duritak Shayo,Bhavati Vai M<strong>uk</strong>unde Ratihi, Taya Sakal Siddhayo, Murari PuschaS<strong>an</strong>tushyati, Swabhav Vijayo Bhavet, Vadati Vallabh <strong>Shree</strong> Harehe.O! Shri Yamunaji! Whoever always sings these hymns of Shri Yamunastak withhappiness, joy <strong>an</strong>d pleasure, will get following fruits.(1) Absolving one of all the worldly sins.(2) The love for the lord increases m<strong>an</strong>ifold.(3) All yours endeavors, worldly <strong>an</strong>d spiritual, are completed successfully.(4) You become a worthy recipient of God’s grace-love.(5) You emerge victorious over your nature. Sakal Siddhi (”ashta - eight” siddhis)(6) To worship God.(7) To watch God’s action.(8) To feel God’s action.(9) To get sarvatm Bhav siddhi.(10) To remain <strong>an</strong>d have God’s blessing even during difficult days.(11) To get divine sight (Darsh<strong>an</strong> of lord).(12) To feel the pleasure of God’s blessings (Krupa).(13) To feel God’s presence in all situations. 5

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