THE SAINT LUCIA NATIONAL TRUST - Environmental Funds Tool Kit

THE SAINT LUCIA NATIONAL TRUST - Environmental Funds Tool Kit

THE SAINT LUCIA NATIONAL TRUST - Environmental Funds Tool Kit


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Protecting Fair Helen’s Patrimonyeffectiveness of the SLNT has thereforeto be one of the key foci of this StrategicPlan. This will be achieved throughstrengthening our internalorganisational capability and ourexternal service delivery capacity.Operational management, humanresources and communications, andmanagement systems will be addressed.We will create a national network ofpublicly accessible heritage sites whichare important to our national identity.We will also improve and expand theinterpretation of our sites. Additionally,advocacy, public awareness andeducation will continue to remain astrategic objective of the Trust. Revenuegeneration within the term of this StrategicPlan will hopefully create the ability tobetter address the expectations placedupon the organisation.This Strategic Plan brings a new sense ofimpetus and enthusiasm to the Trust,reviving the vision and ambition of ourfounders and placing heritageconservation at the heart of what wedo. In a nutshell, we will use ouressential and often fascinatingconservation and environmental workto inspire and engage people moredeeply in our activities, encouragingpeople not only to ‘join’ but to ‘join in’our vital cause. We want the Trust tobe less of an amenity and more of amovement.As we developed our new strategy, theconcept of engagement – whereby oursupporters, members and visitorsbecome inspired, enthused and moredeeply committed to our cause – hasbecome central to our mission.The environment in which the Trust isoperating is characterised by a growinginterest in heritage, recognition of itssocial, cultural, environmental andeconomic benefits, and awareness of itsimportance to national identity. Despitethis, there is constant perceived conflictbetween heritage protection anddevelopment pressures. Stakeholderexpectations of the SLNT are thereforeincreasing. The outcomes sought andthe outputs produced by the SLNT, asexpressed in this Strategic Planconstitute SLNT’s response to theenvironment in which it is operating.The response includes both a regulatoryand an advocacy approach consistentwith the SLNT’s statutory functions.It is anticipated that Years 1 and 2(2010/12) will focus primarily onconsolidation of the foundations oforganisational capability, – especiallyimproving the human resourcesenvironment, systems and guidelines,business information and performancemeasurement and reporting. Highpriority shortfalls in the delivery ofstatutory functions of the SLNT will beaddressed; The Trust’s sites will beassessed and new sites within theTrust’s inventory will be developed andinterpreted. It is anticipated that insubsequent years (Year 3 – 10) the SLNTwill continue to strengthen operationalcapability and performance. This willinclude improving business processesand strengthening outcomeachievement through carefulprioritisation and improved strategicpartnerships.2

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