THE SAINT LUCIA NATIONAL TRUST - Environmental Funds Tool Kit

THE SAINT LUCIA NATIONAL TRUST - Environmental Funds Tool Kit

THE SAINT LUCIA NATIONAL TRUST - Environmental Funds Tool Kit


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Protecting Fair Helen’s Patrimony• Poverty and limited economicopportunities do not augurwell for sustainablemanagement and/orconservation of Saint Lucia’snatural resources.• A youthful population providesmany opportunities for theSLNT to promote behaviouralchange towards theenvironment and towardsSaint Lucia’s historical, cultural,and natural heritage. On theother hand, the medium usedto promote these behaviouralchanges must reflect theaspirations, norms, andapproaches of the youth.• There is much potential for theSLNT to use ICT platforms forconducting its business, be it inmobilising its memberships orin marketing its services andproducts to national, regionaland international clients.• The governance structure ofthe Trust needs to beremedied.• The institutional capacity ofthe Trust particularly that ofits Secretariat, needs to bestrengthened.• There are a number ofpotential stakeholders thatthe SLNT should explore.Some of these stakeholdersare important as strategicpartners while others havegood potential for the servicesand products delivered by theSLNT.III• The SLNT must endeavour toincrease it membership baseand to ensure thatprogrammes are put in placefor the membership to beinvolved in the work of theTrust.• There is much scope for theTrust to explore for financialassistance outside its usualsources – friendlygovernments; regionalorganisationsandinternational financingorganisations. The Trustshould explore establishingstrategic partnerships withotherlike‐mindedinternational environmentalNGOS who are skilful inmobilising resources and whoare willing to provide freetechnical assistance.OUR STRATEGIC INTENTa. Our VisionWe recognize the need to be clear andambitious about our ‘strategic intent’ inorder to more effectively pursue ourmission.Our Vision, “the natural and historicalpatrimony of Saint Lucia is conservedfor present and future generations” willhelp us build the core strengths andmandate of the SLNT. It will also inspireand promote a society that is aware andresponsible of its natural, cultural, andhistorical heritage.4

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