Chilled-Water VAV Systems - HVAC.Amickracing

Chilled-Water VAV Systems - HVAC.Amickracing

Chilled-Water VAV Systems - HVAC.Amickracing


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Overview of a <strong>Chilled</strong>-<strong>Water</strong> <strong>VAV</strong> SystemThe <strong>VAV</strong> air-handling unit can be located either outdoors, typically on the roofof the building, or indoors, typically in a penthouse or mechanical equipmentroom in the basement or on one of the occupied floors of the building. Abuilding may use a single air-handling unit or several units, depending on itssize, load characteristics, and function. Return air from inside the building isdrawn back to the air-handling unit. Some of this air is exhausted while therest enters the air-handling unit through a return-air damper to be mixed withoutdoor air that enters through a separate damper. This mixed air typicallypasses through a filter, a heating coil, a chilled-water cooling coil, and asupply fan before it is discharged from the unit (Figure 2).Figure 2. Typical air-handling unit used in a <strong>VAV</strong> systemdischargeplenumfilterreturn-airdampersupplyfanchilled-watercooling coilhot-waterheating coiloutdoor-airdamperThe supply air is distributed through ductwork that is typically located in theceiling plenum above each floor (Figure 1). The supply ductwork delivers airto each of the <strong>VAV</strong> terminal units, then this air is introduced into the zonesthrough supply-air diffusers. Each independently controlled zone has a <strong>VAV</strong>terminal unit that varies the quantity of air delivered to maintain the desiredtemperature in that zone. Air typically returns from the zones through ceilingmountedreturn-air grilles and travels through the open ceiling plenum to acentral return duct that directs this return air back to the air-handling unit.The chilled water for cooling is provided by a chilled-water system, whichincludes one or more water chillers with associated water distribution pumpsand heat rejection equipment (cooling towers for water-cooled chillers,condenser fans for air-cooled chillers).Heating can be accomplished in several ways. One approach uses a heatingcoil (hot water, steam, or electric) or gas-fired burner inside the air-handlingunit. In this configuration, the air-handling unit can warm the supply airduring cold weather or during a morning warm-up period. A secondapproach uses individual heating coils (hot water or electric) installed in the<strong>VAV</strong> terminal units. Each coil is controlled to warm the supply air whennecessary. A third approach uses perimeter baseboard radiant heat withinthose zones that require heat. The baseboard heaters can be controlledseparately or by the controller on the <strong>VAV</strong> terminal unit.2 <strong>Chilled</strong>-<strong>Water</strong> <strong>VAV</strong> <strong>Systems</strong> SYS-APM008-EN

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