Membership Guide - SuperFacts.com

Membership Guide - SuperFacts.com

Membership Guide - SuperFacts.com


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What do the terms 'at work' and 'limited cover' mean?You must be at work on the day your cover <strong>com</strong>mences inorder to be eligible for unrestricted cover.At work means:a) you are engaged in your normal duties, withoutlimitation or restriction due to injury or sickness, and areworking normal hours on the day your insurance cover isto <strong>com</strong>menceb) you are not restricted by sickness or injury from beingcapable of performing your full and normal duties on afull-time basis (for at least 30 hours per week) even thoughyour actual employment can be on a full-time, part-time,contract or casual basis; andc) you are not receiving and/or entitled to claim in<strong>com</strong>esupport benefits from any source including workers’<strong>com</strong>pensation benefits, statutory transport accidentbenefits and disability in<strong>com</strong>e benefits.You will be considered to be at work if on the applicabledate, as the context requires, you are on employerapproved leave for reasons other than injury or sickness,and not taking into account the leave, are able to meet theat work definition.Limited cover: means you are only covered for claimsarising from a sickness which became apparent or aninjury which first occurred on or after the date your cover<strong>com</strong>menced, most recently <strong>com</strong>menced or increasedunder the policy.How much unit-based death and TPD cover?Table 3 shows the amount of cover provided by one unit of death and TPD cover for your age as at your next birthday. Basicdeath and disability cover gives three units of cover.Table 3: Insured amount for one unit of coverAge next birthdayInsured amountper unit ($)Age next birthdayInsured amountper unit ($)Age next birthdayInsured amountper unit ($)16 134,400 35 97,500 53 12,60017 134,400 36 90,100 54 10,80018 134,400 37 82,700 55 9,00019 134,400 38 75,300 56 8,00020 134,400 39 67,900 57 7,10021 134,400 40 62,000 58 6,20022 134,400 41 57,600 59 5,30023 134,400 42 53,200 60 4,40024 134,400 43 48,700 61 3,50025 134,400 44 44,300 62 2,70026 134,400 45 39,900 63 1,80027 134,400 46 35,400 64 1,30028 134,400 47 31,000 65 90029 134,400 48 26,600 66 70030 134,400 49 22,100 67 50031 127,000 50 17,700 68 30032 119,600 51 15,500 69 20033 112,200 52 14,000 70 10034 104,800How much does unit based death and TPD cover cost?Table 4 shows the cost of unit based death and TPD insurance cover for each cover type. Insurance premiums are deductedfrom your super account balance each month.Table 4Cover One unit of cover per week Standard cover (three units) per weekDeath only $0.43 $1.29Death and TPD $0.74 $2.2210

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