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No.DateApplicationreferredType of Charge(s)Status14 23/12/2011 Professional misconduct: contravention of r29.1 by allowing nameof firm to be used by a debt collection agency when lodging acivil complaint in the Magistrates Court using the electronic datainterchange system in a manner likely to mislead the public (x2);permitting or assisting an employee of a company who was not anAustralian lawyer to engage in legal practice; failure to ensure legalcosts for a proceeding were disclosed in writing to the client as requiredby s3.4.9 & 3.4.11 of the Act in contravention of r29.2.2; failure tomaintain direct control and supervision of proceedings in contraventionof r29.2.3(i) (x2)15 23/12/2011 Misconduct at common law: intentionally and recklessly attemptedor did mislead or deceive (x4); Professional misconduct: chargingexcessive legal costs in connection with the practice of law (x 2)16 23/12/2011 Misconduct at common law: intentionally and recklessly attempted ordid mislead or deceive (x3); charging for professional fees on a basisother than on the basis which was contracted; Professional misconduct– charging excessive legal costs in connection with the practice of law17 23/12/2011 Misconduct at common law: intentionally and recklessly attempted ordid mislead or deceive (x2); charged for professional fees on a basisother than on the basis which was contracted; Professional misconduct– failed to provide an itemised bill when requested contrary to section3.4.36(2) of the Act; charging excessive legal costs in connection withthe practice of law18 4/01/<strong>2012</strong> Misconduct at common law: intentionally or recklessly attemptingto or did mislead or deceive (x3); failure to provide an itemised billwhen requested contrary to section 3.4.36(2) of the Act; charging forprofessional fees on a basis other than basis on which contracted;Professional misconduct: charging excessive legal costs in connectionwith the practice of law19 11/01/<strong>2012</strong> Professional misconduct: charging excessive legal costs in connectionwith the practice of law; contravening the Act or the Regulations orboth; Misconduct at common law: charging for professional fees ona basis other than the basis on which contracted; sought approval toappropriate from the trust account in circumstances where all relevantinformation had not been disclosed; sought to obtain authorisation topay money from the trust account on account of costs of litigation incircumstances where the entitlement to do so was a live issue beforethe court on which judgement was reserved20 13/01/<strong>2012</strong> Misconduct at common law: signing a name over the words “Guarantor’sSignature” on the Personal Guarantee and Equitable Charge and/orsigning on the commercial credit application and supply agreement,which in all circumstances was likely to create the false impressionthat that person had signed the documents; attesting to the signaturesof the clients on the personal guarantee and equitable charge in theknowledge that they did not sign the documents; in the alternativeprofessional misconduct (x2)Hearing listed for 19 September <strong>2012</strong>Hearing listed for 22 August <strong>2012</strong>Hearing listed for 22 August <strong>2012</strong>Hearing listed for 22 August <strong>2012</strong>Hearing listed for 22 August <strong>2012</strong>Hearing listed for 22 August <strong>2012</strong>Hearing adjourned to a date to be fixed98 Legal Services <strong>COMMISSIONER</strong> Annual Report <strong>2012</strong>

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