The Precession of Simulacra.pdf - kareneliot.de

The Precession of Simulacra.pdf - kareneliot.de

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Jean Baudrillard - Simulations (English Translation)16.08.11 20:28be function, and <strong>of</strong> opinions that "representative' representatives would be able to vote for. It is the end<strong>of</strong> the real interrogation to which it was possible to answer (the end especially to unanswerablequestions). This process has been entirely overthrown. <strong>The</strong> contradictory process <strong>of</strong> true and false, <strong>of</strong> realand the imaginary, is abolished in this hyperreal logic <strong>of</strong> montage. Michel Tort, in his book IntelligenceQuotient, analyzes this quite well: "What is going to <strong>de</strong>termine the answer to the question is not thequestion as such in the form in which it was posed, it is also the i<strong>de</strong>a that the interrogated subject formsabout the most appropriate tactic to adopt in function <strong>of</strong> the concept he has formed about theexpectations <strong>of</strong> the interrogator." And further: "<strong>The</strong> artifact is something else entirely than a controlledtransformation <strong>of</strong> the object for the ends <strong>of</strong> knowledge: it is a ru<strong>de</strong> interference with reality, at the end <strong>of</strong>which it is impossible to say what in reality can be objectively known and what is the result <strong>of</strong> technicalintervention (medium). <strong>The</strong> I.Q. is an artifact." No more true or false, because no more distinguishablehiatus between question and response. In the light <strong>of</strong> the tests, intelligence, like opinion - and moregenerally the entire process <strong>of</strong> meaning - is reduced to the "ability to produce contrasting reactions to agrowing series <strong>of</strong> a<strong>de</strong>quate stimuli."This entire analysis sends us back to McLuhan's formula "<strong>The</strong> Medium is the Message." It is in effect themedium - the very style <strong>of</strong> montage, <strong>of</strong> <strong>de</strong>coupage, <strong>of</strong> interpellation, solicitation, summation, by themedium - which controls the process <strong>of</strong> meaning. And you un<strong>de</strong>rstand why McLuhan saw in the era <strong>of</strong>the great electronic media an era <strong>of</strong> tactile communication. We are closer here in effect to the tactile thanto the visual universe, where the distancing is greater and reflection is always possible. At the same timeas touch loses its sensorial, sensual value for us ("touching is an interaction <strong>of</strong> the senses rather than asimple contact <strong>of</strong> an object with the skin"), it is possible that it returns as the strategy <strong>of</strong> a universe <strong>of</strong>communication - but as the field <strong>of</strong> tactile and tactical simulation, where the message becomes"massage," tentacular solicitation, test. Everywhere you're tested, palpated, the method is "tactical," thesphere <strong>of</strong> communication is "tactile." Without even speaking <strong>of</strong> the i<strong>de</strong>ology <strong>of</strong> "contact," that is beingpushed in all its forms as a substitute for social rapport, there is an entire social configuration that orbitsaround the test (the question/answer cell) as around the commandments <strong>of</strong> the molecular co<strong>de</strong>.<strong>The</strong> political sphere entirely loses its specificity when it enters into the game <strong>of</strong> the media and publicopinion polls, that is to say into the sphere <strong>of</strong> the integrated circuit <strong>of</strong> question/answer. <strong>The</strong> electoralsphere is in any case the first great institution where social exchange is reduced to obtaining an answer. Itis due to this sign-simplification that it is the first one to become universal. Universal suffrage is the first<strong>of</strong> the mass-media. All through the 19th and 20th centuries political and economic practice mergeincreasingly into the same type <strong>of</strong> discourse. Propaganda and advertising fuse in the same marketing andmerchandising <strong>of</strong> objects and i<strong>de</strong>ologies. This convergence <strong>of</strong> language between the economic and thepolitical is furthermore what marks a society such as ours, where "political economy" is fully realized. Itis also by the same token its end, since the two spheres are abolished in an entirely separate reality, orhyperreality, which is that <strong>of</strong> the media. <strong>The</strong>re, too, there is an elevation <strong>of</strong> each term to a greater power,that <strong>of</strong> the third-or<strong>de</strong>r simulacra."That many regret the 'corruption' <strong>of</strong> politics by the media, <strong>de</strong>ploring that TV and public opinion pollshave replaced so quickly the formation <strong>of</strong> opinion, shows only that they un<strong>de</strong>rstand nothing aboutpolitics."What is characteristic <strong>of</strong> this phase <strong>of</strong> political hyperrealism is the necessary conjunction between thebipartite system and the entry into the play <strong>of</strong> the polls as mirror <strong>of</strong> this alternating equivalence <strong>of</strong> thepolitical game.<strong>The</strong> polls are located in a dimension beyond all social production. <strong>The</strong>y refer only to a simulacrum <strong>of</strong>public opinion. A mirror <strong>of</strong> opinion analogous in its way to that <strong>of</strong> the Gross National Product: imaginarymirror <strong>of</strong> the productive forces, without regard to their social ends or lack there<strong>of</strong>. What is essential ishttp://www.ee.sun.ac.za/~hgibson/docs/html/<strong>Simulacra</strong>-and-Simulation.html#c2Seite 35 von 45

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