Senior Community Service Employment Program ... - Mature Services

Senior Community Service Employment Program ... - Mature Services

Senior Community Service Employment Program ... - Mature Services


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20 <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>Service</strong> <strong>Employment</strong> <strong>Program</strong> (SCSEP) HandbookMATURE SERVICES, INC.<strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>Service</strong> <strong>Employment</strong> <strong>Program</strong>Sue Henige, Complaint Officer415 S. Portage PathAkron, OH 44320Title V TRAINEE GRIEVANCE PROCEDUREIn accordance with the <strong>Mature</strong> <strong>Service</strong>s’ <strong>Employment</strong> and Training Solutions’ Title V <strong>Program</strong>,any Applicant or Participant may file a grievance if he/she believes him/herself to be the subjectof discrimination on the grounds of race, creed, color, sex, age, disability, national origin,religion, political affiliation, ethnicity, sexual orientation, HIV Infection, AIDS Related Complexor AIDS. In addition, a grievance can be filed if an Applicant or Participant believes him/herselfto be the subject of differential, irregular, or illegal treatment.The steps of the grievance procedure are as follows:Step 1 -- The Participant/Applicant [hereinafter referred to as “Complainant”] who has agrievance will VERBALLY discuss the grievance with the local Project Director within fiveworking days after knowledge of the grievance or reason for the grievance has occurred. TheProject Director will attempt to act on or resolve the grievance within five working days.Step 2 -- If the Project Director fails to act on or resolve the grievance within five working days,it may be submitted by the Complainant, IN WRITING, to the Assistant Vice President forWorkforce Operations of the <strong>Mature</strong> <strong>Service</strong>s’ <strong>Employment</strong> and Training Solutions, 415 S.Portage Path, Akron, OH 44320, within five working days.Step 3 -- Upon receipt of the WRITTEN GRIEVANCE, the Assistant Vice President for WorkforceOperations has five working days to act upon or resolve the grievance. If he/she fails to do so,or if the issue is not resolved to the satisfaction of the Complainant, the grievance may besubmitted IN WRITING to the VP of Workforce Development of the <strong>Mature</strong> <strong>Service</strong>s’<strong>Employment</strong> and Training Solutions Title V <strong>Program</strong>, 415 S. Portage Path, Akron, OH 44320,within five working days.Step 4 -- The VP of Workforce Development of <strong>Mature</strong> <strong>Service</strong>s’ <strong>Employment</strong> and TrainingSolutions’ Title V <strong>Program</strong> shall have five working days to act upon or resolve the grievance. Ifhe/she fails to do so, or if the issue is not resolved to the satisfaction of the Complainant, thegrievance may be submitted IN WRITING to the President/CEO of <strong>Mature</strong> <strong>Service</strong>s, Inc., 415 S.Portage Path, Akron, OH 44320, within five working days.Step 5 -- The President/CEO shall consider such WRITTEN communication and hold a hearing todiscuss the grievance with the Complainant present. In addition to being present, theComplainant will also have an opportunity to call witnesses on his/her own behalf. This will

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