Senior Community Service Employment Program ... - Mature Services

Senior Community Service Employment Program ... - Mature Services

Senior Community Service Employment Program ... - Mature Services


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36 <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>Service</strong> <strong>Employment</strong> <strong>Program</strong> (SCSEP) Handbook2. Submitting time sheets with more hours recorded than have been approved by theSPONSOR, is prohibited.3. A Participant may not sign a supervisor’s name to a time sheet.4. If a Participant returns to the work-training assignment prior to submitting therequested “return-to-work notice” OR before the designated date written on the“return-to-work notice” from the doctor, the Participant is considered to be at thework-training assignment without permission. In this case, the Participant and theHost Agency will be informed that the Participant must leave his/her work-trainingassignment immediately, and may not return to the work-training assignment untilthe “return-to-work notice” has been received by the local Project Director, or thereturn date has arrived.In each case, the Project Director is required to present a Warning Letter Form (clearlyexplaining the infraction) to the Participant, who must sign the document in order to remain inthe program. In addition, the Project Director will discuss the problem with the Supervisorand/or Host Agency Director, by phone or in person, to avoid future such incidents. Any futureinfractions will result in the immediate Exit of the Participant and the issuance of a formalwarning letter and/or the voiding of the Host Agency Agreement.To contact the Payroll Department:Training Site ClosureThe Payroll FAX number is: 1.330.535.2253If a Fax Machine is not available, time sheets may be sent to:Attention: Payroll Coordinator<strong>Mature</strong> <strong>Service</strong>s, Inc.415 S. Portage PathAkron, Ohio 44320-2332When a Work-Training Site is closed on a day that the SCSEP Participant would normally train,the Participant may, with the Supervisor’s approval:• Adjust the training schedule to make up the hours (in the same two-week payperiod);• Make arrangements with the local Project Director for alternate training that day.Training Site HoursThe immediate Work-Training Site Supervisor, along with the Project Director and theParticipant, will arrange the work-training schedule. The normal workweek will generallyconsist of a 5-day, 20-hour week, except for nominal adjustments to ensure equivalent hoursper two-week period. However, SCSEP Participants and work-training site supervisors should

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