... for they have their own thoughts - Multiworld India

... for they have their own thoughts - Multiworld India

... for they have their own thoughts - Multiworld India


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542005 Goa, <strong>India</strong>In the four days’ gathering, our discussions coveredmeaningful education, methodology and curriculum,learning through the senses, arts, crafts andtheatre, learning in the mountain regions, farm andenvironment based education, rural perceptions,home schooling, post school and out of schoolprogrammes, philosophy in education and manyother concerns. And emerging new threats.Tenzin wrote: ‘We should focus on policy mattersat some level. We must be aware of various policies.For instance, the WTO has foisted various policies onvarious nations. This can subvert a lot of the programmeswe are doing. For instance, in Rajasthan, itis becoming illegal to practice certain traditionalmedicines. In some places it is illegal to cut bambooas it is under the Forest Act. It might also happen atsome time that the alternate schools also might bedeclared illegal and the system might notallow our kind of schools to function.So we must be aware of thechanges taking place in policymatters.‘There must be networkingwithout boundaries.In future networkingwill <strong>for</strong>m small communities.’At the end of the four day meeting the groupdrew up an agenda <strong>for</strong> action and study items asfollows:1 Increase exchange possibilities between alternativeeducation groups. All those interested infurthering these exchanges are to get back toTaleemnet on whether <strong>they</strong> are positive aboutthe idea (as far as <strong>their</strong> <strong>own</strong> organisation isconcerned) and what are the nature of facilities<strong>they</strong> can offer <strong>for</strong> guests.2a Apprenticeship arrangements (Taleemnet towork out a <strong>for</strong>mat <strong>for</strong> those willing to take onapprentices which the educator then has tosubmit with details). Also required are offers fromprofessionals and educators who are willing tofunction as ‘learning nodes’ <strong>for</strong> persons in needof professional training or learning opportunities.Taleemnet, Abhivyakti and Shikshantar arepreparing t<strong>own</strong>-wise mentor directories <strong>for</strong>apprenticeships <strong>for</strong> Goa, Nasik and Udaipur.Others are invited to prepare one <strong>for</strong> <strong>their</strong> <strong>own</strong>t<strong>own</strong>. A directory of such persons with <strong>their</strong>phone numbers will be posted on the internetand in Kamiriithu.b Self directed learning (swapathgami).These programmes are being conducted byShikshantar with the collaboration of Taleemnetand Abhivyakti. Shikshantar brings out a newsletter,‘Swapathgami’ (distributed at the workshop).c Home school support: Taleemnet will link groupsat www.alternativeeducationindia.net <strong>for</strong>building a steady base <strong>for</strong> those families thatrequire resources <strong>for</strong> home-schooling.

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