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Thamma Narendra Kumar et al., IJSID, 2011, 1 (3), 395-421Response (mAU)Robustness:9000000800000070000006000000500000040000003000000200000010000000Linearity Plot for Metformin Hydrochloride0.000 20.000 40.000 60.000 80.000 100.000 120.000 140.000 160.000 180.000Concentration (µg/ml)Figure-49: Linearity graphsTo determine the robustness of the developed method, experimental conditions were deliberately altered.The flow rate of the mobile phase was 1.0 ml/min, to study the effect of flow rate; flow was changed by 0.1 unitsfrom 0.9 to1.l ml/min. The effect of the column temperature was studied at 20 and 30 o C instead of 25 o C. The effectof the mobile phase organic composition was studied using 90% and 110% organic phase composition instead of100% organic phase composition. The effect of the buffer pH in mobile phase was studied using mobile phase withpH 4.90 buffer and pH 5.10 buffer instead of mobile phase with pH 5.00 buffer. The effect of filters was conductedusing two different filters namely, 0.45µm PVDF filter and 0.45µm Nylon filter.In all the deliberate varied chromatographic conditions (flow rate, column temperature, mobile phaseorganic composition and buffer pH in mobile phase), the tailing factor of Metformin peak was less than 2.0 and thetheoretical plate count was more than 2000. 0.45 µm PVDF filter and 0.45 µm Nylon filters are found suitable forfiltration. The robustness results were represented in table-6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.Table –6: Robustness Parameter Summary table – Flow rate variationFlow Rate Variation (± 0.1 mL/min)Peak Name Low (0.9 mL/min) Actual (1.0 mL/min) High (1.1 mL/min)TF %RSD TF %RSD TF %RSDMetformin 1.2 0.1 1.2 0.2 1.4 0.1Table –7: Robustness Parameter Summary table – Column oven temperature variationColumn oven temperature variation (± 5°C)Peak NameLow (20°C) Actual (25°C) High (30°C)TF %RSD TF %RSD TF %RSDMetformin 1.3 0.0 1.3 0.0 1.4 0.0International Journal of Science Innovations and Discoveries Vol 1, Issue 3, November-December 2011418

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