Annual Report 2008 – Financial Section - Quilvest

Annual Report 2008 – Financial Section - Quilvest

Annual Report 2008 – Financial Section - Quilvest


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Significant Accounting Policies (continued)<br />

The positive fair values of the derivatives are presented in the consolidated balance sheet under "<strong>Financial</strong> assets held for trading".The<br />

negative fair values of the derivatives are presented in the consolidated balance sheet under "<strong>Financial</strong> liabilities<br />

held for trading".<br />

Investment-related loans<br />

These include investment-related loans which are non convertible loans granted to direct investments.They are initially recognized<br />

at fair value and stated at fair value at the balance sheet date.<br />

Property, Plant and Equipment<br />

Property, plant and equipment are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation and impairment losses. Expenditures are capitalized<br />

as separate assets, only when it is probable that future economic benefits associated with an item will flow to the<br />

Group and the cost of the item can be measured reliably.All other repairs and maintenance are charged to the income statement<br />

as expenses as they are incurred.<br />

Depreciation is charged to the income statement on a straight-line basis over the estimated useful lives of property, plant<br />

and equipment. Land is revalued but not depreciated.The estimated useful lives are as follows:<br />

- Buildings 50 years<br />

- Fixtures and Fittings 2-10 years<br />

- Cars 2-5 years<br />

- EDP 3 years<br />

The assets' residual values and useful lives are reviewed and adjusted, if appropriate, at each balance sheet date. Own-used<br />

buildings are carried at a revalued amount, which is the fair value at the date of revaluation less any subsequent accumulated<br />

depreciation and subsequent accumulated impairment losses.Any surplus arising on the revaluation is recognized directly<br />

in the revaluation reserves within equity. If the fair value of the building is decreased as result of a revaluation, the decrease<br />

is recognized in the income statement only if the decrease exceeds the amount previously recognized in equity.<br />

Investment Property<br />

Investment property is mainly held for rental income or for capital appreciation. Investment property is initially recognized<br />

at cost, including transaction costs, and subsequently measured at fair value, with changes in fair value recognized in profit<br />

or loss.<br />

Goodwill<br />

Goodwill arising on an acquisition represents the excess of the cost of the acquisition over the fair value of the net identifiable<br />

assets acquired. Goodwill is tested annually for impairment and is carried at cost less accumulated impairment losses.<br />

Additional acquisition of minority interests after control is obtained, results in the recognition of goodwill determined on<br />

the basis of the cost of the additional investment and the carrying amount of the net assets at the transaction date.<br />

Other Intangible Assets<br />

Software acquired by the Group is stated at cost less accumulated amortization and impairment losses. It is amortized over<br />

2-5 years on a straight-line basis.<br />

The Group does not have any internally generated intangible assets.<br />


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