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"R" letter, before I got the final answer from Ellen Moeller and Poul Joergensen./However, later on it turned out that it was not true that my involvement had finished. I was stillinvolved in a house, used by Tvind people, and written for some house loans of approx. 20.000 GBPounds. Still now, May 2000, I have not got rid of this, and I have had to pay, till date, a solicitorthousands of Kroner to do the job of making Tvind finish off this involvement that has caused melots of sleepless nights as I do not know how my financial situation is./Luckily, when I left, I was able to live with an old friend from before my Tvind time. Now I livetogether with her, and this has helped me immensely. However, most others are not that lucky as I.I have talked to a big number of former TG members. Some of them have been at psychiatrichospitals in order to get over the trauma that it was, suddenly to realise how the TG is, others havefled the country, far away from anybody from the TG who was perhaps able to convince them toreturn.. I hope, LL and HH, MM and NN, KK, EE, OO, etc. one day will tell each their personalstory.I have had many nightmares. A typical dream is the one, in which Amdi Petersen together with hisclosest and most trusted people, sits in the dining room at my parents' farm; - that dream I cannotget rid of. And my co-habitant, Astrid, has experienced how she, not until two months after I hadleft, did not at all use the name "Amdi", and how it took me a very long time before I wanted toreport about just a fraction of the psychological pressure, any TG member is subordinated. I hadphone calls from Bodil Ross who wanted me to come for a meeting in Grindsted, and I had a letteroffering me a job at the Tvind school for sailors, in Nyborg. I tried to get thrown out from my oldschool in Frederikshavn, the school that I, if any, have personally contributed to for many years,and that I would like to see, once I was on a trip to Frederikshavn. I have sat in the sitting roombehind drawn curtain and locked door, the telephone unplugged. For what I think is:Am I a bad person because I left my comrades?Will they turn up and try and get me back?How will they try to get me back?Will I find myself lured and go to a meeting where also Amdi is present?Where can I live?I my life at danger?How can I get myself a house or flat?How to get a job?Where can I hide?Will I dare express myself in case they turn up to have a talk with me?Do I dare to stick to my decision about leaving?How will my father and sisters react when I tell them truth about Tvind and about Tvind as a cult,

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