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10. Group pressure.11. The activity of inside informers and mutual suspiciousness.12. Weakening of the cult members, for example caused by lack of sleep or proper food.13. Weakening of the cult members, in the way that they are convinced that they areonly something worth with the cult's support.14. Psychological terror, for example by exposing certain persons in front of other cultmembers, and by the provoking of testimony, forcing individuals to say things thatthey do not mean.Much critical or negative has been written in the media about Tvind through all the yearsthat I've been a member of the Teachers´ Group. It's terrible to have to admit that mostof what has been written is true."Sect" or "cult" are words that get most people to the verge of vomiting. People, whohaven't been involved in the Moon-cult, Scientology, Jehovah's Witnesses, and theTvind-schools or similar, will have difficulties to understand what it means to be amember of a cult. As late as a year ago, I would happily have defended for the generalpublic that Tvind could be called a cult, but somehow, I knew this in the inner of mymind, and I had in reality known this for many years. I've now decided that I want doexpose as many of Tvind´s lies as possible - lies that have been freely expressed byTvind for many years. Especially, it's important for me to make others understand that ifone has chosen to work together with Tvind, one doesn't decide for oneself anymore,neither as a manager of a project, company or school, nor in other areas. All the'managers' or other Teachers Group members that are stating that their school orinstitution is self-determining are lying. I choose to use the designations ”Tvind-schools”or ”Tvind" for simplicity's sake. Formally the school co-operation is abolished, butactually it's not at all abolished.In current note I earlier mentioned Teachers´Group members with a pseudonym. If it'sabout present members of the Teachers Group, their names are written of considerationto the understanding of the text, but in case my information about them could be seen ascompromising or private, also these persons are mentioned with a pseudonym.The aim of this report is to share as much as possible of my knowledge about the Tvindschools,with other people who - for this or that reason - are engaged in the phenomenon.To me, “the matter Tvind" is first of all about ethics, not about law or economy. Usually,but only usually, the country's legislation is adhered to by the Tvind schools, and youcould run into a blind alley by simply and solely examining the Tvind Schools out of aperception that they are simple law breakers. In most cases they are much moresophisticated.It worries me that a number of county councils send their youth to Tvind´s schools,obviously without really knowing what kind of pedagogy they're carrying out. Certainlywithout knowing what implications follow from the fact that the board of directors of allthese schools are members of one of the strongest cults in the world. (According to the

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