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The vessel ran aground near Panama. It was totally wrecked, and by going ashore at an island,populated by Indians, pupils, staff and crew were saved.Amdi Petersen handily managed this situation by instantly purchasing a 117 feet brigantine, theChristian Bach. The price was 1 mill. DKK. Christian Bach was now named Lillebjoern. Thismeans that pupils and crew departed Denmark on board Lillebjoern and returned to Denmark onboard Lillebjoern, now transformed into a shorter vessel, and brigantine. (This Lillebjoern was1990 given the name Spirit of Winestead).2.Examples of psychological pressure:A) The Lillebjoern, the 117 feet brigantine as mentioned above, later on went on a voyage withpupils from Panama, destination the Galapagos Islands. One of the staff on board, BennyJoergensen, has told me how they for a fortnight drifted about in the Pacific with engine failureand with a group of violent pupils, unwilling to accept any authority from neither crew norother staff. Among other frightening incidents, the pupils attempted felling the main mast withthe fire axe, and still today, 1998, you can see the carving of the wooden fore deck, caused by afire set by pupils on that voyage.For the period of fourteen days, the ship was without propulsion, had no engines standby. Not evenauxiliary engines did work, so the vessel ran out of electric power supply, causing loss of radiocontact with other vessels or shore.This incident is not known by but a few TG members. It has been kept secret, like so many otherincidents on trips.Benny Joergensen, mentioned above, lost his fiancé, named Helle Bay, when she drowned from theActiv in 1983. He got this information when he was travelling with students in Algeria. He did nottalk to anybody about the incident, apart from when he had a brief conversation with, as Iremember it, Bodil Ross, who was the person to inform about the sunken vessel. Well, Benny wasalso busy, looking after all the difficult youngsters we had brought to Northern Africa…Examples of psychological pressure:B) During our travels to Morocco with the schools, teachers and students were subject to a vastnumber of very difficult incidents. The students/pupils smoked hash, and as understaffed as wewere, we could not take charge at all. Once I was assaulted on a field near Tetouan. Here myschools met up with the other Tvind schools, and travel groups were formatted, consisting ofstudents from different schools. Anni Lundgaard, Roskilde Efterskole, sparingly shared outtravel money for each bus group. A big boy/young man placed a stick on my throat, andstanding behind me he pulled me on the ground, at the same time as to other boys attacked mefrom the front. They kicked me in my face while I was on the ground, and attempted to rob mytravel money. I rolled under my coach, and escaped. I got myself moved to the wheel, and nowI drove towards South East Morocco, only adult with 25 pupils and my nose broken. I could gethelp from nobody. None of the staff from the other schools dared come for my assistance; -they had themselves equally problems with their hash-smoking pupils.None of the three assailants were sent home to Denmark, or later on expelled. It was unthinkable

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