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We went to sea in the evening, one night in the month of March, and after we had passed the outerpier I climbed on the bridge and into the wheelhouse to have a chat with Jorgen, the skipper. Iasked Jorgen, to whom I had not yet told anything about my past as a member of Tvind, what wasour destination? "Well, I think we shall go down south to the Tvind Ship". "The Tvind Ship!", Iresponded - "do you intend to go to the Activ?"Yes, it really was the Activ.Jorgen told me that on his computer system he had, like other fishermen, plotted this wreck, and hefurther told me that it is usually good to drop the net all way down into the single wreck, - here thecod go. Then he said, answering my questions about the vessel Activ and the eight of my friendswho sank and drowned with the vessel on the first of February, 1983: "Well, yes, ---they wereordered out into the gale". Jorgen then told me that all fishermen knew that this was whathappened: They were threatened to go to sea. Once again, my suspicion was reinforced, namelythat suspicion I knew I shared with others of my old friends since 1983 that the crew, all of themTG members, had been ordered back home to Denmark, out into the February hurricane, fromEngland and across The Channel, by Amdi Petersen.Heading through the March night the vessel now carried us in the direction of Dutch waters forcarrying out the fishing in and near the wreck, and now I combined the information I had had froman English first mate who once was employed at my school in England, Winestead Hall. This man,Francis Noel-Hudson, had told me that once, back in 1983, he had assisted the crew aboard aDanish sailing vessel "Activ". He described the good way he had been welcomed on board, and thatthe crew used to expect visitors to put 50 Pence under their mug prior to leaving the ship, as thevessel was without money. He named some of my late friends from then: Helle Bay, Henrik Ronne,and Jorgen Brundse. And he said they were fine people, and very friendly.It was generally wellknown that Jorgen Brundse, the captain, would never take a chance. He was well experienced as aseaman.One stormy morning, Francis walked down to the harbour to go on board the vessel again //to carryon assisting//, but the had vessel gone to sea. Francis was taken by surprise and wondered why thecrew had left, without saying good-bye, and in that weather; - any person knows The Channel isextremely dangerous in February, even to vessels of much bigger size than the Activ. And theweather forecast was very bad.My very clear opinion is that the power Amdi Petersen has over any TG member was causing lossof eight lives that night. I should so much like if this could be proven via taped VHF or other radiocommunication. But telephone conversations via shore based telephones between the crew andAmdi Petersen I guess have not been taped. Nevertheless, I am sure it happened as I havedescribed. They were forced into death. Surely, in the TG there are still persons, apart from AmdiPetersen himself, who know the true details, but no person can make them speak until the day (andonly maybe) when they leave the TG. Hans Jorgen Lausten, formerly head of the Tvind seamanschool in Nyborg who is now a tradesman for Tvind in Russia, presumably knows something, andsurely Kirsten Larsen does.

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