When Vernon didn't miss - Sahits

When Vernon didn't miss - Sahits

When Vernon didn't miss - Sahits


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"So I can do it. . . ?""Because Voldemort can," Jason agreed."The gift called being an Animagus, or the ability to change into an animal is more common thanParseltongue, but still rare. You have both a natural ability and Voldemort's. However," Mo wenton,"the forms are currently in conflict, and so you can not use either. Changing your physicalappearance is called being aMetamorphmagus. Housing the Horcrux is interfering with your abilitythere.""The headaches you told me about, when you confronted Voldemort, were caused by theconnection overloading," Jason added."What . . . what can be done about it?" Harry asked."Well, there are three answers. Voldemort, if he is aware of this, could kill you while reabsorbinghis Horcrux. If anyone were to hit you exactly in the scar with a Killing Curse, it would destroy theHorcrux and likely kill you. Hit you in the body, and the Horcrux would likely survive.Fortunately," Mo quickly added, "we can break the Horcrux without hurting you.""We are the only ones on Earth who can," Jason added."True," Mo agreed. "However, unless you object, we would like to try and destroy the Horcruxwhile allowing you to keep the enhanced powers, while allowing your natural powers to grow. Thismay take a few more months of study, but we hope to solve it more quickly."Stunned, Harry merely nodded. Then he asked in a small voice, "Do you think ProfessorDumbledore knows?""About the prophecy, and what it may say? Yes, as it was made to him. About Voldemort makingyou a Horcrux? Almost certainly. Beyond that, I could not really even guess.""He does have the reputation of knowing more than anyone else, and about the most unlikelythings," Jason acknowledged. "Still, he is no more truly all-knowing or all-eyeing than any otherwizard.""True," Mo agreed. He turned back to Harry. "We will train you. It will be up to you if you go backto Hogwarts for your second year, or if you stay with us. In either case, we will use our time powersto fit in months of study into the remaining weeks before your school starts. After that, you shouldfollow normal time."Harry nodded."You will spend two weeks with many of our members, and meet others on your school's summerbreaks if you go back there. As we are all over the world, so you shall see the world, especially thegreat deserts of Africa and the mighty Himalaya -- we spread there more than three thousand yearsago. You will even spend time in Antartica." Jason looked very surprised, for the member whomade his home there was very powerful even by the group's standards, and very very reclusive."Yes, from this beautiful sea to the Americas and Australia, you shall see the world, young Harry."

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