When Vernon didn't miss - Sahits

When Vernon didn't miss - Sahits

When Vernon didn't miss - Sahits


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"At least not too often," Mo agreed.The two men smiled, and then Jason said, "I'm off to deliver some letters for Harry." Mo's eyebrowswent up in surprise. "He allowed me to read them." Mo smiled, and Jason suddenly knew he wouldfeel very foolish. "What?" Jason demanded."I'll just wait for Harry then, unless you'd prefer I deliver the letters?""Wait for. . . ?" Jason rolled his eyes and held out the letters. Mo smirked, took the letters, anddisappeared.*<strong>When</strong> Ron went to his room that night, he <strong>didn't</strong> pay much attention to the sealed bit of parchmenton his pillow until he laid down. Thinking it was likely yet another of the twins' pranks, he tossed iton the floor without seeing Harry's handwriting.<strong>When</strong> he woke up the next morning, the letter was shoved under his bed, where it would remain formore than two weeks, which was the next time his mother made him clean his room. The letter wasupside down, so again, Ron did not notice Harry's handwriting, and Ron had forgotten where theparchment had come from. He tossed it in with the scraps of parchment that he had cleaned from histrunk, which were used for jotted notes and such, or even for starting fires.Percy, harassed by the twins, paid no attention to the parchment he was wading up to start a fire(fires started by magic could cause ashwinders). The parchment was spelled only to be reallynoticed by the person addressed in any event.Therefore, Harry's letter to Ron went unnoticed.*<strong>When</strong> Hermione went to her room that night, she instantly saw the sealed bit of parchment on herpillow. She approached it warily, until she recognized Harry's scrawl. Forgetting that if this was atrap, there would likely be magical ways of imitating handwriting, she picked up the letter andexamined the seal. It had clearly been made with some form of magic, as Muggle wax and sealscould not produce such fine detail.Vowing to decipher the hieroglyphs later (she would conclude they meant 'acolyte, beloved of thebeloved of Osiris'), Hermione carefully opened the letter, leaving the seal intact.Dear HermioneI'm writing to let you know I am fine. Really. The summer started off pretty bad, as you may know.Now, things are better. I am having fun, and learning a lot. Yes, I have my summer homework done.I wish you were here, since I always learn more when you help.I wrote to you and Ron. If you want to write back, you need to write on the empty half of theparchment. These were spelled so that only you (or Ron for his) can really notice them, so only youcan use it to write back. <strong>When</strong> you're done, tear the parchment at the crease, fold it in half (goingthe opposite way to the first crease), hold it to your mouth and say (so your breath hits it)TAKETHIS TO HARRY and then burn it.

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