When Vernon didn't miss - Sahits

When Vernon didn't miss - Sahits

When Vernon didn't miss - Sahits


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Hermione frowned, her quick young mind trying to process this data with what she knew and haddeduced about Harry and his family. She slipped tennis shoes on her bare feet and went down totalk with the constable.*Harry Potter lay unconscious on a pallet in a bare but well-lit room. Three figures stood around him.One was the man who had rescued him, revealed in the light of morning as having dark hair,general Mediterranean coloring, and dark blue eyes. The second was a man of about the sameheight as the first, but built along thinner lines, and with the much darker features of much of NorthAfrica, especially parts of Egypt. The third was much smaller and darker than the other two."Well?" the third man asked."I have fixed his recent injuries," the second man answered. "I have also confirmed our youngcolleague's analysis of the curse scar." The other two men winced slightly. "He needs rest, andcould be awake after dawn tomorrow, but more likely in a few days.""Did I <strong>miss</strong> something?" the first man asked."Yes, and yet no," the second man answered. "There are recent injuries, perhaps a little more than amonth ago, which were well-healed with magic. There are numerous old injuries, healed by nature,perhaps assisted by Mundane means, including a very old compound fracture of the left arm andseveral cracked ribs. More importantly, he has been malnourished and generally mistreated." Heconsidered, and then said, "Had I merely read a full record of his condition, I would have said I wasreading the report on an unregarded slave.""Well? What do you suggest?" the leader asked."If I can have two or three days, I can more fully heal his old injuries, and partially correct hisstunted growth.""Do so."*<strong>When</strong> the policeman had left, Hermione was convinced that the Dursleys had done something toHarry. The constable was not convinced, but was wondering.Hermione's parents had to go into work. However, her father managed to get off work early, and hedrove her to London. Hermione hoped to get into Diagon Alley and send an owl to the Headmaster,but Tom informed her that the owl post was closed. However, he agreed to send Hermione's letteron.<strong>When</strong> Hermione whispered into the innkeeper's ear what the letter was about, however, Tom's facehardened. "Right you are, Miss. Leave it with me. He'll have the letter tonight."Hermione nodded, and she and her father left. Mister Granger was conscious than many of the looksthey had been given were not friendly ones, and he wanted to leave as soon as he could.Tom quickly flooed through to the Hog's Head. A few hurried murmurs in Aberforth's ear, andHermione's note was soon on its way via owl the short distance to Hogwarts.

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