When Vernon didn't miss - Sahits

When Vernon didn't miss - Sahits

When Vernon didn't miss - Sahits


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"No, I am the one who initiated the First Acolyte, more than six hundred years after my death andrebirth, more than six thousand years ago. I am Ahk Shir-rusch, or if you prefer, Osiris."Harry blinked. Even he knew the major Egyptian gods, from a report he had done two years before.He peered closer.Osiris pulled off his tunic, and Harry could see the scars crisscrossing the man's dark body. "I wasonce a wizard, born in acity -- buried under the shifting sands nearly four thousand years ago -- inwhat you would know as Chad." The man smiled. "Well, to us it was a mighty city. To you, itwould appear a large village made of mud brick. I was powerful, and the traders who knew magicsaid that the greatest center of knowledge was in what you would call Iraq, on the Euphrates River.So, I made my way there when Iwas twenty-two, and studied there for more than twenty years."He smiled again. "Your friend Hermione would not be happy in that time, for writing itself wasnearly fifteen hundred years in the future. In any event, I returned to Africa, but stayed along thebanks of the Upper Nile, in what you would call the Sudan. Iexperimented with the power I had,and the power I had within myself. I did not know it, but in one of those experiments, done afterexecuting a criminal, I had created a Horcrux. A few months later, a fellow wizard, jealous of mygreater knowledge and power, tried to kill me, cutting me into pieces, as you know."Harry nodded."But my spirit did not escape to what lies beyond. It was anchored by the Horcrux. Instead, I usedmy power to rejoin and reanimate my body." Osiris shook his head. "If Voldemort, or Tom Riddle,as he once was, was as wise and knowledgeable as he thinks he is, he would have remade himselfthat night he confronted you. I was no more powerful than he. I would say that he, and I, andMerlin, and a few others, including you, are right at that upper limit of natural power."Osiris shrugged. "I was proclaimed a living god, a reborn one, in fact. I enjoyed my power, andbecame a harsh god-ruler. I came to my senses a few centuries later, and I founded the Priesthood,and Brotherhood, to extend part of my message and maintain some of my influence, while givingup true power."Harry swallowed nervously."No need to worry, young wizard. We had thought that this Voldemort was of no concern of ours.We were wrong. The elf that brought you to our attention stirred our compassion, and finding youwere a living Horcrux stirred our interest. We shall help you, my young friend, but it is, as Jasonwould say, your fate to confront the self-proclaimed Lord Voldemort. Will you allow us to train youmore than we have?""Yes, sir.""Would you like us to totally eradicate the Horcrux and its effects, or keep some of the power insideyou, while destroying the effects?"Harry considered. "I don't know. Whichever you think best."Osiris nodded. "Very well."

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