When Vernon didn't miss - Sahits

When Vernon didn't miss - Sahits

When Vernon didn't miss - Sahits


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"In any case, the point is, does this Brotherhood still recruit members? If they are immortal, maybe,maybe not. Either way, if they do recruit, then your Harry might be the perfect candidate. You havebetrayed the boy, Albus. You allowed him to be in a place where he was abused. You trapped mehere, because I did not care to see what my minions were doing to my prisoners. That thoseprisoners were tortured past insanity. I imprisoned my enemies, adults who opposed me, for what Ithought was the Greater Good. You imprisoned an innocent child, something I never did, for whatyou thought was the Greater Good. You think me evil because Italked the Muggles into killing somany of their own, and allowed many of our own to be abused. Yet you did so to a small child. Donot think you will be forgiven that much easier than I, if we can be forgiven.""You may be right," Dumbledore admitted. He sighed. "Is there anything I can do for you, whichyou think I might actually do?""If you could tell the elves who send my food in to make things abit softer, and perhaps just a littlemore spicy, I would appreciate it," Gellert answered."I will do so." Dumbledore stood."I wouldn't mind more frequent visits," Gellert then said softly, admitting his loneliness for the firsttime."I will do what I can . . . old friend." Albus left, with even more on his mind than when he arrived.*That night, Tutmoses met with Jason and Osiris. "I have turned up a new wrinkle," he said."What is that?" Osiris asked."Did you know that Harry has an invisibility cloak?" The two men nodded. "Did you know it wasone of the so-called Deathly Hallows'?"That made the two men blink."The poor boy is already under one Prophecy," Osiris said. "Do you think he is the one Prophesiedto reunite the Three?""He has one. Dumbledore has another," Tutmoses said. "If Voldemort has any connection with theResurrection Stone, then yes."Jason sighed tiredly, pinching his nose."Why tell me?" Osiris asked. "You head the Brotherhood.""I am the current elected head," Tutmoses agreed. "You are still the High Master, the true leader. Ihesitate to take the next step without your advice.""What next step, if I may know?" Jason asked."The Deathly Hallows, and the Prophecy, are Druid magic," Tutmoses pointed out.

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