NRA Journal - Summer 2004 - National Rifle Association

NRA Journal - Summer 2004 - National Rifle Association

NRA Journal - Summer 2004 - National Rifle Association

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Classic Armsby Rae WillsThis is the time of the year when I veer betweensublime confidence and absolute panic getting readyfor the coming season, not least assembling theProgramme for the Historic Imperial Arms Meetingto be held on 10 and 11 July.The Programme is now printed and all who requesteda copy or competed in either this Meeting or theTrafalgar Meeting last year should have received acopy; it will also be available from the <strong>NRA</strong>. If thetechnology does not defeat me, it will also be availableon the <strong>NRA</strong> website.There are no great changes from last year, but there isa new format for the Sunday afternoon. Generalshooting practice has only been partially successful,so this year there will be a series of team andindividual competitions and I hope this will bepopular. Matches will include a team of four volleyfire, sniper pairs (modified McQueen), and anindividual fixed bayonet match.When constructing such a programme the questionarises as to whether all competitions should be to astandard formula, or to create individual variations.If to an unchanging formula, such as the <strong>NRA</strong>McQueen or the HBSA Fixed Bayonet, everyoneknows exactly what to expect, but that can get boring,and not all rules suit everyone.So I have taken the plunge and settled on variationsand new ideas. So the Fixed Bayonet will be adeliberate shoot, five rounds without the bayonet andfive with; of course, you do know your change ofimpact? Please bring your own bayonet, and beprepared to lend it to others to have a go.The Sniper Pairs will be as the standard McQueen,but two firers and two targets each exposure. Just besure you each know which one to hit, as there mustbe no more than ten hits on one target!Pete Bloom was our Match Director, and it would bevery remiss if we did not include some event to givethanks for all the work he did for us and Classicshooting. Accordingly there will be a modified poolbull competition; a prize has been donated, and allentry fees will be donated to the Soldiers, Sailors andAirmen’s <strong>Association</strong> Forces Fund, a charity chosenby his family.I may not have accepted all their ideas, but thanksparticularly go to Mark Hodgins of HBSA and RichardSeddon of LERA, and all others who gave their timeto help me plan these events.The Spring HBSA Rook and Rabbit competition, atBisley on 4 April, had a full house of just under thirtycompetitors, and scores were of a very high standard.There has been an increasing interest in this class ofrifle in the last few years; they come in many varieties,are capable of good accuracy, and can usually be usedon any gallery rifle range. Unfortunately the supplyis limited and prices have accordingly risen, butordinary examples are still affordable.Having now sorted good loads, I took my ‘repro’32/20 and my best trial, fully supported, was fourshots in ¾” at 50 metres; it can now perform far betterthan I can shoot. My competition score was not anutter disgrace, but I found sitting with your feet onlya little below the level of your seat was as wellsupported as a jelly on springs; funny, it used to belike a rock! Standing, I did not know a lightweightrifle could weigh so much.An advance notice: the Classics Sub Committee willmeet on Friday 9 July (the day before IHAM) at Bisleywith a provisional time of 5pm. Letters will be sentto the usual members, but anyone interested shouldget in touch with me.On 12 May I will be attending the FESAC Congress,with Roger Cook of the HBSA, at Lyon in France.FESAC is the European organisation which representsall with interests in historic arms be they collectors,shooters, museums, or re-enactment groups.There are many threats still to our interests, such aspossible UN restrictions on the international transferof arms between individuals, or rationalisation offirearms laws throughout Europe; this might seem agood idea, but it might be the end of our very usefulobsolete cartridge list definition of antique firearms,and restrictions on military calibres, such as has beenin France for many years.Anyone who wishes to find out more, or has anymatter they feel should be addressed, please contactme.Special Events alongside theHistoric Arms MeetingThroughout the first weekend of the ImperialMeeting, the South London <strong>Rifle</strong> Club arearranging a Trade Fair in the Umbrella Tent withall proceeds being donated to the <strong>National</strong>Shooting Centre. Although initially small, it ishoped that this will grow into a significant datein the calendar for the collector and shooter ofHistoric Arms. Trade stands already booked willdisplay a wide range of collectable and shootablearms from flintlock to fifties (1950s), accessories,books and memorabilia.14

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