NRA Journal - Summer 2004 - National Rifle Association

NRA Journal - Summer 2004 - National Rifle Association

NRA Journal - Summer 2004 - National Rifle Association

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A further prime aim of ICFRA is that it should be aminimal cost and bureaucratic organisation withmembership fee levels set at previous Palma Councilmember levels for full members. A full member isdefined as a fullbore rifle association that hassubmitted formal teams to at least one Palma or LongRange <strong>Rifle</strong> Championship prior to 2002 or anyICFRA-organised fullbore rifle championshipsubsequent to that date. Affiliate member status isopen to any national association that has notparticipated in a former Long Range <strong>Rifle</strong>Championship or a subsequent ICFRA-organisedevent.What has ICFRA done?During 2002 an interim constitution was agreedbetween members of the former Palma Council. Astructure including a Council and committeesrepresenting the recognised fullbore disciplines wasdefined and temporarily constituted. During late2002, Colin Cheshire was nominated and elected tobe the Secretary General of ICFRA (an unpaid post)with the DCRA of Canada acting as the nationalassociation that would offer treasury facilities.During July 2003 at Bisley ICFRA took fullresponsibility for rules provision for the World LongRange <strong>Rifle</strong> Championships hosted by the <strong>NRA</strong> (GB).At this time the first sequence of ICFRA Committeemeetings took place culminating in the first ICFRACouncil Meeting. The principal business carried outwas formally to revise the interim Constitution andadopt the final version, along with formal recognitionof the majority of the planned Committees and theirimmediate decisions which would enable the nextfour year cycle to commence.With regard to planned World Championships,whereas formally only the Long Range <strong>Rifle</strong>Championships had taken place, now the ground waslaid for each identified discipline (Long Range, Target<strong>Rifle</strong>, Match <strong>Rifle</strong> and F Class <strong>Rifle</strong>) to hold WorldChampionships. For example, the next World F Class<strong>Rifle</strong> Championship will take place in South Africa in2005 and the World Long Range <strong>Rifle</strong> and Veterans’TR Championships will occur in Canada in 2007.ICFRA and Commonwealth Games EventsThere has been much concern by the smallerCommonwealth Games participating fullbore riflecountries in particular, that ICFRA was attempting totake over and dictate the rules and conditions for CGevents which have been and continue to be theresponsibility of CSF. As a result of these concernsthe following have been agreed:The Commonwealth Games Federation agreed withICFRA that CSF should use ICFRA technical rules forall its fullbore events in the manner that ISSF providestechnical rules for other shooting disciplines.That CSF continue to be fully responsible for matchconditions and organisation of Commonwealthfullbore events.The ICFRA Constitution was amended to ensure thatCommonwealth countries have a direct say and vote(not via any regional or composite association, forinstance the <strong>NRA</strong> (GB) will not be able to vote onmatters relating to Commonwealth Games butEngland, Scotland, Wales and Northern Irelandrepresentatives will) in Commonwealth mattersincluding technical rules specifically forCommonwealth events.Non-Commonwealth countries have no vote onCommonwealth matters in the ICFRA Council orGeneral Assembly.A special category of Affiliate membership was agreed(defined by the Constitution as follows: “Uponnomination by a Full member, the ICFRA Council maydecide, by majority vote, to grant Associatemembership to organisations and/or federations ofother international shooting associations having acommon but specific fullbore interest”. As aconsequence, CSF has been offered such membership,with a vote on Commonwealth matters.ICFRA has constituted its own CommonwealthCommittee (ICFRA CC) to which all Commonwealthcountries within ICFRA may nominate their ownrepresentatives. These representatives have sinceelected their committee chairman, Sandy Peden, whohas full responsibility to work with CSF to progessCommonwealth fullbore business and interestsrelating to ICFRA and its responsibilities. The ICFRACC has subsequently (late 2003/early <strong>2004</strong>)thoroughly revised the former <strong>NRA</strong> (GB) rules as theyhave related to the Commonwealth and has offeredthem to the CSF for comment.I am pleased to state that all fullbore rifle participatingCommonwealth countries are now ICFRA members,either Full or Affiliate.In conclusion, as the ICFRA representative on <strong>NRA</strong>(GB) General Council and as elected ICFRA Vice-President for the next four years, it is my opinion thatthe establishment of ICFRA has been long overdueand will provide a firm base worldwide for thepromotion of World Championships in all fullborerifle disciplines. I hope that this short article helps toexplain what ICFRA is and that it has dispelled anyconcerns that we have created an additionalbureaucracy that is intent on usurping presentlyestablished fullbore rifle associations. It should, asstated above, add synergy to fullbore rifle shootingand assist all member associations to work togetherand with respective national sports organisations toassure the future of the sport.33

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