Interim Study Guide - BJCP

Interim Study Guide - BJCP

Interim Study Guide - BJCP


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40 T Judges must adjust their scores to be within seven points (or less if directed bythe competition director) of each other as part of developing a consensus scorefor the beer.41 T The consensus score assigned to the beer is not necessarily an average score.42 T It is important to be quick as well as to write your scoresheets thoroughly andcompletely.43 T On average, experienced judges should be able to completely evaluate a beer,including arriving at a consensus, in 10 minutes.44 F When there is a discrepancy in the scores for a given beer, the lower-rankedjudges should yield to the opinion of the highest ranked <strong>BJCP</strong> judge at the table.45 T It is acceptable to remove offensive smelling entries from the judging table afterthey have been evaluated.46 F A judge must disqualify an entry if it has raised lettering or the cap hasidentifying marks.47 F A judge may disqualify an entry if it has an improper bottle or cap.48 T Only the judge director or competition organizer can disqualify an entry.49 T The results of the bottle inspection does not affect the scoring.50 T Snide or rude comments are unacceptable on scoresheets.51 T Pour each entry in a manner that gives it its optimum appearance, keeping inmind that some entries may be over- or under-carbonated.52 F When you suspect an entry has been placed in the wrong flight based on the stylebeing judged, you should request that it be judged in a different flight instead.53 T When you suspect an entry has been placed in the wrong flight based on the stylebeing judged, you should consult with the judge director or competitionorganizer.54 T Sniff the entry immediately after pouring to ensure proper evaluation of volatilearomatics.55 F There is no need to sniff the aroma immediately after pouring the entry into theglass.56 T Complete judging of one entry before moving on to the next entry.57 F It is not necessary to offer any feedback for improvement if you score a beerabove 40.58 T It is common practice to refrain from sharing your thoughts while judging a beeruntil the other judges have completed their scoresheet.59 F If you are very familiar with a beer style, it is preferable to disregard the <strong>BJCP</strong>Style <strong>Guide</strong>lines and rely on your personal expertise instead.60 F If rushed, it's OK to write only comments and an overall score on a scoresheet,leaving the scores for the subsections blank.61 F If rushed, it's OK to write only 1-2 comments on a scoresheet as long as thenumeric score is filled out.62 F If a beer is a “gusher” or has an unpleasant aroma upon opening, a judge mayassign a courtesy score of 13 without tasting and commenting on thecharacteristics of the beer.63 T All beers should be tasted and scored, even if they are “gushers” or have anunpleasant aroma upon opening.23

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