Afchen Westi

Afchen Westi

Afchen Westi


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Ardpychoaic Drugs: Clldcd rrd c€tr€dc Stndler<br />

<strong>Afchen</strong> <strong>Westi</strong><br />

Ot sc)<br />

It.p$hctrt of Blocbenbtry<br />

UrtvcnLy of l(rnchi<br />

K|rrc -PrUrtrl<br />


Arlhrychotic lhug: Cllrlcd |trd Gctrctic Sbdler<br />

A lhcsis $tbmiafcd 10 tho Frculty ofScicncc<br />

Univclsity of Kanlhi for tc D4rce<br />

of Dolcor of Philo.ophy.<br />

by<br />

Afihrn W.rd<br />

(M&)<br />

D{|rt!c!t of Ehchcr&try<br />

Udvef!|.y ofxrrrcbl<br />

K|r|cnLhkb.|r.<br />


This thesis is dedicatcd to my loving daugnrer<br />

Dur-c-Fatima (Fifi), my par€nts & all my family members<br />

with lots of lovc for all of them.


Acltrowledgeo.nb ry<br />

Lbi of Abbr€vhrloB<br />

Lirt ofFiguG vrrlx<br />

LiltofTrbla x<br />

Ab*rNt(Erglkbrudu) XI-XVn<br />

l, ltrtrodn(tl0o I<br />

tJ R.vioof|-it.nrur. j<br />

1,2.1 Schi&pnrcnir: Syhproms. PANSS d

2.4.4 Ccl El*tophoeisofPcR Poduct! 30<br />

2.5 Taq I Dig6tion ol PCR Podlcls by Resuiction Frasment Lcngrh<br />

Porlmorphism (RFLP s)<br />

2.5 | C.l DletronhDicsis ot Digc$tcd t)NA<br />

2.5.3 Statistical analysis<br />

2.5,l.lchjr t6ring uin8 . x c @ in8ocy t$16<br />

2.6 DNA S.qlacir8 ofrh. Amplin.d prcdkt<br />

2.7.1 Expdindr.t Anima&<br />

2.8.2 Collelion of smpls<br />

2.9. I D.rminrion of loLt potci$ by BCA Kit M€rho

2 I3.6 Estitution ofAbsoture lndicd<br /> Dctcminarion of tron<br />

2.13.?.2 Detcmrination ofTolot tron Binding Capa.ny OrBC)<br />

2.13.?.3 DcrhiDllioo oaSetuo FcBitin by ELISA<br /> Pmc rsc Ttusactrin Sdudtiotr (o/eTS)<br />

Ll AdiPs tholic drugs, side effec$ dd PANSS<br />

3.2 DRD2 gene pollnoDhism in SchizophFnk patior!<br />

3.2.I sequoc. amtlsis of the 3lobp dpun.d ptudud of<br />

DRD2 gd..<br />

3.3 AntiFstrhoric Dru8s dd Rcgionlt Brajn Neu,oransmirrcB<br />

I4 Dtipsychotio Drlgs d l,blcir hl[tc<br />

3,4.2 Pblcin cohpon.n|!<br />

1.5 AnlipsFhotic dtugs ard HeDarologiql DJeruis<br />

4.I Anripsychotic dtug lrearm.li, PANSS, EpS ed pol)moDn6m. I I o<br />

4.2 ArlipsFnoft dng helt'idq EpS ed DRDz em. polrDorprln llj<br />

4.3 Naor.nlmitld ed edFrychoric drugs_<br />

4.4 Hem.robgic.l dls6i4 !d eti!.ychoric drugs t2o<br />

4,4.1 lon Dcficicncy Anmiaand tlpical.nliFr.horic rearnem t20<br />

4.4.2 Neutrophil clrotoxicny, protcnr pronte ed arpi.ul onlipsyctDlic<br />

48<br />

48<br />

48<br />

52<br />

51<br />

65<br />

85<br />

35<br />

,0<br />

t22<br />

I25<br />

t21<br />

r-v l


I m than*fu, 1o almiehly AUah, mosl hunbly aor lFling enablcd mc ro conplere rhis<br />

My simGl $eks ed gFtitude to thc dccllot dd sustair€d suRcillee povided by<br />

P@C Dr Nikhat Ahncd Siddiqui, D@.dndr olBi@hcmistry, Univdily of Ka@ti.<br />

*hiclr cnablDd trE ro cofrplctc t|t rc$ .[ s.rl lh. brilli]N rturliry ol scicnrilic<br />

lhirrking dd lhc conlinnous suppod of 'ny $'pcrier fc rhc comcBl.ncs il rhc<br />

M, lhinks rc rho duo ro lhc Chliecmo|]! ftot Dr. D0litsh{tr Jrbccr ll!le[. ill<br />

rqchi'rsnnd lon-tqchins srar of Dclalncnt ollliochctuisky, Uri!.sily olKuruchi<br />

I sish ro qpr$ toy dn s 1o Pmt Di Ri& Ahmql Hlshnri. v'cc Chrtrccllor, Jinrlh<br />

Univcuily lor WonEn, and.ll a&ulty nr hc6, lor ftcn suppod.<br />

I would b. failinS in my dury if I do nol exlend my henicsl thdts aor rhc<br />

cncouagmcnti and help ofDr. Mcndi A. M4ji, Pathologidl kboraroncs. TnMk are<br />

duelo Pnt Dr. AnwdAli Siddiqui. Asociarc Dean Reseeb, rheAga Knrn Univesity<br />

ed Hospital lor pbviding ame f&ilily dunng the cou6e of my endsvoB ro codplete<br />

I wodd like ro thdls Ms. Hila Rie od Dr. Ri.z Ahned, Di@lor, tnsritute of Ctinical<br />

Ptlchology &! pbvidine snpl6.<br />

SpdialwordsoIrh lsaod sntiludctoDrt tricnds, Dr. RubimChnDi. Dr. Asili'Ahnrqt,<br />

Ms. Snrn D Mushtq, Mr. i4ulnq{ Nntvi, M5. Sudi, i4l d lrl Ms. ttizM Kh , tor<br />

lheir Lind dd coBbl€nt noral $pport dtd encomsmal in nuF.oos mcnonbt€<br />

My sinccrc Egdds for my pamti, nei mDAo md papa, whosc piarB, lovc and<br />

glidfl.e hs hclpad me sail thmugh dinicuh ch.pi6 ofny life. My fath.r rhd morhei<br />

have beo ulln-sutponive, md this thesi! is dcvotsd lo their €flons and sfiific€s. The<br />

olBhdi.a .oop@lion of ny bbrn.E, !i!ro$ and .ll hy fm y m.nbcs, lhcir lolc<br />

ed conlribuiion in poviding ga@G ed sur.in.d suppon n.d. rhir work possible.<br />

Corbpldiod of ny delorrr. rh6n ir Fr erh.r lribut. 10 ny gmdpc.r vno wqe not<br />

rh.m*lvd rdy cdE.Ld bur g.hinS nisha.duqrion b .h. gomrion ro aoltov wc<br />

rh.ir mi$ion. M.y God 6 rh.ir suls in dd.l p.e..<br />

Hov could I i.v. arlve..d 6fiha wirhout utuhsl€bl€ €o.ndflcc of mv tife o{lnd<br />

Mr. Zeahd AIn.d Wsri. for po\drg ps..ful afr€.riod. .h6ph.rc ;Fund m.. a<br />

! cut ofwhich rhc pGcnt sludy ha b€en consummalcd<br />

NoN I vish !o cxpre$ dy heonid bve to ny daushler DuE-c-Forima itifi). I am<br />

cxtmely cone'ous abour rhe @niorl ofny littlc baby dunns nry srudi6, n is very<br />

difficut lo neagcj bul ny daughler prev6 h.Eelf a pMioN gin of cOD for mc.<br />

This slldy wa litrdcially soppon€d pdi.lly by Palish S.imcc Folndarion Cnnr<br />

PSF/RE9BImECH/S-KU/MED (42) ed Univc6iry olKm€hi.

FoUo$ t!3 .r. tt. Puhl.rrrodPr.sr.d... r p.n ol ln. ltstt:<br />

Pci.r pr€.6l.rlo! / Published in Mol6uld ed Cclluld Por€onics Absrracrt<br />

i$ue for IIUPO 6r' Amual World Congrc$, Prcl@nic.: Fron Tehnology<br />

Dcvelopm€nr ro Biom.rkdApplicalions". S€ouUKore. 2007. PlgG409.<br />

R4ipi.!r ofYoui Scldtilr Aw.rd.<br />

Slbmincd for Publiotion<br />

Mol.o|!r Psychi.lry,2lx', Au€lic dbrribllion of DRD2 Ccnc potynophism in<br />

P.k6rani $hiapnrcnic patiqls.<br />

Submdted for publicotion<br />

abod-2007, Anlipsychotic drugs d trctr dcficiency rtrcnlij i,1 schizolrhrcnic<br />

Joumit of P.tisr!! Msdiql A$airrto! 2006,..Ctoaph tnduc{t Ncutroltril<br />

C}lotoxicity in rak" 56(2): 62-s.<br />

Prkistar Joun.l ol Medic.t Sci.nc$ 2004 -HalopendolIndlced Veiations in<br />

En.lologicalhdics". t0(3): 19?-200.<br />

P.per Pc.!t rlod Publisbcd r! lh. proc€edrnss ot 8'i Biemiat NaloMl<br />

ConlelEM ot PSBMB on Em6pn8 Tmds D Bichmffy ed Mokcute<br />

Biologj,, Krrrchi-Prtist.n, 2005, p 4!,<br />

lucltlcnlof Yo ttsclunlstAwrnl<br />

P$l.r pBeot tlou/ Published in lh.<br />

Synposium: ccnorric nnd pmtoijics iI<br />

Prcc€edin8s of l8D FAOBMB<br />

lMllh rDd nSricultrrc. l,.norF<br />

P.per pGdhdon/ Pubhshed in $c proc.ediner of 7r hrhrUond Con tercncc<br />

ot PISBMB, Trcnds m Siochmistry and Morecutd BroroSy. Lrhorp.kbrrn.<br />

PGt . Pr*!hrlo!./ Pubtish€d In rh. peedrngs of ?r EuBia Codadce of<br />

Chmical Scift€, K.rrbtprt|thtr. 2002. 0140.<br />

PGr.r PEqtrrlon/ Pubtisned rn lh€ prcceedrnsj of t6'i FAOBMB<br />

sFpos'um Fom Cnc b Pmtein : Fdnries in BDch.nrkry.dd Votecuh,<br />

Biolo[y. Acrdcmtr Shicr-Txipcichtnr. 2002. o ltS.<br />

R4lpi€!t of younr Scl.nrist A"rd,

ctz<br />

DOPAC<br />

DRD2<br />

EDTA<br />

EPS<br />


5.HiAA<br />

tHydoxy indol&etic &id<br />

s-Hldrcxr1''?rlnirc (Smronin)<br />

HPta ''HT ECD Hrsn Pdfdmocc Lrquid Chmmbar.phy-Eler@h.miclt DeE@r<br />

MCIT<br />

MCHC<br />

MCv<br />

MgCl2<br />

NS<br />

PANSS<br />

PCV<br />

PS<br />

TBE<br />

TIBC<br />

Tris<br />

TS%<br />

UD/D<br />

wBc<br />

Dihydor}?hm/eclicacid mid<br />

Elhylcnc Diminc Tclru-edalc<br />

Ext6 Prmidd Syidrcn6<br />

M€d Corpwnld Hdoglobin<br />

M.d Cell Eemoglobin Conc.ntration<br />

Mcon Corpo*ulrr Volutrrc<br />

Posilivc and Ncsnlivc SyndbnE Scorc<br />

Polyhe|e Chain R@tiotr<br />

Rsd Cell Dhrribulion Width<br />

Rqtriction ftagmcnt lcngthpollmorphis<br />

sDS-PACE SodrM Dcdd yt Suttal. -PotyacdMde Cet Et4rEphorers<br />

TrG Borare Elhylde Dihin. Telra A@ri. Acid<br />

Tot l lron Birding Clp&ity<br />

Ttu Oldrcxy mctlyl) mino methdc<br />

% Ttuufmin Salu.tion.<br />

Undig6rql / disBtcd rcR producrs

figure3<br />

nigun5<br />

(h)<br />

FlSur.l!<br />

(b)<br />

ngu..l!<br />

G)<br />

Flgurc 13<br />

(d)<br />

Ltst oFFtcuR0s<br />

Magn6ium (M8Clt gadicir (2.5 - L2 nM) hr otrinizins<br />

PcRcondition, 2E<br />

Temp€nore gradienl (52-62'C) foroptimizinB pCR condirion 29<br />

Calibration cw€ for NelbrtusDtuw. j8<br />

Sldd..d c!tuc to. Tr}?bptun.<br />

Abefptron spetnofKyncurcninc (250 500nh). 4l<br />

Slandard curvuofrlcnroSlobin 4(<br />

clenosmd leaiion ofDRD2 saa<br />

Slruclurc oa 3lobp re8ion ollhc DRD2 gcoc spdnins rhe Taq I A sirc. jt<br />

2%.gdosegelofrhePCRpEducrmplifying3tObpofDRD2gcnc. 60<br />

RILP'S ofDRD2 E€ptor g.n. on 2.5% sg&e gct.<br />

Th. diftmral pdh of undia*r.d /dis6lcd (UD/D) win<br />

Trq I EftlonuclN PCR/RrtP5poJulIoh:5 e r$tus,gt.t n-)<br />

Thc diffcrcntial pau€m ofundisered /disesred (UD/D) wirl<br />

Taq I Bndonuclcdc PCR/RtjLPs D&luct on 2.52, rgrroscgct. d:!<br />

Mudon In lh€ nu.toridc Ecqucnce otthc DRD2 gcne hrqng<br />

rrqr A s{c.<br />

Sequcncc rclulk of rtObp anrnt'ficd pmJcr otDRD2 Nnc of<br />

Schr&phGnr pariab iolowrn8 chonk rcJlmenr ot iatop€riool 0-<br />

Sequdc. r*ull5ofttobp Mtlti.d pDducl otORD2 ctre of<br />

schizophroic par6c ronosi.schrcnic n hor of;top€ndot. 68<br />

BLAST 2 S€9u@c6 R6ulr! of 3 I Obp mpUfid prcducl ot DRD2<br />

geneor*hihphmn paE r fo|otrrnschrcnr rFahdr ol<br />

naopcnoot, h,<br />

TmeqMce R6ults of 3l Obp .mplitied poduct of DRD2 goe ol<br />

patenrs aolloqins chrenic tl€tnal ofhabEndot.<br />


(b)<br />

(d)<br />

rig(rc t5<br />

(!)<br />

(b)<br />

o)<br />

Figuru 19<br />

Scquen c cuX.of llObp lmptrfi cd poducl of Dl(D2 rdc ot<br />

p.t..nls rolloqinC chFn( k.rmenl of hJoperidot.<br />

S€qumr 6utrs of I I obp hptified pmducl ot DRD2 cene or<br />

>cDzopMd'c pabqls fotlohnS chrenr tMrnql of halopddol<br />

BL-AST 2 Slqutues hatysis ofJlObp nplfi.d pod,.t or DRD2<br />

Smed shr@phm( patcd! fo o*rn8 (hrcnic re.tmenrof<br />

j T"S.r"n* .,ar"" or r toUp @pl cd prlducr or DRDI ede of<br />

rcnrbpr'rdlc pabnrt fouowingchmtoc hm6r othrop€ndot.<br />

Jqucn( r$ulll ut I txht r,,ptrliot fru,tL dlt)t{D,2 L(tr1ur<br />

scnraphrcnic palienrj ro o*ingchonrc l@rncnr o r Cto,.p, nu<br />

Scquq.! @utlsofJr0t p lmplficd poducr ofDRD2 Kncot.<br />

rch'4phMic paridts fo o$,ng chonrc r@hcnt of Clozpinc.<br />

BLAST 2S.9ud.6 o.ttstr ofl lObp mphfi.d p,oducr ol DRD2<br />

sene o' *nrhphmn pau.nb foltowine(hronrc r;,lmed ol<br />

TEG.qucnc. adys6 oa J I Obp npt, tied prcducr of DR DI gcne of<br />

rnrzophnrc p.rists to o$ inA chrcr. @ondr of ctozrpin..<br />

?iltllloi.oldoeTtD. @ intsariq,n d,rrcrcnr rer bE,n rsrcn6<br />

rorowhg.hmnj\ Olsn*tu veda],sr yM,rcarmenrorha,op.adol<br />

Cmpai$n of dopamc @rccnkauon In rtr Shdrum ,o o*,ng<br />

mrcdc (2r @ns4tir€daF, VM rF,rmsr ofhatolmdot md<br />

c,ozaprne.<br />

.onplrilon otrHTrcmolrdion In d,ffcrc ri b,rir1rcc,urs<br />

,orrc*hl drEr. (2r, ms*dncdrlsr t/M rrc.r crr "t t;bt,..r.,,,,,1<br />

|^-mpeibn otd tnin and tjve( Tryprophrn 0rg/s $et wcie ol<br />

nslo loltowingchrcflc (2t coro*"r,,. aay"i trV rr*r.en o<br />

uopendoi.nd ctozapine.<br />

Iqty Gc/g/hr) toUo*ine (@nrc<br />

(z | @GeuNr days) yM termcd ot hatopcndot.<br />

78<br />

3l<br />

8l<br />

84<br />

12<br />

7l<br />

15<br />

71<br />

30<br />


Figlr.24<br />

l.lttrrc25<br />

Fi8urc27<br />

RJr liv!' TrrTbnh p)"ot,bc.,crn r) r,,d d n r ro o*tr,! t h,ur,.<br />

lzr cons(u(rvc d,,sl uM rcJ[ncnr otctozJpLne<br />

Prcl@meealysis ofahdpsrhoric dtus rroaled serum sadptes.<br />

Compmbn ot_Hhabtog(dt rnd,ces rr hdtoperidot MJ c.u,,p, nc<br />

tr4red $hiephHic panqG.<br />

C^ompmn o, HtutoS,cdjndic6 in Dts to owngchFnrc<br />

r/ r - consuuvc days) yM t@unar of hatopndot d

TrbL 3<br />

Ltsl 0F,rAar,Ds<br />

Dcnog.aphic and cliniclt fclturcs ot6chizophEtric paricms rrcdcd<br />

enh hllop€idot ddclozdpinc, 5l<br />

Cmld'on bcrwen PANSS drt ort,q clin,cJt pJ.r,crcNot rhc<br />

*rapn|m. pal'.nls reled with hdtoPaidot ed ctoaD,n€ 54<br />

Anlipslrhotic drugs &d side .tlcrs polt t€ eiated *ilh lt?|ql<br />

&d art?rc.t dripsrrholic dtu85. ))<br />

Dislritub@ chmrsislics of PANSS ncns ure{i tor (he diagnoss<br />

orschrzothrcnicfiticnlsucrlotsithhrtopcridotrnd(to/Jpru 5,,<br />

Disn rbLrion of DRD2 gsolr?c and rct edpdaherers ro Tdq tA<br />

porlmorpharn rn rhc hatoncr ot, ctoanincJnd(onfot,LDJq6. na<br />

ltr?lothdn Pynols! rcl^ilylrr8 !A,j rtr tul jrvcr tir,tos,ig cnnr,c<br />

nrnrstrdtDnothrtotlcriJutln tulr 8r,<br />

Tryploplltatr- PIrcLsc &lrvity {rrg!,rr) In nl Lvq to ovin8 cnFnrc<br />

.ffrrsr.lon ot cloripin. h rr1l. 37<br />

Compdbnofrod *M pFch @rcqFalion nEG fo owhs<br />

cmdr ddmhisFarion of hatoD.ridol &d ctoaprne. e I<br />

Clmpesor orEts.M por.h @nponmk ob*dd on SDs-pAGE<br />

rns oe cmn'. adn,nisrarion of hdoperidol. ,J<br />

a^ompriso olar rtuh poGm conpontr6 ob*1d or Sls-pACf<br />

rncr ric (rturL.'dnrirlnrr.iinl ct(.i/,,,..trJ<br />

Cilculalioc use{t for inlerprctinS .ryrhrcrle indice in oider D<br />

oEcnflnare two lt?6 ot m,crccyrc ancmd rtrJtsrni, n,nor rrd<br />

Au€Eti@s in hmrotoSjcat p.mcr.G ofmls aR6 chronic adninisr.rion<br />

Altcnrroc In lton prcUt€ of ra6 .Rcr $. chmnic admrnrsbauon or<br />

naop€ndot Md ctozpine.<br />

Cohpdis!0 of @kl &d d, r.Fnuat WBC cobl in scluoDtu enK<br />

pansr. ronoqng chmnic tE:rd.nr of hstop€ndot dd cioapin..<br />

105<br />




Thc pccnr wo* d6rib6 thc sidc c'r€t pbfilc dnd rtjc purrrjvc h0ucncc or scndrc<br />

&clo6 in cpo* ro rh. chftnic etipsy.horic dns lah.nr - i coh6ron rhfrpy in<br />

trdm€nt of *hizophr€ni., Hatop€ridol lnd ctoapinc arc rhe nosl comnonl, uscd<br />

lntipsychorio dtuss in thc Fychi.ric itrns*s in p,kistah, wnich havc. pr€valcncc uc<br />

of abotrt 10-160/0 in thc adnlr poputarion (Cadit 2007) Haropsidot, a rmic<br />

dliFFhoric dtus, my lcad ro app@cc of drn prlmidat srnpbns (EpS) in<br />

6pome b rhe chonic keatnent, rsulting in eovcmenr di@rd.u, Clozapinc, an<br />

altlral dtiplycholic dn& induc6 fwd EpS sed in ircmar Grrtat schizoptmic<br />

Thc phannacogcndjcs of schizodrcni( ponicrlnrty thc bh of gcnclic nrcto$ ir<br />

delmining srnproh responr ad sidc cff@b of dtipsycnomc !rcah€nl h6 bccone<br />

Frrind iD tne E@r yqs. As@iarjoB with ctinicat ourcom6 havc bco tound fo, a<br />

vrricly ofcoDmon func(omt polynoFhisms in c,niji{ilrc gcn6. .t.hc cnrftGis of thi3<br />

Bcarch w6 on the dopmj.e @crlor ecic (DRD2), spccitically. Thc polqtial gcnclic<br />

prcdicbc of $h'aphmir atut $nc idcntificd scnqlE ass'alons wrft neg{iv€,<br />

deprssive ed .osnitiv€ synploDs w@ !l$ inv€sligat.d. R€spon* of p.rints lo drus<br />

ftalne a w.ll a the lidc .ffer profitc such as henalologjcal drsEid, weiBhl 8!in<br />

ed netalolic syrdrcD. fouoeing q?icat &d arDicat dupsrlhoti* r,qunoq is ate<br />

Studi€s w€rc conducred on borh nls ed *hiepn enic parrents. Sp6guc-Dawle, rats<br />

@eived a d.jly irlrdu$ul[ irjodon wirl hatopendot (0.2mSlK, or €tor4ine<br />

(204/'Iq) ftc doubt€ @np&i$n s4 D.dc in ordd to voty rhe obsctued BUI$ by<br />

sins botn cohm€rcially av.ilabte (Sed.r' Novdis) and punried fom (Sism!) ofthcso<br />

druss. Thc bl@d lamptcs wcrc coltelcd aDm lhc schizopnrctrrc prucoIs wtro wcrc otr<br />

cnbmc lrehor wi& hatop.ridol or cro2.pin. for rorc tl|e r z w@ts.<br />

Pdrn6cChain Rqcrion R6kicrion thsnEnr tcnslh potrnoq i i (pcR-Rrrr,r.s)<br />

usod lo l)Tc thc DRD2 scno ir sctibplrrnio prti.ols or, un,onrc nnrlxlchorrc drug<br />

trcalment. Thd dilterenr DRD2 gene altclic panms wcE obs€p€d b! eallzinA rhe<br />

RFLP'S prDducrs on a€re. ects, dcisnal.n 6 At (3lO bp), a2 {r8O & l2o bp) lnd

AlAz (110,180 & t20 bp). A Ddked incrcdc io thc frcqucncy of Al a etc ot llrc<br />

DRD2 gcnc w6 obswcd in both halopcddot {d cDaprne rcdqd *hreDhrcnic<br />

paLiqrs ln=l2o) @mplrd ro rh€ iomal @nlrots (n-44) No drfi@c. ws obsdcd in<br />

or. rll.& n quocy wirhi. rh. trqrmdt Srup3 itslt<br />

A nov€l od polendaly iEpondt findjn8 of$e prcsenr ltudy w6 rhc idcnrificarion ofa<br />

G to T iurllion in DRD2 g6e ar posiljo! 3282?bp dchjned by mc DNA sequ.rcin8.<br />

DNA s€quac. rut'.i. oftl|. 3tobp<br />

'!8nmr 6?mi.g rn potynorphic Ta{ I A sitc of<br />

lhe DRD2 Scnc ahowcd thar all *hizopl@jc p.licnrs, cnrcnrcany kated wirh<br />

halopdidol or ctozapinc, w@ hdozygo$ for a c to T lm,lion jn rh€ bss pan<br />

pctr'on 32827 a$ing. Scr36lc nuErion. k is inDondr ro notc rhal rhis C ro T<br />

munnon ,s ror 6$ciar.d wirh the non.*hizophrcnic conror goup, MoEovei lhc<br />

nutllion showed no signifcanr eret ,s $sessod by ecnc<br />

This srtrdy at$ ancnptcd ro qpticat. lhc djtTercnriit amnny ot hrtoldidot nnd<br />

c'oapnc on ncurolrnnsnriucr recpbn irducilg ! tuc cnuscs D hcu@hctrricrl<br />

p@file udcdlhg ttE rhe8peuric etfet! of.ntpsrhotic druC ,n $hroDltrcnia.<br />

I lErlicul&ly focus€{t on conenhdotu ofdopminc dd $olonin i, diffcrc Esions<br />

of €t bBio by Eins HPLC-ECD &.lysis (rlu€ !o ,on-.valabilny of hqd bEin<br />

s3hpls). Thc regional ar.lrsis oflhe dopmine dd serobtun neurorresni ds is<br />

ihol8ht to bc inportanr, s ory pbvide spejltc sit€ for lhc a.tion ofa.tpsrthotjc ddts<br />

dcPo,l'ng on rhc pccmc ot Oc difcrcnr ncu@hmsnx cr qcprna lku ,. tZ ,<br />

DRD2.<br />

Signili@l .iIaG w€re obsFed io thc oncenration of.cuolresm,fc$ in diffcrcnr<br />

F8'oro of bah in 6!on* ro rhc chDnic rrormd or bolh hatopeidot dd<br />

cloapinq Thc .hmnic kqrrnsl of halop.ndol incesd h. @nc.nrration of<br />

.rlracelluld dopdine in aI rcgions (hrporhatmus, cortq eo snaon) excepl in Ur<br />

nid-bain. tr @ftsq ral,rdt witn .toz.pinc Ntlcd in m.,red der.& in all rhc<br />

Egioc d..pl h lh. rcnd in whi.h th. colmmj.Iy avaihbtc fom of croapinc<br />

show.d n{k.d inqes. in th. @,qFarion of dopdin . A sjgninc&l d.oEse w.!<br />

.lF foud in dopmine @nc.olrarion in Did bhin in both rhl @mcrciauy availablc<br />

&d pui6€d fom of ct%pir. lEa[n6r.<br />


Thc lryel of$btonin, dothd n.uoldsmnlcr ws signific.ndy inc@red in midbnin,<br />

btlothalmus ad sdatum followinB chonic ftarment oa halop$idol in borh<br />

.xl.nm.nLl abup. s @hpe lo @.Fol d.; hw€vcr, ..ltl[ detle *& obserycd<br />

in .odcx. In csc ofcloapinc co.curcnl d*.cr6c w* obssql h Jll N:giotu cxcNDr<br />

con.x *her€ fi. concenlralion of hlonin w6 jnccasd Es!.criv.ly jn bolh rb.<br />

qpmmot grcups. Th€ varying .ffd of lh.!. dtuss on ncubrrdsnil|c! cohcoralion<br />

m.y acmunt lor rhc ditfcrcncc in ftcn sidc cr€l protilc in rcspotr$ ro chmnic<br />

Th. elhs repon d in rhis thesis niF concems aboul hemobloeicat sidc ellecN of<br />

urlpsychotic drugs, vhich lktDlgh int cqucD( mry slill pos I potcrlid naz!.d.<br />

Our 6ults sugAd nodloring ofdce wbich mishl be hclpfll in moaSchcnr of dru8<br />

.cljo. Tnis study iddrifi€s a pornlial rots of trlic.t anripsychoric (hatop€ridol)<br />

llcalm€ot m $c dev€lopmenl of iron delcicncy demia in schi&pk€nic Datidts ed in<br />

sihal Snldi6. Almd ?5% ots.hiaphMic paidrs on lonSrm halopeddol retrncnr<br />

sbowd >loelo hypochrodi. ed mickylic c.tL wn€o cohp&.! ro nom@hmmic-<br />

nomoc),ric cells ob*tred in ctozapin€ ftcatcd paticnt!. Iron deficiency acmia. tikc other<br />

m'cmytc dtc|rxa w6 confimol uins adjunctivc t6t slch 4 scrum icnirin (ur<br />

indicalor of non srorage) or iDn in lhis sludy. Non.lhel6s, ircn tev€l aflerd by rh€ lwo<br />

drugs lr?cs arc nol idoric.l and nay rcprcscnr $c advfsc c|Iccls ot ililg rcsronsc<br />

rcponcd fo. thc ll6t rinc in $hibphrcnic prticnc fom palirrani Doputdion. This<br />

infomarion could b€ ldlizcd !o rupport possibtc monilonng sthlegi€s to rcduce btood<br />

dyscrasid fton aiipsychotic drug tratnent in schizophrenic palienrj<br />

Arolhd si8lilicdl linding is 0rc clozapi!. indeen ndrophit .rloloxicjry &d s.vfrl<br />

olhq h€dalological changd h $hiephmid supported by $c dara in tne El modcl. For<br />

€xeplc, th@ d. ceruin pell.l! b€rween rb. nndinss in hun& md 6ls on tonsrm<br />

clozapinc lrcallncnt egarding ndtrophil c,lotoxicny. Neuhpbil c'loroxicny is<br />

ddoEtrated in ctl expsindtrl aimals lmled *nh puified or mftm@ill<br />

pEp&alio$ dd paricntr expoed ro cbapin.; 60 % of rh6. pa(enrs so on ro d€vero,<br />

oyroloxrcrly, suggclliDg lh.r rhcrc nrly bc ddiriomt irc105 itr rhc.tcvdtoDnrcfr ot.<br />

croap'n€ crloioxi.ny i. od. Al6ough in |ni! srudy r did rcr aLlempr ro idcnlity dirolty<br />

lh. @tiv€ mcElolil* of ctd.tjne, bur sr.86 of cytobxicny *ere ob$cd.

To SaiD tunhd iui8h1 inlo moldt& mohdism involvcd in cloapinc-induced<br />

cyr.lox'c'ry. I onprel rllc drug oDdifiqt $ruD polcir pn,titc iI ilLs ,tlis slrdy is<br />

inconclusivc, how€v.r, patiminary Butte indicale clozapinc ft*ed emptes (n=12)<br />

.hov ur roaulred dillcMtlally .xpr.$.d clozapinc nodincd 5B KD dd 184 KD<br />

Dol4cpiidc in Ftun compat d !o hatopqidol trste

4.lll<br />

Lt'LrltSiL chhnic rrcah€d !te!,, Anripsrhoric J&(}it,r',<br />

il-t a. o v/l -f -,{a- ) f |<br />

fi' t Ls.tltzophqni a l} + r/dt le!) j ge.rsiae erea<br />

gr!, Jl.fJP|9!,,^nriplrho tjc il, /4 O b L t + /4 1 o-1 6% r., ft E L &/l<br />

\r t - +1 y pi.at Nnips'rd\ob,Iy'zHalA€ddot c! Lrrcbapine /rHatopedjot d<br />

-dlr'rlrMov.ment die'd€6 F,-tzE,/ 4,{ Eps ,P,,,! to udrtraporymoDhism<br />

iPf $u&blt Benmaa{tt cognit € syn&onerNogarE, cr€D'siw -<br />

-!"'Nyptcat.'twi,c.r.t,I,r/-r.tt e,,.tt be- -t,t ot. t L !1 --p.€di.j{l.<br />

,(weight Gain)Prtrgr.Hemalotogtoat dyscrasiasrrside €ffoct Drotite<br />

O 6,1u ?-/L S$izophBnia iAnimat Modet _iJd,Jt {Merabotic SyndMce<br />

e8,Fr7(10.2^stxg1 Hatoperidor/ctozapine l2onstk', al i)nl_-{<br />

4 doubta @nwnsbn 2- L L.ta{,P( 60_l I \ht amuscurar Inieciion)<br />

-W')Pt(-!'tntpsycnotc commedat avait bb a pudfied arn ,,&l,gt f<br />

,lctozaqino,tr'tator€ri1,ot t {.ltbL lLo;Ll./s(jleophteni. 1t<br />

{onOz Aane {"ttz-rrru Cnonic A jpsych.nc ttjt/, _Z+/Li!)agF<br />

{A€a,@ g.lz RFLps produe, r!/l)pt@ pcR-RFLps 2- Lc.no'pi^s<br />

Ai (3ro bp), lar?.ldArf€lic parbm -.PctL oRo2 gene JJiz-v-1.--av<br />

412.-v1)t5etet. -(v(!!. alA2 (3i0, 1Bo, t2o bp) ,,r a2 ,(180, 120 bp)<br />

dd)6l1 lltaeLDRo2 .toEat !.Le!,tctoapi^e ,ttlatop.r*,ot 2 !t-/,<br />

J) Jlea Nbtb fitauanct oV" Lrwted saups "1t4L,),fJri_ _t )t tet<br />

xv<br />


4-gc.n6 sequencins ta'li{uuawn et -11t-,.( f,tJx<br />

r-DNA s€qu€ncing AnalFis Z Taq iA 310 r€sion ZDRDz -+$!..t|,t<br />

lchrcnic iroatnsnlzCbapiD€,rHatopoddotr /-/Schi&phpnk, P 1t J tt rt!<br />

ser 36ll€€ rZZG-T TEnstbnl c1432a27 bp -LCHomozygous *z<br />

ttt"r- cdzt'- v',\)/J,ve-r r mins on .l?J4/el 4rk_tt r)vLnurlton<br />

-{\y'na i' f d /a6c'Lo t Luut'ranl "bL<br />

dmeential {NeuDransmift E( ctwpine ,t{atopendot L(lOJ}<br />

4tDopantn6, t /'t r)<br />

"..PL Lt, (<br />

" 4, 1,d,' L ( - r- { tF4t L,/ot 6 / anany<br />

_ f - t/,./ i APLc-Eco r eh n qct/izseroionin<br />

H*arol€rc€lside L^^ 8ychotj. t?{.h(da6 tLf &)tFt l<br />

, u/zS. - q,Pl 2- Lr oxic$te LII& t-t't', +J"r: -vi- LtrLerEcE<br />

4-r'r4',4{-!\tt)1 .'/-+&n,i,(cLr,h,tt' .,tv€t',a,!u,l+<br />

Tyri€l df .on d€fi cie.cy Anemia Lt, L n J-,t/ i it o tr' AE,, o ?-/ Schizoph'rtnia<br />

A-/schiapnrcnia 1t7E /" U74-, iJ".tu Jpet. 4, I tyhn|p.ychoti.<br />

mtocyi:/rlhypochDmic,!r-10%Gc!12lchbnt tleainenlzHabpeidd,<br />

nom@y'ic-nomochomic cerls L ! A /r toabd ctozapine rvlsr -2 I 7_1nn,<br />

adjuncriv€ (t llon def€crency aieamis t/fnidocyic anae nia. .i,_(,gvL<br />

e n,ctt. 4,-+t .t'l!t+,Itbn I L(-t lttgtt (t,4)trr*iJn bniinrpbsr<br />

&.{,!xutrsa,aopn nr idl+,furl dt k,itcJto1ralptLet,,l<br />

- n Mi'.J aauu e areas Ltt L' G * L Jt;4L -f ,au + e<br />

-r* f ,dulGesional Braanar An"ry.i')lrF,"lry Hur.*n.rneo ..r'<br />

i! { sib ot adion L e!,1 antipsvcrrorcd Jr.r/neuotrangmirer €c€proF-;F"<br />

-PLRat b.€in/ Lh,Lchanjc rearn€nlzHabpe,idot,tclJzapins _q L /<br />

chrcnic tHaloperidol -tlrf 4,,lve JlLNlrnotranshirt6G d1,,,<br />

lmd-brain ai'(Hyporh6 amus. cod6r E sriatumr L/,,j!,1r..!,,1Lv6ana.nl<br />

0'26 r' l, & * LttLL ctoapin Lt, L rt tt*ot tt,ut| ema c€lor.r doDamin€<br />

fcommorciart avairabrs clo.. pthe &@tter 4_J1&i!,1fii)rcd,nex LP<br />

'{l! : v"' ;2 v g (rin".nn.oonddopamined*thatn€nt<br />


Dopamine Llmld bisin Z.expenlr|e tat gtoups ohLclwpine .UU4/<br />

ri',Ce Lchrcntc r.€atmentJ Harope dor -J' dr,{,,t"on""n ao^<br />

&Zssrotonini,Csrriatum, Hypotha smu3 & Mid-b6ln 4€xpenm.nr.t soup.<br />

ctozapino,fi !,Jt - LRaEt), y'-,'a J, dt'r{,s,J aco,n,/,trC 4,;v',Ltvc<br />

{seotonin uk.coisx z-ll! j" {o1O,l 95(3 4",6a^.ntat srcup.gLL<br />

dNeurcf ransmitteE d# Z Jv, r I E e!'t !)r -t' j vt :1, q.licnnc€nrrarjon<br />

-t4,vl$)rt sida aflect prctite LNeurcrans'|.l,itlgt,-t )tjitLr, L'n$<br />

J &bt.fd dysqa.i.s - - 6l

,94.41Lw ffi Lt,aC ,L'irL(W, dutwUl<br />

li]f*,lr+Vf0a14ff,Zd,.{rlrriribr tre,&?rrn-..<br />

scllsftr FladrE {tt lZ- L+.r'Hq'r*fi|. trtceb dp"+<br />

('lu{oat lala.t2aaugitZ*rc nre1511p 6".n ,*,4y<br />

ltd,t4/wi/*t4--l, rrwtd* J..+{J)a-td'rft lart<br />

-zl<br />




'Ihc idertincafun ofpatcm in g€nc cxp€riotr darasers prceid€ rwo bcnctiE l) insighr<br />

itrlo g.n. polFophisn 2) ch@cltriatioi oa mutdpte Scnc cxprcsion pDfit6 in<br />

amphx biologicll prccc$B slch 6 palhotogictrl srars . AccordinSlo acounuy pbtitc<br />

rcpon by WtlO Emb Rcgion (ww.cmrc,who.intmrh/whd/couhl.vnntitcJ,AK.hhr).<br />

&out lGl6% Pslistani population lulrcB fen leioE rJ.6 ofmild !o modcrsre nenbl<br />

dr$rd.6j only l@/d oflh* pdi6r! @.ivc tr.atndt. ?r.vat6l ma|.t .lisrdeE d.:<br />

d@6rion (6%), $hi&pbmia (t.5%), Alzi.imcr,s diree (l%:) dtd.pitq),y (j 2%.)<br />

(Gadn a al., 2007). Th€ morl sio6 nuitcstatios of rhe 66trl died.6 e<br />

tuicidll l6dtui6, Clm y rhc mcnd dj5..G mrk d founh pcnion dons rne<br />

8lob.l budcn of dis*e. hwcv€r, by rhc ,sr 2O2O n t f@€d ro jumD ro s4ond<br />

po$lior b.caus. of ldv.ne $cial circumridcB ed €nvireMent t .!@ni4 (Cadn &<br />

Knalid 2002).<br />

Sclizophrcnia is one of rh€ mosl disbting dd €ootiona y dev$ldrns I n$*s (Movry<br />

.l al., 2001). lt is ch@Iqized by a numcous dislincliv€ dd p,cdicrubt. symptoms<br />


ncbaisn of &li@ of&tipsrhoric drugs hs cult€d in vrioG h}lolhcFs Elrcd ro<br />

$c n€nlal dieadr the naiBlay of heatndt of schizophmi. dd oth6 psrrhotc<br />

di$rd6. Th€ difla@ in 0E .flilily lowdds D2 deptor providcs lhe b6is of<br />

cldsiEc*ion oIlh. dtiFJchotic druesinto lypical (habFndoD a atypical (cloapine)<br />

prcdeitrg diffmt ntroch€nioal 5d inctional alIsls.<br />

Thft is d ill{)@itra int 16l in ln. ph@a.nctics of $hiaphdia panicdsly tte<br />

nls of g€nclic fa.lo6 in dct€mining srlrpton Espo.e ed side efGct of @ripsychoric<br />

llsundt Tho pltfut srudy is t@ui.d d sd.ric in0u@.6 in cpoN io rhe<br />

dtipsycnotic dngs treabrent. A!&cialioN wi$ $6e clinical outconcs havc b*n<br />

fourd for a widy of @motr frbctioral polForyhjs i. candidat€ ccnca (Ha@ et<br />

al., 1999; IaoLawa .t al., 1993). Sone eert fldingd ii this conr.xt will bc dsribcd in<br />

this slion. Thc ctr|pb6is will tF on polcnriat Sderic predictos on some iddti(ed<br />

genetic dociations Mlh n.gative, delre$iv€ ed coilivc srmplom. Thcn Bponse to<br />

dtug Eeatndt 6 wel 6 lnen 3id. efet prcnlc auct rq hdaiolosic.l drsrdia,<br />

e€ight gair dd nclalolic syndrene followir8 lr?icil rnd att?'d &nFycholica<br />

hailndt, is al$ hiehlig}rcd.<br />

Tt. involvmml of the dopdi!. r@@ror D2 (DRtti GC I I M I 12'785) gcle op6 up<br />

$e porenti.l for a trgeled pb@@g6ohic rpprc*h to ihe tr€atmcnl of $hizophrcDa,<br />

pcldlmrric *ess dierdd, ftovm€nt disrd6, higain ed olh.r psychotic<br />

dierd6. Regulaiion of dopmbe plays a cMi.l ble in ou nnlal md phrsical hcal6.<br />

It E e live l@M dopuine R4rou, clsifi€d inro "fdili6" on tlte bab of<br />

sjmileit€s in eBn 's.qu6€c ed fu.rioni cflals, The Dt fdily imlndc. tne Dl and<br />

D5 depto6, whilc rh€ dopuir. D2 fdily includG D2, D3, ald D4 M@tos. Of<br />

d.5.,lhe dopdinc D2 fdilt dd in pani.uld thc

tncalaiic lcspome of anriprrhofic drug!, which so fd remaiB elusiv€. Th. rcpon.d<br />

r mne poin6 our a dispsity in rtc pDponion ofAl .u€16 berwcn,a.€s and<br />

nrt'onNlity. I decided to inv.sri8ll. rhe frlg!€rcy disrriburion ofTa{ I A potynophisd<br />

of dopmine D2 rcccplor gqe in schircphrcnic paiicnl! on tonSrm bqhrnt of<br />

atipsrrholic drugs &om d€ popularion of K@hi.<br />

'Iltb study will pDvid. rhe euidetinc for the €fierivencs o, drugs. lh. il€Br@ ofsoleriry<br />

of rclalcd side cffecG, &d rlcir cffccr on diffc,enl pa@dc6 lilc neuot@shin6,<br />

@nccntr.tions tarliculdly wirh rcfcrcnce ro thc halopcridot and clozapinc. tr is qxp@lqt<br />

ut t 'l riu .l$ prcvid. beti.c d.r. for d.rmining htulotosrcar d)s.sj6; whi.h ic<br />

cntical in ordd lo dcaiSr bctts s@oing prcccd@, doe moflbnng ed ro pmvidc<br />

h@alological sf.t, lo dercse morbidiry tud donaliry relatcd wilh lbse Mdp!),cholic<br />


1.2,1 Sch@phreri& SynDroDi pdtitr. rrd N.srrtv€ Sytrdroh. s..1. (pANSS)<br />

.rd Ardpry.horic Dmgs<br />

Thc mliFycholic dng5, Eed 16 Etal rhc aymplons of schrzophMq arc d&rimnDrd<br />

inlo lrlical tud aq?icat etipsrhodcs on rhe bsis of tneir lhmpeuric cm@y dd<br />

peptuity lo indlce erna prranidai sidc cllel!. Thc cficacy orlypicat dnripsychoric<br />

dru$, ptrliclhny halopcndol h6 bcn showtr lo coml,rc wi$ doDntrri,rc rcccpror<br />

occuplncy!trd is highlycrcclivc aor UE trcllnul ofposirjvesyDplon otsclrizophenia<br />

al tlltiv€ly low doFs, Dd€ such as cloapine (rhc so ca €d arrlicat e$psrchorics),<br />

elfetiv€ rowads rh. n.8arivc s),rplotu of sbj@phhia, hwdd, har€ Flariv.ly low<br />

afllniiy lo D2 @cpior dd $B have a lowd pmpdsily rc mducc exFa pyrddal<br />

symplo@ (Fard. .i at., 1992i Nordlrrob €1 al,, 1995).<br />

The nosr qidcly osed n€rhod for thc shdardircd mcrnrtumcd oi odrc syt)l|torrs r,<br />

&hizophrcniq &cording b thc Ancdcd Dil8troslic and Sr.risticat M4uat of Mcnr.t<br />

Disordsjv (DSMlv) j! PANSS. lr consilul6 upon for eal6 hnvjng 30 irchs.<br />

mwlnng 7 pcirivc synprons (l8 ucination, dclusion, diargmjzcd specch, Crossty<br />

dis€diz.d or .ltrtonic bchaviqi uulrt holor b.havio(pcin& @kind ed<br />

dep€Mnalianion or der€alizalion.), ? negadve synplons (oat or btut.d beb.vior), &d<br />

16 Epffiling difldc id d(vor eqnqal sddiiy of jlhe$ on lh. bsrs or rwo

€lablishql psychialric mring sydcDs BPRS (bn€f psrhi dc rutinB scalc) dd dr€<br />

Flchop.rholotical 6tios sch.dulc. .nl!s providiry bateccd Fpre$nrarion of $cc<br />

synplons dd rhen rclationship !o glob.l psy.hopa$ology (Tuga.l alj l97i Ms cr<br />

at.,20@).<br />

Th. dcS.live srrptom of psychoii. dijordc have bco dwi{.d vi(h thc<br />

hyr{doDrninergic alarc and could bc impovcd usjDs drugs urrl drmhish scDbnqBic<br />

&trvity, likc scmbft dlagonirrs, A! th€ lowding or scoronrn ,outd rsuh in I<br />

dimi.ution of pGirive $d/or neFtive synpto,ns sinco smroncryic afcrcfl ncurom<br />

syr0psing widr dopamincrgjc ncurcns cxcrl d jnhibno.y cllrct. (Carpcnrci l995i euinrin<br />

cr ar., 2004; Rclrolds 2004).<br />

L2.2 DRD2 ..c.ptor g€o€ potynorptisn itr Schizophr€lr<br />

DAdincrgic nc@tr&5ni$jon is.tra.d ,n a Dbb.r or ,.!rcto8ical ed psychiaric<br />

dtsordd inciudirg schtophMi4 de8 ,rtdi.ri@, al@holsn, ancnfion dcficir<br />

h,rtutivily dibrdd (ADHS) dd p.rki,sn,. disde (Comins cl at,, l99l;<br />

shalhoErlgoli cr d., 2005; p@tu et .1., 2OO?) T1r n€rap€urc nspotrF dd lh.<br />

ev.nty of adv€rsc symptoms of atipsychoic drugs wa hodllat€d by lhe gendic<br />

vdidts of D, @A[06 (Kaiscr et al , 2OO2; Lencz el al,! 2oo6i Kandet, l 9l ; Hwong el<br />

al.,200s)<br />

Dopdir€ h}lotlBis p$lulal6 h}p.r& vny of dopdincrs,c neurcranmision dr D,<br />

Eepto6 dd prcvjdB

The genetic @nt ibutim i! tle eliolo8y ddor pathog€nsis of ehizPhmia h dillcml<br />

clinical sludi6, lh. noleul& @han@ of lhda.rHlic cfativm* of 4lip6ycnodc<br />

dag and advmcF in ntud d.v€lasot eucg€* rn€ itrvolvemdt ol diffcEnl san6<br />

lik dopdin Bcptor, ffironh Fcpror dd nc@Eopic f&tor in shiaPltroia od<br />

othd mot l illnelg. (virsos .l al., 2001; wong cl d., 2000: Pclronis 2000: Klpckki,<br />

2OO2i Ho.nicta ei al., 2006; S€ri. e1 al,, 2004 Bistfoi el al., 2007).<br />

The gh6 i.rclvcd in lhc dopdinc lrsmisiot dd developnol of tic bFin @<br />

suegdt€d lo be Ue cddidatc gpr* contdbding in pathophFiologv oa Pst€hialric<br />

dis6e (Cordis €t d., 1990, H.ser .t al., 1999). Thc DRD2 s€.c is a cudidd€ senc for<br />

$hidphroia b€Ne of its polarid .trnjty b*ards dill€dt ttD6 of mlipsFhoric<br />

.lrug! (Cal!l&o €t al 1992: Hauge €t .1., l91i rlidei €t al, 2002; zharB ct .1., 2003;<br />

The DRD2. DRDI md DRD4 e the oosibl€ c&did.te gd6 in ttdive dlstineia'<br />

ext6pltrdidal s}tldene, t rdive dyslooia dd rclrol€pli. nali8nml svndon€<br />

producing rhc lonS-lem advffi elTels of mtipstdolic ddgs l!!t e D2 e@!or<br />

bloctd Mih@ el al., 2002; Kishida .t aI , 2OOl; Slali ct a] , 2001; Gmi'-B{celo el<br />

al.. 2001i Dubertet el aL, 2004; s€cD4 et al , 2ooo, 2001, 2003; Nat@no 't al , 2005)<br />

Th€ d69mire Bl @.pror gde *6 .!so @6idd.d d a mdidr c gac for<br />

enidrhrdir b4.@ il wd found lo b€ !p cgulared in pctnoncn br'in dd h4<br />

amnny fo! .lozapin€ (szcLdes .t al., 200,4 dd clatt et al . 2003).<br />

rh@tt?ic difreM6 h.ve b€tr 6*iar.d wi|h dopdin @€pto. D2 gcnc (DRD2)<br />

vdiers includinS reduccd D2 dop@in€ t6.pbr nmbdt sd didinkh'd slo@*<br />

n tabolisn in lnc bFitu of subjats ouving the DRD2 ,{1 allclo (Noble 2003) Tnc Al<br />

alelc ot rhc DRD2 epn. k th.ugbl to rct 6 I nodifvirs go' 6lha lh{ 6 the ldmrv<br />

ctiological .8dt in a nbd ofb€havioral drsdd (ConinS '1d l99l) Howevd in<br />

dfl8 addiciioo @d shizophrcnia lhe PBaldc€<br />

or tns Ar allcle wd onlv siCnificot<br />

*n n 6mpd€d wrLb non al@hot. 6nhL dd wbo no 'otrlDn wd mddc lor<br />

munipk conpdi$ns (coming cl al l99l)<br />

Thc DRD2, Taql allele Ar, ldalql noE tn& lO kilo b$6 (kb) down *Em non ihe<br />

@din8 rc8rotr of ll|c DRD2 sdc, ws !@rlcd lo bc @i'led wid aloholGo ed *iil'<br />

inctwd slsc€plibilily to poly lubsl&ce dd cocsinc abse (Blun el al 1990' Gejmd el

al 194). A si8li6cmt pblongatim of Prd latelcy and dininish'd vissDalial aliliti6<br />

sussBted thc Elalionship of Ar allcle of lhe doPmin DRD2 g@e to phdoltTi€<br />

qprBsion of DRD2 in ihe cdd!'te nu.leu (Nohle ct al.' 1994)<br />

Th€ odils rcei@s ed sglicejuclio !t 36 copi6 oflh. DRD2 3@' wa scquoc'd bv<br />

SdlG er al ( l99l ) .d tue potymryhis witbin lhe so' vft obeded bul mrc wd<br />

tholght 10 affeot prot€in sFuctur€ dd cxpGtion DRD2 @ding sequocc abnodtlit'es<br />

w@ als as$i.tqt with atoholisd d &hi&phrnia (Gejmu el a! 194)<br />

'<br />

Thr<br />

wiels wqe r@oned &r1 pode€d at1€Ed eirc &id *qu4'4 in th€ r*@to' b!1<br />

none wft Bscialed vith al@holis or $hiethdia The 9o01}?6 A1Ar, ArA' dd<br />

A{A{ ud lhe elAti6hip h€rws T.ql DRD2 vdrts s' clinic'l svnpbm and<br />

pathogeetic f4turs of rhe patienls widr $hizod!€nia did ndl cobtm lhe ssFho'<br />

b.tw@n DRD2 gc@tyP. md ev of th€ die.des ltudied, but Potendal<br />

gonetic rillot<br />

'<br />

involvcd in tne susqtibility to $hi4phMi! wd &A, DRD2 sdot!' (Gotimbcr €t<br />

d.- 1998).<br />

Linloge oslysis hG bcen mlde 4id qith ihc us of eitldion ftagndl len$rt<br />

polForyhi@ (R'FLPS) bv sFcilic Grriction 6do clcas (G'rdis €r al-' 1990)<br />

Cenu Datt fts of ih€r fragnoL mav be ir&snilltd $rcugh fmilies along w'th a<br />

die& sdq indicatinS lhe l@atioo ot a vd&t gdo wnib 6@iaion 3ludi6 sueg6t<br />

th€ &Ecu.tuy of a paniculd al1.L dift@ in a poFlarion or alf*ted individuls lion<br />

dal s@ in a nomd conirol popularion (Codis e1 d , 1990)<br />

Tnc bws dtuiy ed dibinistrcd turcriotr of DRD2 w6 N@i't€rt wilh rhe A' atlclc of<br />

Taql A, hov€v.r DRD2 pobdorphin d@3 nor plav & iFponel ol' n<br />

prwhopalholocrca! svnpiom6 of $hizopnMG Guzuld el al ' 2000i wu ei tl ' 2005)'<br />

An @i.fon bcr*6 dopmine recptor gd' sd *hi@phr6ia wa @cntlv l)d<br />

reponed b.twen a pubtive fwrioMl Dolvmorphis tl41 C In&'Dcl) U8t nav afisis<br />

swcDlihiliiy to $hizopbe a (Jon6en et al l999i Ari'mi 't al ' 199?; Ohda et al '<br />

1998. Ts.tati! el tl,,2004) Thi! g6.trc !d!ri6 itr lh' 5 fltrking Egion ofthe DRD2<br />

sdc drt nol a pl.y tujor ml. in tlc g@etic pEdbposirion to shizophEda (T'lldi'o el<br />

al., 1999; Slobq cl al., 1993).<br />

DRD2 scn polynoAhim ad rhc clinical EsaoM or rrypical dti!.Y.toti. drus<br />

clozaline de rct seiated wnn e&h olh€r but dhplav hi8n afiiniiy for D2 rccep[os in

the linbic stst€m (Ar@ er al., 1998; r*patis €(.1.,2004). Nc8aliv€ alleli. @iation<br />

ws E?oned belween ! singlc be d.lelion 141 dolla C i. tlte pmmoto region oa lhe<br />

DRD2 g.@ ed $hizophrenia AldFugh ir E ml a siSnitrcst nsk f&ror bul a sltons<br />

cudidal. for rcwdd rclated behavior lit drng abse ot for shiaphrcda (Li €t al.,<br />

198} Th€ o$4 of ehiephhia hay not b€ innlncld by the DRD2 g.n bnl lhe<br />

symptoms of ehi@phr.nia wd€ sigtiic&lly influmc€d by CytSl I .nd -141C D€l<br />

iHinei e! al.,2002).<br />

A pobmorphtum tu r non@ditrs Ar alclc of lhc Taql A Egion of lbe DRD2 {a<br />

obseFcd i. wc6l studi6 ssiated ei0r atcoholi@ &d subsL@ abus. R*uldng in<br />

ldDdarion oI dopminc trmsDision. which mighl declle the dp6sion of tn€ D2<br />

@€plor aae<br />

in respoM to Taq I Ar allele nuLliotr LinL8p disequilibrim bul Ellica&<br />

studywerc failed to confim thi! dscialion (Ldelle d al, 1998).<br />

Arimi d al., (1t94) had retoned a posilrve Miation b.tvq $bibphqi! od thc<br />

Cys lrl veidt of th. DRD2 s6. but olhd stldrd do not suppon uns t'l'tionship<br />

(L.llHt ct al,, 1994; ltin€i d al.. 2OO2). It w6 also indicded lhd the ftcquencv of tltis<br />

godic veial is bi.5.d gogr4hicaltt od musr lh@IoF be @Nidct€d *ha<br />

ihvGtigating lhe occmce of eoetic vdi4ts &d disee (Hamo 199?)<br />

Thre nw go. v&idts have bq di!6vdcd fd DRD2 ir iDtron 4 intron 6 dd qon 3'<br />

in addition 10 th. t om Taql A elricdon nasrn@l lmdn polvnorphis (RFLP) sd<br />

exon 7 (31 1 Sd/Cts) (lirckh el al 1996) Rsent sludi€s suggcst lhat the Taq Ar allcle<br />

dil lhe 3l I Cys v{i&l @ the onPoddls ofdiferdl grups of h'aplotyp6 though both<br />

vdidls rc slsulated !o b€ d$ciaicd with .lcohohn or schizoPhMia<br />

Ille pollmorphL DRD2 8oe vddll w@ obsd.d pFdi'lin8 lhe dim &id<br />

suhcututos Valao >Ala PnJlo...set, dd SsJll >Cvs in l!€ Eepd pro'cin<br />

chdaclcizerl by redu..d abilily to etivate the appropnate Gi_like Protei! dus plaved m<br />

imporrdr reI. h the Phm@locical implicadd of D2 6@tor bl@king drugs o<br />

enizoDhmia &d orh.r pstthi.t ic disrd.6 (CBvchiI( .t al., 1996) sttutural chde6<br />

s@ not obsdc

1.2.3 N.rrotrrnsml(eB .Id A.dFychoric Drugs<br />

An eiafion b€t*d cnain psrrholic illn*6 (in tudins misEin , deocsion .nd<br />

&hizopbrchia) dislurbdce in minc mcl$olism in the bnin sd & abnomrhy in $c<br />

ne$ylltion of bio8oic min€s (talriculdly erolonir/dopdine) in $hi&pnmia has<br />

long b€. @cidsql (Mctrz6 .r a[, 195; tqb.l d .1,, 195; Abi-Deshm l99t&<br />

2007). ft€re is also aiddce that dcGsiv€ El.@ of ttE pulative n€@rsmitr.r<br />

dopaminc (DA) ad d€ficimcy in saoronin (5-lIT) tunction ar. r$ociated wilh<br />

schihphrcniu(l|.$ogi, l98li Ladcllcct !1.. 2000).<br />

Most ollhe action of phmcological agenis ued in af..rive disordds hd b€o @tar.d<br />

ro tcir crel o. biouin6, which ee bcticv€d ro &t s neubrEnsfrificr subrranccs in<br />

dc6 otb6in nediaLc{ (thc linbi. syslcm includinShr?orhlldus dd o0rr fonctionaly<br />

rclaled bmin rhcturct, behaviont tunctioN (pjctclmd, t979).<br />

Tnc pDpc.d 8dedl mehsi@ of drypical &tp.,rhotic dD$ i. th. sDbni. c.ptor<br />

draSobi.n @fiributing !o rhc low dr.aplrdidal sid. efler pnfil. (S.sm& er at.,<br />

2003; Mortima 20Ol; AhiD&ghd 2007) ho{cvd, rhc cla$ical dlipsrholic dogs<br />

have $. pot6li.l lo irdu.e qt ptrdidal sidc ef&cls by dopdinersic @erlor<br />

bl@kadc (Wu €t al.. 2006; Gu6 et al,, 200?) S€roronereic hodularion hs bccn<br />

.s$i.ld with rh. iD.@c Fl€e of srriltal dopmiscr 4 dopein Elce in the<br />

DEftontil cond can lffet the ncgdiv€ dnd coanilivc stftton$ ofschiTolhrcrin rnd<br />

@ bc hoduhted eilhd by rhe @mbincd 5- T2AID2 rtplor ml$onism or rh.<br />

pEfelehlial blockade of inlibilory dopdinc auto reepron o. D2 .eccptor anbsonish<br />

{Ho.rccL el al.. 2006). All thce cotrtEdictory obscry.rions lcld ro thc postrrtarion ol<br />

"Seotonin H}?othqis or Schi&phMit' lh.t ains to cxplain rhc htlerncrvily syrdomc<br />

Gchi/.fhroni!) on lhc b.sis olincrc$ql scdonirr Nd tryDbphu lcvol (shrnMcrrl.,<br />

t991).<br />

Th€ all.olions in the lcdvity of nono@iD@xid$q (MAO) hd b.6 nosr qr€nsir€ty<br />

stldicd in El.tion lo veioE daral almfrslili.! s il involved in rh. synth6is of 5-<br />

hydrcxin.lole &eric &id (5-HjAA) - a Mjor m.raboli. prcdlcr of srctonin. Reduc.d<br />

plalelel hommirc oxidae &livity w6 oblded in chrcnic sohizophMics (M.llz.r.r<br />

al.,l9?4) in tun redkc @rrbolis of@to.io (5-HT) and iic@c rhc lcvet of 5-H|AA<br />

(l{usrosior {1., |,81)pdhul ly in Nsponsc lo nclrolcpric lrcllNnr. Mljor nsulnrion

oa 5-HIAA ws $tuugh tbc f.€d bEt mcchoisn .nd rll $osc druEr or subsronc€5 0Dt<br />

&hsonize thydbrtlrFtanine ard MAO (..9, LDOPA) .ould thd rhc l€reI oa 5-<br />

The critical blcor3colodn (5-HT)-rccepro.bd.d nehanis s dd lhc polmt 5-HT2A<br />

@eptor btosonis toeetho with p..k dopmine D2 @eptor &hgonism h6 ben<br />

Postulatcd 6. prircipal phdeological f@trlr ihal difehd.le rh. nq ecncBlion of<br />

etipslchotjc d&g! such a clozpirc and thc fFcg@darion of dtip$trhoric dn$ tikc<br />

halopcridol. s-lITIA .gonism w!! d inportel @scquqce of 5-HT2A dtagodm.<br />

which may alio t" produc€d by d.ttlpic.t dtipstchotic dog who coupled with qc.k<br />

D2 inlagonisn md lhus lower thc cxlreramidll sidc cltec (EPS) (l\4cllz!l ct d..<br />

2003).<br />

Thc h'!o tunctioning of dopamircryic ncurctiesnision in nedial peftonr.l @ncx<br />

lllcviatcd byclozapinced olher arlipsycholic druSs w$c lssocidlcd *irh thq synpronrs<br />

of $hiephmia (H.idbred€. .r al., 2001 ) Tne cbz.pine-iiducod incrcsc ws ob$flcd<br />

iD lhe dopmin. @nc.nlration in Uc todal 6n€r whilc h.lopcridol-induced inc@c in<br />

dtrB-c.llule doDmin . DOPAC sd HvA conc.nEarion w6 obsd.d in $c auialm.<br />

Clozei.c qhibiis 3lto.g m@utuic dr.g@isl prFnic hut n doq nol poducc tull<br />

blockad. ormu@@ic r*.Dior in tl€ striltun in vivo. Thcrcfor€ thc interaclion of let<br />

of ability of cloz.lin. lo prcd@ EPS srnplom or lardivc d,rkinsia w6 Eldoi *ilh<br />

rhc choli@sjc sy$d in th. striaium (Mcltzq et d., 1994)<br />

Togerh* with D2 F@tor blocloda, th. chronic halopdidol ldninistalion lq& to<br />

de@. ba.l dop.nin Gl.4 dd nctr'bolin pFducing lolmcc lo h.lopcridol-<br />

induced incc.e in dordin. nebbolis in sltiatun bu not in nuclas .ccumbens<br />

Cloapinc hd no ellftr on b6al dopmin€ Elce dd nebbolnn bd n produc.s<br />

tolff.c to cloz.pioc-ioduccd incrce in dopdinc nct$olism in nucls accunbcN.<br />

Howsvcr, slighr d€cms in dop.min€rBic liansnission wN obsoecd h nklcus<br />

rcuDrbcns vilh @ncurcnl inclt:s in sl.i.ruN lncr chonic cloapnN t@LnLl<br />

(lchikapa d al., 1990, Compto! e1 al., 1989), A 62% d€clls in do6al skiatat dopdine<br />

Fupkl Ble qd obs.ned which may bc Elatcd b fic motor side .ft@l prclile ol<br />

h.lopdidol tr .tnat whil. clozapinc had no effet on uptatc nt€ (Rorhblal d al.,<br />


Nondr..aline ha bo shom ro onrot dopamift tutw.r .nd alce in Br b6in<br />

(Sri,'i!$u ct al., 2m4). Tlrc cxls-@ttutff trolttdrunotiN wf,\ ihoMscd in $c nrqtid<br />

Prcftonlilconcx aft.r adminisdalion ofdripsy€hotics &d w6 explajncd by inhibirio. of<br />

5-tfT2 r*cpior dd mr dopdin D2 d@!o6 (w6rdink er at.,200I).<br />

Clrtonic halopcridol kcahcnl incrcN6 thc nunlbcr oi D2 Mcplob rhitc m inoMc<br />

wa obsflcd by cloapinc. This sugS$6lhc porcnt 5,t.tT2 recpror drlagotrism vc&s<br />

wc* dopiminc D2 rceplor blo.kadc or the altscnrc ot lFrcgulalion oa dopminc D2<br />

@eploE (hhikd€ 1998). fte d.daric increGe in srrialal dopminersic ed<br />

'@londsc tutuvd (toh.&n. 1992) .nd & inct@.d sluhindSic tuncrjon wilb<br />

dopqinergic @eptors bl@lade following nigh dos w€re rcpolrcd 6 ti. pmpos.d<br />

modc of&tiotr ol tt.lop.tdol (Jls ct al., 1993).<br />

Abough th€ ble ofrtlbtha dd 3@ronin ws nor conplelcly udmtood, tne cfler<br />

of eliprlrhodc may ren€ci iheir involv.mar in lhe palhogdBis of ps'€nodc illn€ss<br />

like obsive@nDtrkiv€ di$rd6, alcoholism, de'lsion a violace (Licbemnn e(<br />

!1, 19931 Kcnncdy cr rl., 2002). Thc parholoBy of dc(ced tr}?toplun nnd $bro n<br />

wG conclared widr inct*cd dopMine since a tunclioml linl bclwefl dopanline<br />

drrvily ed sblondgic n.mN in bEin ha aledy b€o 6r.busn.d (sntdd cr at..<br />

l r74j Rrtosi cr al., l t8 l ).<br />

thc cdlal rclc ofmultirold behavioBl rcguhtion pl.ycd by scbronin md trrplolh<br />

pciphcral oncenlrjlion w6 aho inporlmt lor nonnal loncrionins ol erclonin<br />

ncunlmoislion, whicb w4 in lum adjlst€d by heparic md non-hopdic rrr?lophD<br />

pt@le &d rclce of Frploph& fton dbmin dd irs plsAe a!16 ihe bl@d,b6in<br />

bdid (Sr.add cr al., 2001). Ioc@c in the &* pool ofiqlrophd hs b€en r.pori.d to<br />

inc@ rh. bFin s@lodn lwel (Iaglido € ci al., t97l) nobvd fouowins diel-<br />

rnduced inc@ in lry?lophd 6uld inc@c thc brain soton*sic rclivny (Maltls cL<br />

r1..2002).<br />

A d6t€s in bFin $b|onin ed 5-H!AA ldelr induc.d by gluco* wd obsrycd but<br />

lhc hrnnr lrtlxophatr lcvol wls rbl d{rc$cl (t qucr cl rl., 2002). Or ltr uoDlirry, !n<br />

ncl€4d avajlabiliry of Fyplophm w6 obsfl.d with .on lmt incru. ih b!.in<br />

@rdin smlh6b following c{bohydrdc dch di.t lhoud r stull mou olprorein

wa sugg6l.d 10 bl@k this mahdis Endqine it d u@moi Epoe (Bdlon.t<br />

^1.,2002).<br />

Thc &tidcpMr &rivily of rypl@hd my phy a ml. in nild lo nodcr.te deprcsion<br />

by dercains 0re aegr€sion (You.s er al., 2002). Sinihrly patients tBrcd *irh<br />

lp@ific- eolonin- reuphkc inhibiloN (SSRh) @ovqqd rroflr dcprcslion, silns ol<br />

deprcsion w€re obsded followin8 acurq lry?rophd d€plelion (Berj ct .1., 2002)<br />

Try)roph.n aDd scrobni wcrc cotrsidcrcd $ nil ul rlrcmrlilcs lo m(irionrl<br />

ridcprtsnrs, which can bc osql lo @lvcd unipolar dqrNion (Shaq ct !1..21x)2).<br />

Livqr lrytlophaD pynolsc ws cotrsidcrcd B orc ofthc prirtipnllelor lhut alT6k brair<br />

solonin synrhEis by alldins $. lvaibbitiry of ry opne b lhc bnin susg.sing an<br />

ihv.M Elrrio. (Bs&wy.r al., l9?5a; c@n et al., l97t; orelti cl a1.,2000: AllceF et<br />

d., 2003). Ar inpaindt ofbnin kdoFnin prrhway in ehi.ophr.h hG ele bm<br />

Epolr.d r6uuing in el.vat.d kyndmin levels (schwdz.t al.,2col). The ircl€e<br />

tynlMare ws . comequmce of inc@cd trrptophd lumovcr, which Bults in low<br />

bRin tryplophd, dd hd.c @tonin ldcls in shiapltenics (Moll€r 1985).<br />

Trplophd chrcnically rcSulal6 thc activity of q,piophd PFolde by prcducjn8 a<br />

subslarc r,Ijc cnharccmcnr ind by tl€rcdql dcgnddion olDr+.risttr8 rrbcMynrc ar<br />

$e prcehccofnomal rat€ ofns synth6is, An enhanced elivnt ol lrtplophe pyrclasc<br />

E ob*rycd rollo*ins hmalin or s-mirclamlcnatc (hme pr€uMr) adminisrnlion<br />

exhibic a lareer dcsree of hcm€ soluration thN slggcsting a 6l€ oltrlTlophd tydoltsc<br />

in urilizaion oflirrhcme (Badawy ct.l., 1973 & 1975 b).<br />

Trr?loph& p)@lsc erivily wa.s signilicdlly innibn.d by anndeps$ls od d<br />

incF6e w5 ohsdcd by the ad inistdion ofacub elhdol, adrchalinc, nomddalinc<br />

and salicylatc (Bad.*r ct al-, l9?E & l9?l)- Cl@.pirc Elared ftilit tion d inlibidon<br />

of e€niral tegmmlal dopMiDe f,euFtrsrnission dcpqding on the btain concolration<br />

oltynllMic &id hay be Elared to irs uniqu. ef€l i. adclioal'n8 ne8.t'v€ synp|ons<br />

ofschi^ rcni! (Sdrwichr d al., 2001).<br />

1,2.4 H€mltologicd Dyrc.t5ilr rnd AtrtlFychotlc Drugs<br />

A major oblraclc for th. us ofnlipsFholic dtu$ is lhc ldvm dtog Mclions sucb<br />

blood d,&r!si6, htleGensitivity dnd €xto prflmidal side af€cls - a major cluse<br />

paridls morbidlty ad modality(Cscy 197; willi.s 2006).

1.2.4,1 rDtr D.lict.ncy ,{n.hi. ,nd Typt..t AnrrFrchoric .rrearm.nt<br />

Halop.ridol lrc.r€d pariqk havq shom highd lcv€ls ot deprc5sio., hr?mnnia nnd<br />

p@lrsc (Comelius d al., I93), whil6 ctozllhe is Nciar.d wirr ! vcry tow i.cidftc<br />

of€xl8pyrdidal elfer (Alfae ct al., 1994) blt bs levfrt wc[knoBn ab.omalilics<br />

orbl@d.ell cout trairopcni4 qmulocytosb and Oombocytoris clc. (Assion .r Nt..<br />

t196).<br />

The hcmabloSical riskl 6s@iarcd wnh cbapine panicularty in lrcattoenl_resistait<br />

el'idph@ia in UK e tcpt wilhii @q,hblc limiG by pariclr monilorins $tuicc<br />

(Alkir ct!1.,1998).<br />

An undc6l!|ding of lhe p4lDgcncsis of hcmarologicat dy*hsi6 i! csenlirt aor $c<br />

crecrivc maaen€nr of halopoidot (pal!o! c1 3t 1994). Ar adv* Eerion, including<br />

h.natological oetlicarionr rcport d by conbonly pEcrib.d ncetcpric dru8! w€r. a<br />

liniting faclor duin8 acurc and .hbdc rrarn6t, which ccudld inf,tqucnlly btr<br />

rEmN a poGrdal c.u. of 3.nour toxiciry (cey d at., 1996j Kjng.t sl,, 1998r Brlon<br />

ct al., 1987, Kwin 193). Althou8n lhe dsk liom mosl drugs is snall, il n.y ,fiet<br />

periph.ial blood €clk &d bo.e nmw (Lubtu 1939; Sub.f elat.,2004). Mono-<br />

$mp.unc ucatmcnl of d acllc $hizophrcnic psychosis wnt bulyrophcnonc<br />

(h,lopcridol dd bqpqidol)

@iely &d dec@d cogition dd altenlion d the synploms N@idcd wi$ non<br />

d.lici.ncy ftponcd in ldulls dd childrd's (Bs.d €l d-, 2003).<br />

Son€ evid.nc. sugg6|' a relc oI itun d€fici.ncy in lddiv€ dyskildia dd atalhisia, a<br />

cilmon erlr.pFdidat s'dc €fi@ts ot d6sical &ripsrcholic dn$ paniculdly<br />

halopdidot, 6 hieh prcvalmc of itur defci@y hd be.t r.!orr.d in lhc pdi.nt ol<br />

etl6s IcC! syndrcn., a nerclogical di$rdq cne&iaiz.d by a dislr€sing icistiue<br />

urse lo movc $c legs (.t lbisia) (wiEhitrs .t al., l98i Hotird cl d-, 2000)<br />

Iren is osenlial for prcpa CNS nelabolisn, Ihe hei@gdeity ofunev€n distribution of<br />

itu in hMd .nd rilt b6itr suggBlcd rhd ibtr my play a ftnctioMl Dlc itr agions<br />

ri.l y imwarod by dop@ircrgic Dd CABA4ic nercG However, lhe<br />

n@biolosical n6hdim bchind iron's rlc in bchavior dd cognitim Ehais elsive<br />

A loDS penod of rcgative ion bal&ce, culDidting in dhaution of the bodv s ircn<br />

rloq cuh in IDAi &c sedive stag6 of ircn deicimcv m ion dore depl€tion,<br />

ion d.ficienl d),thrcpois6 dd iron deiiciency eeni& Diaetosis {d cor@lion of<br />

udfityilg cal$ hlve inponet inplicatioB for rh€ @Strilion oI ion deli.i@v<br />

ddi4 poopl€d by hi$oncal f€lur€s and aided by 5p€ci6c clinical ud bboiatory daL<br />

(Gcbois e1 al., 2005; Jolobc, 2000),<br />

The clinical n.{iGslalios of irer d€6ci*y ed io! denoidcv dmia e vdi'd ad<br />

rclai€d to iti savqitr and dMtion. Whcn Itun defici€ncv dmia (lDA) dcvclops' il nav<br />

be nild olb g.s-llg/dD, moddate (8-9.5e/dl), or sdde (

1.2.42 N.utroDlil c.ylololi.lty rnd AtyDLd Artipsycholic Trerttull<br />

Cloz.pitrc .&i6 a his! dsk of ird@ing a€r&ul@,'t6s ir I to 2% of p.uflb<br />

(K.uanfl. cr al., 2006; AlD, dr al., 2001; (dc €l al., 1988), .dltop€ni! dd<br />

firenboc',topdia n I to 3% of pltiqts; dd eflia, Leuk@yosis dd thionboq4osu<br />

in 16 lns l% ofpaliois (Fiulimm er d.,2005i Bh!fl €r al,, 2004; Mtlowe €l al,<br />

2000). Thc &tual n@heisn of cloza?i.einduced sgtuul@,'1olis is not knom, but a<br />

loxic w frctor with ct@rdislics of e mtibody ws hr?o$6izcd a a pluible<br />

m*hdb6 (PisiotL cl al., 1992) atotrg wior liditaliotu (Liu el al., 195).<br />

Clozarine udergos dt .siv€ melalolilm ir s.r.l dpei6 including nd @d rod.nt<br />

biL, principally ro th. srablc m.rabolir6, ddelhylcl@apinc, cloz.line N{nd€ 4d<br />

scveFl other slucouronide ed lfate conjuSa&d (Gancn el al., 1971; Zhes et al.,<br />

1996). In cultrc, diret tqicny bward cilhd polynorpniud*-notnphils (?MN) or<br />

rh.ir mr€loid prausc d. not er.hibit€d by clozapine, how.v.t N{d.thylclozpi.e<br />

ws noc loxic ths clozpire tow&d mt€loid cellq but iltis wa only obw.d at<br />

cotr6F.tio6 high€r tnmlhqc &hiwed rlr€r4€utically (C@n €t al., 1994).<br />

In hlm, clozpin wa nelaboliz€d b a @iiv. inlem€dial. by hepdlic cltochftft€<br />

P450 ffiyn6 (Pimohmd ct .1., 195), ny€loid c.llr ad pciphsd blod PMN lo a<br />

radica! c.iioo md th.n nitrdim ior by tlF dyn€ m'tlop@xide (MPO) (Fiehq €t<br />

al., l9l i Uctehl 192). Eowad, in bddts ii ud6g@s ext 6ive biqctivario. by in<br />

vivo detsdon of sv€r.l gl arhione (CSH) cdjugat6 (M.ggs el al., 1t95, Lin €t al.,<br />

r995).<br />

The nitrEim ior na b€ implicar.d in rhc parlo8o6b of th€ aereul@y16L- The<br />

inle@lior of lhc oiL€nim ion with a ..llul{ mdbnolecul€ nay l€ad! io eithq diMl<br />

toxi.ity or irdiEl imml@n.dilt€d loxicitr, althougl the cx&t n€ndis by which<br />

ioxicity @cu is ucld (Liu €t al-, l9J; MaCgs.r al., 195; Sallem& cr al., I92i<br />

Th. !i8h incida.c of dffic. of aSrNl@ylosis itr patrot! re

thc mtcloid linag€ hG ben povidod. (HotslE cl nl., 1993: patron. cr at, t994;<br />

Poum.ch6 et al,, 1995i Jauhtalns el al, t92; Adirymj.e t99tr pisciofta el al, 1992i<br />

cc6or cral,1994: Ilecglwl ct .1.. 1994). tndddirion,oncoalhctoslrtdcd eh isDr<br />

(cardi* er al., l98a-b) uodc yinS dozapincinduccd aereutoqadh inlolvos lhe<br />

cov.Lnl modilication of rcutrlphils/bon mlmw potcins by clozpin., eithd by a<br />

dist loxicity or vi. immdological o*hdism. For instdcc, the alt€ration in $e<br />

ftnction offie pot is th.r e &spoisible for rwival offi. cells, by the covalal<br />

bindirt otcloaDinc, lcirl lo ccll dc.lh, o! ir mighl bc possiblc rhdt thc imnNnc sysrcn)<br />

@uld ,cco!ni& lhii complq, sorcrurins nn litibdly- o' r uc nrudidqt u|bo*<br />

(lmliu ct dl., (lrD8n-b) h{v! toa)rlcd Ulrll p ictrls rrcrrqt w chrjpi,rc sh)ws<br />

clozapinemodificd polypcplid* a@D neutrophik. to vitro iDn,uDoblo(i,r8 sludid<br />

suggesr that th. aomation of difr.@r adducrs having not*uld weight anging ll,204<br />

KD a a Gult of covdo! bindins of clozalin. ro tme neurophils, lne, incubctine<br />

ndirophils in rhe p@nce of.irhq HOCI, HrO: or h!J@ ny.top.oxid.& with d<br />

sli-clozrpirc &tistu, In additio4 49 &d 58 KD cloarinemodified Ftypeptid. wa<br />

nosr cohnon in all. Mo@v.r. rhe .xr€ceuuh. sturarhione inhibned rhe bindins of<br />

clozrprne to n.unophik in rh. pBer€ ofHOCl, bul not I{rq w6 q.d ro g€ncratc<br />

wzni cr al., (2006) rcported ncuftph .riororicny in ots to owing chronic clozlrrnc<br />

rMlneni Th€ toric ettd ofdtus ws ob*d€d on neulrcpnjls wirh condqsalion and<br />

subsequ€nt brc.l


In eqt y.c, e@h focusing o. rlE,ot€ of biology In ndral il.ss hs become<br />

ihcEsjnsly pdaldt. pdh.pl rh. nod studi.d tu rh. @merion btuq rhc<br />

dopnn,incrtsic sysrcm and *hiz.phEnia. is gcnch|y tuc.f d r0r E ptut.cftcd ctGs<br />

of hcdicatiohs for schizophrnia m thc tlpicot ad alyprc,l aniipsycholics havins<br />

ditl.Mr neubcnmicat Md flncronat popenics, b .dncc sJdptohi minimizc si

To |he b. ofou. kno*ledge, tnis is ttu li6r srudy ofi6 tdnd lhat povidc beli.e dra<br />

on eh'zophrnic p.liac 6on ou porularion, ued tbr b.nd und.Br.ndins oa<br />

ph@&ogodic f&roB thal influace! tlE lh@peudc qpose of trlip,rrholic dtuss,<br />

wii.h b fd h.i.r olusiv.! wjl alo help io d.Gdining hmarot6gi..t dyscrGiasl<br />

which is ctrical in ordcr lo d6igD bclrc, *r€enins pDccdu.es, dose nronrloring dd !o<br />

pbv'de hdalorogicat safery lc.dins !o dd6. moibidiry dd nonality rtalcd *ith<br />

Thc Dain objecrive oflhis $udy is rol<br />

I Dotctuine th€ psFnopatholosical mc6u.€s ofrhe shizophEdc population by usi.g<br />

a.ndard $senrnr imkummrs-paNss md lo cvit,r . rNtr rntNdrtrcc kn rhc corc.l<br />

diasnosis and lrqtne oflh€ di*e.<br />

2. ldD ily l-"q I A gctulylr ofrtrc De riic DRD2 rcccpror gcno p.tyul rhnr by<br />

us',g lhe pdyft€@ chah @cfio. dd a GtriclioD €uyDc drg6l rn pdasta,i<br />

population, ro 1esl signjllcdr dilt€Mc* in Taq I A alelc kequoci6 in rhe coolot dd<br />

ihe schi@phEnic poput.riou o. chrenic r,earned ofnabp.ndot 4d ctoapjne.<br />

3. Ei4he rlE mutarion in a 310 bp astne spanninS $c polymorphic Taq I A siteof<br />

the DRD2 g6e of rhe halopeidol dd clozarift rrcakd sht&pnrcnic pariors ed no.-<br />

ehimphrcnic contols by usinS DNA scqrcncins 0nrl)aris.<br />

4. DraDrirE ltrc dilTcrcrlirt clleb of ctrcnic lbrmcnr ol hatop.ridot and ctoapinc<br />

(both conh€rcjalty availabte tud purified totu) on bio@ines concenhnon Gerclonii &<br />

dopturinc) indificrcnr rcgiois (hlbrhrtonr us, coacr. nridbhin d sthr{m) ofnl bnnB<br />

by usin8 HP[,C-€CD.<br />

5. D.Emjnc rh. @ncdrltjon of E rr.9he i. bhin / liq dd 6. &dviry of livd<br />

rtpropnon pynol6. enzyhe in rclpon* !o lhe chbnic (2t dars ,M) reahent of borh<br />

comc(ialty avaihbtc eit puin.d fm ofhatop.ridol qd ctoapinc in hrs.<br />

6. Funho cbaracrdi& od exqine rhc bmaloto8i.al dyrcrasEs &ocrorcd wnh lhc<br />

chDnic rMrrndl of hloPaidot dit ctozapinc in shi&pntuc patiors dd dimal<br />

model G.ts), in ordd b cslabrisn th. b@line dlt tor hhabrosEd dylc6ias in ou.<br />

eh'epxMic poputaltoo in cporue !o sc m€dicarioE.


The €xtcrimcnbl n€thodotogy dsi8.<br />

druss OsloFidot ed crozapjn.) jn<br />

The pgl o,e @v6 rhc sadic study otco ols dd $h,zophMic pati.nb<br />

cnrcdc rFtnor ofh.lopdidollnd clozrpioe for moft lhe 12 weeks fon<br />

psychialric notpn.k i. lGEchi, patisl.n. tr i.clud6:<br />

2. AfrpliticariotrofDRD2 gcncspanningTaq tAsirc<br />

4. DNA Soucncina ror lhc lde.rn€lion oa muurion.<br />

Duc lop.uc4ofavaitoblcdalaotr dE gcoclic b6is oasc<br />

1o {udy lhc e1l6r of rwo dir*nr &tipsrrhoric<br />

&hizophFnic pati.nr! ,nd uinal modcl (Rat)<br />

p,oned,o study a concisib,e nil:;;;;"-il::liTl:#;Hl;<br />

a:t cloapine rh@foE ii is iik d.d b look for rhe ilvojvdntul of drug rclated side<br />

ettels or $eir gcre$c iinuence.<br />

,i:::1ll:. "::T -**, "f ocuehenicar profirc by Bhs HpLc,EcD, ih eponse<br />

ro the chronic (21 da,s tM) &eatncd ofhatoDdidot ed cr<br />

!v, hbr. atd<br />

',dncd ron,, ii u,,,,,,", ;; ;;,":,flil, :,:,l",,::ffll<br />

ndaboller roOpAC. HVAJ, slonh !t rt! p@uer firyprophe). &d m€bborirq<br />

. .rrl.qr (sjons such a: hr?orhaldmus.<br />

a.,s1n.tuh.<br />

con.r, hrdhmin<br />

":, -T:_T.:**. ft lhdld bc mslon.d h* dEt in rh! p'*n, *o* w. onty rcpon rh.<br />

qurc ordopmin , sreronir dd qplophd in alt eenrion.d Egions ofrat brain. Ir<br />

aldrton, Fytroph.r plrol& @,rn. ctiviry ed thc @ncqFaron oftrDtopbd wR<br />

ars dd@in€d i. liv€. s&pls.

l lE ti.d prn of rrudy includq rhc asssmqt of hchatotoSrcal dy*6i6 in 6pon* lo<br />

th. chrcnh r€almdt of halopdi

lLr otwort-l<br />

S.hiroFhab Fds (n-120)<br />

frmicdlytled{i6<br />

,/\<br />

/\<br />

ILLp.tridol Comtsoh clo?5pi6<br />

(lB2) (1F44) (1,148)<br />

\./<br />

\t/<br />

*.*rJ-**<br />

By s.ltlng ot drdo Elahod<br />

I<br />

I<br />

Allplifcdi@ ofDRD2 ge<br />

Sp€nniog TaqlA litc by DC]R<br />

I<br />

t<br />

OlooqDitre ty RrlI,P!<br />

b Tq rB{rictio .rrro.n'cL.s6 (J' ICGA 3)<br />

i<br />

Seq!.rc|r8 ofDNA trnd..<br />

. . Ir.rd.d.dbha|b@oft.rddEohi,.dtelu..a,qtbS.<br />

. /|! rdd od 6. alr.t 6.6.&g6ir dt &ldianedarbDoMlv.<br />

. rbrtkrt-alddm!l-drarLh.!.tadqi.Fd!bElce<br />

pftdo. forM! iti t2 Ela

Pl.n oI Work-2<br />

Arim.l !tdi..<br />

Md. SFase Dswlcy P',b (N=60)<br />

Divided into fiv€ g.oups eivc$ chonic (21 days) I4vl lreitnent.<br />

I<br />

t<br />

crcIp r(cdrolr) ol-d phFlolosi.rl ,.tic<br />

GMp 2 &3 0.2 ns/Kg- hrloFi

Honrn stodie3<br />

$chizophdic Fdda (F84)<br />

SM f6 dplolosiol oni6<br />

rDq r/Dq Dift.a&rdd<br />

P|!tr of Work-3<br />

Arinrl s.udies<br />

MrlG sp6gir. Daql.y R ts tFlltd *iih<br />

halopsidol / cl@piE C{=60)<br />

Divid.d inlo fre creups crwo clrcnic (21 dars)<br />

I<br />

Gpn (@ntrols) 0.2-bl pLrsiologic€l sdine,<br />

GF2 &J 0.2 dg/Kg- hrlopddol fPuifi€d fotu/ injetion')<br />

H & 5 20 Dg[(g- cbzqiE (rEif<br />

t\<br />

Col.crio. oI lhc blood srDples<br />

Vhol€ blod f6coopl€t Elood Cdd.<br />

I<br />

J<br />

tl.tr!.lologi6l dd ]|ldlr. Ldi6<br />

0q Pcv, Mcv, rlrcrl Morc)<br />

tmM-dlr n ibbL hj..tir of brqqitot rort ..d 6 S.= 6u sdt .<br />

tcdl@i.lt .dLbr. Trbla of .t@Dir ret{.d r Ocrt toB N.atrit<br />

'P'd6.d pqdr fm of h.ih hdoFitoiirct iE 6m sise<br />

I<br />

I<br />




Ttisserion includca rhe matylicat ploccdurcs cdicd out h lhrs study, AI thechomicats<br />

lsed |hrcu8h our thc study w4 ofe.llriql Snd. frcn Signa (USA), M€rct, and BDH<br />

cheoicals liFit€d unl€$ olhwjs. Ddtionol. Auroclaved dcronrzcd walcr w4 usd<br />

thrcu8h oul the qp€nmcnlal work,<br />

2,1 Colle.riotr ofBt@d S.Dpt !<br />

Thc blood simptB of rhc s.hjzothEnic Fljcnrs wcrc colr@rcd rm,r difcrcni psy0hintd0<br />

ho+itak all ovd Xihhi, The qudbmirc @nriinina rhe @ns6t of rhe pali€.ls w6<br />

obt!'hcd boforc bt@d sepling. Sel@ted paticnr6 met rhs oitcria tor lb€ diagnosis of<br />

*hrzophrcnir &cording [o DSM tV ad wcrc {iividcd inb rwo groups on lhc bsjs otlhc<br />

l@trldt. Th. fi6r gDup (n=92) of$hibphEnic pri@6 wd u.red onry *ith ty?icat<br />

etipsyctrolic dng (halopcridol) whirc r*oDd soup (nr2u) ws lreat€d wirh arr?ic.t<br />

dtpsrhodc dng (.tozein€) .c@ding !o nom.l ctirrcar pr.crr€€ idr moe rh& 12<br />

*er!, Trlo hom.l 6tr .t epl6 (n{a) w.e .l& obldned<br />

e rcrcEncc nol havina<br />

stmptohs orsy plycliatric dierders.<br />

llE diasnosric critd'a w* elaltirh.d on $c bsi3<br />

s'idrcn€ *.,e (pANss) &cord<br />

""," ;;" il;;;:'"H#ffiru;Tl"<br />

A golt of psrrni{risrs Bi*cd rhe oedical record and whcrc nec€ls.ry, inrepicwed<br />

th. parials, The reo.dj of Oe rhizophMic paridrs wcE aho lsed b d€reminc 6e<br />

dcEosraphi@l che&r4isljcs of the parienrs, ase al rhe fid otuct of jlln4s. dlmdon of<br />

iUn6, duration ofatipsrrhoric tc,rmcnt rd cun€nt daity htrpsycboric drug dosage.<br />

2J Dop.Di!. Raeptor C.ne (DRD2) potyDorpbirm by p,CR-RFLpt<br />

Dd@inario! ofnrctcic a.id *4uoq dd rhe ch.r&lsizaxon ofgen.s havc pnvid.d<br />

a<br />

'najor rhrut h rhc undesbdins of$. bioloSicat D6be,ms of€cll. Recnr ldvancs<br />

ib- PCR tcchnotosy pav€d lbc way b sltdy $c cc al moteutd lcvclby m&ipuhrion of<br />

RNA ald DNA, including jc hotarion ed chdaclerizalion.

2.3,1 f,xftrctlo! of cdoni. DNA fom Whot. Bl@d<br />

DNA @ cxrrercd fron 3-5hi of EDTA-@lic@gut.ted vdoc bt@d uinS. satring<br />

out €xlr&lion n€lho4 b6ed on Milla, Dyts ed pol6ky (1988),<br />

RBc Lysb Buila {t5snM NlLCl, Io,nM KHcor, o.lmM Na,,EDTA ptl 8,0):<br />

8,2s NtLCl, Log KHCOr md 2@Fl Na,EDTA (0.5M) wde disslvcd dd $e<br />

volm. w6 nad. up ro I L witn distilcd ware.<br />

Wah Solution (0.15M NaCt, 25nM T.is, O. I rnM N& EDTA pE 8.0): 8.??g<br />

Nacl25tr T.is(lM)edIr N&-EDTA (0.5M) wft distvcd dd lllre votmc<br />

wa nad€ up to I L wirh dktilled warer<br />

SldiM EDT . Tns 6ET) Buffq (lOnM NaCtpH S.0,2nM M,EDTA IOEM<br />

Tn4: 0.8DrNact(6M),2ntN.:-EDTA(0_5M)&d5blTrb(lM.)w@dislvcd<br />

tuld dre volmc wa nade up ro 5o0,nl with douhlc disdlls

lfq tud vori€x€d ro di$otye, To rhis lOOd SDS (lO%) dd 2(]d por€inse K w6<br />

add€d, hixcd ed incubar€d oE tuBh .r 37oC wirh con$4r shatng al | 80 Dm.<br />

At thc eod ofrhe iicubadon, 500 At NaCl (6M) ws ddd ro mc etubilrz_oj pe|€r an{i<br />

nrixql by gorllc vorrqxirg. ltrc nrixturc wu lhun oorlitlguit 0t El)1t08 tlr t5 riruros<br />

looc. The sup@ata p$ couccl.d inro dother tub€ dd mrxed witn I mtofice{otd<br />

crlr ol. fic sotuliotr Ms gcott, mixct by invsrin! (hc tuUc un(rt thr. irc DN wJs<br />

prcrplllcd. DNA ws cotil.ugcd ar 8000g for t0 ninutcs, thc supcmatu w6<br />

d€dnrqd. Thc pctlcr @nhining lhe DNA w6 *ashcd wrlh t-t nt of icc cotd 70%<br />

clrr@l md ajr dri.d. Th. €xt rcled DNA *d d,slved in d app/opriare dour of<br />

.uroclsvcd double disrilt.{t waid /TE bufd.<br />

2,3,2 D.rernhrrion or purity otDNA<br />

For estihation or DNA, rhc oplical d.nsny w.. mcasuEd or joonm and 28onh on a<br />

DU-600 spetrcpbotq€rd (B*t be). tte fousina fo@ura ws o$d:<br />

DNA: O.D.26O Unirr l= 50<br />

PtrriIy ofDNA ws fr€suEd Nins thc<br />

2,3.3 Analy|b otDNA Int.gritt<br />

DNA:<br />

o-q26q ><br />

o.D.280<br />

EDTA (.rhytcnc didii€ tclhcclar€): 9.3g wE disotv€d rn sont-disri crt warcr<br />

and l,re pH va adjuied ar 8.0 wnh ediu,n hldbxidc (Signa).<br />

,rm ooar€ erhykrc dimine lek&elgk rrBE) pH 8.0 tux rBE to.89J!4 Trc<br />

oae,^u.ueM boric acd, o.sM EDTA)j Tns (hydmryt mdhyu mdhyt@in.<br />

(i'd.ug). huric JcrJ (55!) 4rn, (0.5M, [D.tA wJs J,sot\ u t tr, dNx ul * ur<br />

Jn'l rltr finrl \ otunc wN madc Lp ro I L lirh disri qj \arq.<br />

:, ,"1: t*, Bonoph€nor bruc (0.25%), xyrcnc cyanor (0.2j%) md<br />

sucro* (.l04oq.r ) w(disotved In lOOntordrs! cd qarc,<br />

Elhidium brcnid€ staining 6ollrion (lOEg/mt stock).

. Mtld: oX lt4 H& IU Dsar (Si8D): 6tl w3 dielv.d in lqrl g.l lolditg<br />

l) M.rtod<br />

bufra .nd 36.8p1 lX TBE.<br />

29 of.g.@ ws di!&lv.d in lOOtrl ofTBB cle!!Pbo6i! bufi6 in . himwrv., Ihc<br />

raDpd.rN ws ltlov.d 1o drcp dou lo 60ec. TIE 8pl w Pourld inb r prtcat d<br />

&b@irc s.l srt&D (Hcffd HE99). Lm.dirtlly ! c@b ws pLc.d.ppoxin&ly I<br />

co e.y tlE th. .d8e of t!. sel tny. And ilc 8cl wa $lidi6c4 l[. @ob ws<br />

@ov.d .!d th..letophcir qpntu w fllcd M(ll IXIBE bufta Th. sPl6<br />

a@ Dir.d witl 8el lo.ding brf,... Th. .etl€ .nd nwtq wcF lo.d.d ilto thc w.[r<br />

ed dotodbBir wa *i.d out .a cd.1|!t rc!.gp 000\,) fq 90 6i 16, Thc g.l<br />

wD tsfdld 1o .thidim brcdid. (loorlll) sldion Dd dLoqcd to sLin for 3G<br />

60Didr6. TL. b$d! vw vi.!.liz.d on . W-Tm illMitdor .rd phologPhs *@<br />

2ra Pollln r.tc Clrh lLdd.r (PrCl)<br />

T'lE PCR dploits tlc sllLgy of DNA rlplicdion to ddiry !p@6c DNA scqu.|B<br />

DNA dpliftoii@ @.G stE lh. DN PolyDae bitd! to Fitt6 o! lh. tinglc<br />

!!u(lcd DNA rdd& ud imdFr.t6 dorFiboou.lotid.tipho6ghdc (dNn, i o.<br />

srewils 5t ad .llo{i!8 ch!i! dot tid. H.oc., thq! is 6 dEPli6csion of th. DNA<br />

!.qu@ of ida!.l .nd thi. @r tr $b€.qually ddaLd uing AFo6c 8el<br />

Thc PdyDqe Chrin Rdrion (PCR) w Ffm.d to rryliry $. DRD2 8@'<br />

Pi$ .<br />

pair of p.iD6 9l:5'tCC TCC ACG C|cT GGC CAA GTT CIC TA'3' .d 5ltl4: 5'<br />

CCG TCC ACC CTT CCI GAG TGT CAT CA-3' (Nobl. .t d.' 1994) Tk priffi<br />

re u!.d !o DpUry . 3lobP nrgndt !p.$ing th€ pobdotlbic Tq I A 3it of t[.<br />

Dop@i@ D2 d.Plor @RD2) 8!ie. PCR coodilid w@ oltimit d eith 3l'sht<br />

Dodifcrliot in lhc m.thod to mplify th. geB e notion d b.low

Mart.i: OX 174 Ha€ UI Digest (Signa): 6Fl was dis$lvc

2,4.1 Corc.lhtior of Prils<br />

Thc primc pcrc prcha.d nom th€ Applicd BiGtBteG. 6Fl of lemritut d prim6<br />

w@ Ll6 al'd dibred in rhe rEtio of l:50. Opri€l ddliy wa L&4.1 260M.<br />

ConcoF.tion wa c.lcular€d wilh t!€ folloviry fomulal<br />

O.D.260 x Dilution t@1or x 33(O.D. I =33pdmt DNA oliepn!.1@1id6)<br />

=x ldnl<br />

=Y Sll<br />

Y/M,W-M (M.W.=bepaiBx330)<br />

M r l6+M<br />

2.4.2 Opddndiotr of PCR ordidolr: n. PCR .or.lido$ r.rc opdDlrrd udue<br />

Mrgr.rlum .!d t mp.i.trr. gr.dlc!r!,<br />

. M4!6|[m (Msclr) crrdle :<br />

PCR wd ceied out with diff€hl .oncdtratioM of Mgcl, dging 2.5 - 1.2 mM in<br />

ordd !o optidizc the mrdtrdion of Mgclr for nore aocifc bindiiS of prin6 10<br />

DNA avoiding nulripl. bads exlibiling rcn-speifc btuding d obwcd on agNs<br />

g.l. A sinSle d6i.€d bdd wd obscd d 1.5 niM MgCl, mdlration (Flglc l)-<br />

. T.Ep.nlrrc gr.didt:<br />

th. Lmpaatw eradi@l w6 als run io iind thc esl malirg Lnp@l@ of the<br />

pdne6 6 mullipl. bdds v@ obhi.rd at 52!C. Th€ gFdidi PCR ru with dif.€ul<br />

lanp.nlu. reging fbm 5? 6o'C showcd a sinSlc lad at 60"C {Figrr.- 2).<br />

2..L3 ArpllLrdo! ofDNA<br />

DNA dplilicstion *6 6i€d out h 20Fl @lion Eil'E 6itg appFxirn Lly 200 ng<br />

of goomicDNA(10!sro500ng). 0.2t!Mof o.bpri@,0.2 UTa4DNApdyn6e<br />

(5 uilgml) (Eppddo.ft), 200!M ofe&h ofthe fou rlNP!, 1.5 riM Msclr md 2 Fl<br />

of lhc rccomdded bufier previdcd by thc Muretur€r (Eppeldo.fo ws addcd p€r<br />

E&lion. IlEmo{}tlins w6.died oui on u Eppendoril th€mat cycld. Anq m<br />

initial dcn rudion a1 94'C for 3 ninutcs, thc DNA ws a@lified in thrcc !t p ctrl6:

2.5 2.0 l_75 1.5 t.2<br />

IbuE 1 M.s6iu (MgCL) gtldi.rd (2-5 - 1.2 EM) i3<br />

utcd for opliDizirg PCR @diriod rjc 1 5, FFelt<br />

310 b9 PCR FodEt oflt. $f!ia!6raic pdiars, A sii€lc<br />

dong b@d at IjoM Mgcll @@ndid ntisa<br />

3p.cific oElins, Lo. 6 dr,rios axl74 H.e lll digest,<br />


tuqliDs TdFtnfr (dc)<br />

52r 54.C 56t 58r 6fC 62qc iDxl74<br />

AErrc 2 TmpditE gndicnt (52{2.C) for optinizing<br />

rcR @ndilid. tlb Epi!!.da 310 hp PCR Fod!.t of<br />

lh -\i-dr6ic tstials. A siDeh sorg t{d d 60eC<br />

EF€a.lb. atElirg l@Ddde r!.d fd PCR @lFis<br />

Le. E 6ni.iB exl74 l|r. lll dis$r<br />


. D$anndon ar %rc ror 30 i@nds I<br />

. Ad.al,ns ar 6cPc ror J0 *cotuLs ! 15crleg<br />

I<br />

. ExreBion d 7?C for 60 s@rds J<br />

Ancr 35 .rles, orc DNA wa gird a lDal cxretrid 3t.p at 72.C for 7 nin!l6, A bla.]<br />

w h oul DN-A" w4 p@6ed aor *h @ciion arus wit! tne sople.<br />

2.4.4 G.l EL.copho6n! of PCR Prcdo.tr<br />

the sd€ pnceduc wo cdicd our s d.!.ribed in $ction 23.3.<br />

2.5 T.q I Dig6lion oa PCR Prod!.c by R6tdcdo! FEgtunt rfldl<br />

PolyEorpbbm(RFLPt)<br />

RdEiclid Fngmot taglh Polrdo+hin (RFLP s) is a tcchnique lhat r.?llMls a<br />

s!(ific molsul& tEtd on rh€ bsis of dilT€mti.l hldddizalion of DNA fragndts in<br />

a smp). of r€srricrion eMyne dig€sl€d DNA. The leDgrns of p.nicule rstiction<br />

fi.gndll ould bc helpful in pnvidilg infodalion .tDlx polyno+ni@ (inhdiled<br />

diII€Mes) EpHmt n by iG all€16 m.y bc honozygpu or nelmzygou-<br />

Sepl.r th't nad a good leld oa PCR prducl s d€tmined by cl€chophorcsis w€r€<br />

diSdl€d aith ll)c ctictio ayme Taq I (r@ition squace 51TCGA-3). 51 0 Fl of<br />

PCR prcd@t solution vE diSsted wirh 4,5 U of T.q I dzyrnc (9 uirs/Fl) in a 15 Fl<br />

r@tion mixluc phich als mlained 1.5 d of rox r€..tion bufler providc! by Ih.<br />

MurenE (Mar Fmql!r).<br />

2.5.1 Gel El€clrcplor€rir ofDlg€sr.d DNA<br />

The se pmcd@ q6 cdied out d d*{ib.d ir stior tjl dc€lr th.t 2.59 of<br />

aSmso w6 u.d iGlead of 28.<br />

t.tt G.lolyphg<br />

Individlals w@ edotlFd a A lAl, Al A2 or A2A2 bsen on lh. paltd of bdding s<br />

!@ and agdo& gel elsrrophor€sis.<br />

. AlAl - sinel. bld or 3l0bp<br />

. AlA2 - firee bdds al 310,180,130bp<br />

. A2A2 .tmbed!.1t80dd t30bp.

2.5.3 Srlrt.ticlt rdysis<br />

The f.cqu.ncio of DRD2 s.ne Taql A a etc w@<br />

(haropcndor,rca,cd ehibph*,"<br />

",,"",., ",.-0,""*'"'Jo#J:1"'n j:J;<br />

nomar $ins chi-sq@ (x2)<br />

'ndividuals) Soodnes-of-ft rc!l. lo t6t rho didribllion tor<br />

deviation fmn H.rdt-WeirbdS Euitibd@. Iis is u@ @ oemonstr.r. the hrloth*is<br />

lhal two co dohi@r auto$mal allel6, in this casc At md A2, is the mosi likely gcneric<br />

tn@ry to dplain iI. th@ piqoq?6 (AtAl, AIAZ dd A2A2) Gi in $6c two<br />

c@rrnml greups, Ditrsftccs in ctinical ch@t.lislics bctwco lh€ t&e groups of<br />

gcnortTcs ih lhc plticDc wcrc urotr?r{t by urcofrlodorl,s r-rcsl orI? l$l,<br />

The Hardy-W€inbcrS principtc $ai6 rha! rh. g€notDic lilqu.Ici6 fo. a gde *irh lwo<br />

diffeEni slletd ar€ a bjnonial tundion of rhe alcti. trqucroq (wcavcr and lh,tdck,<br />

lDl). ll|hc At tctc fn{udcy is n?rc$nrcd by D, ano urc 42 a ctc trquoncy is<br />

Ep6cnrcd by q, lh.n lh€ expe&d nunbr for c&h phdolrp€ is 6 follows:<br />

AlAl - p2tr; AlAt _ 2pqn; A2A2 _ q2.<br />

whft n i! the lolat numb., of al€res.<br />

2JJ.r t: (Cti:) a€dtg !.hg r t c @!d!!ecy r.bt6<br />

The CniI rdr urg onrineocy rab,a s.! ccd ro compd orneEnc.! rn pnqolrle<br />

oshbur'or, dletepEeattu4 lrd allete 6q@ci6 b

\vl!@ R is fi€ ror:! of fie rew th. cell is il! C is lhe total of tE @llm tne ccll k in' dd<br />

T is rhe 3um of all..lb Thc d€gc of fr!.dd is tha ldtq of res ninu on€ tirc<br />

the nunbcr of @lum6 m'nu onc:<br />

dr=G-D(el)<br />

Sic only one polForphis (Iaql A DRD2) ws studr'd, cor€ction &cordrg 10<br />

Bdfmni ws not contidd€d ne6sary dd thu! lh@ ws no re@plin8 of the sMc<br />

2,6 DNA Sequ.lcllt or ihe Anplilied Prodn.t<br />

The DNA 6.qud.c info@arion @ h. ulcd ro &.lvz€ mutarios a chdge in a<br />

paniculd gme *qlence thal nay c se d$de<br />

Brieoy ile DNA synftdis is inilialeil by uing a prima lhal dcllmirc lllc startins point<br />

of tne seq@cc b.ins read. dd lh. direrion of $c *qu@'ng @llon<br />

Didoxyrucl€otide! (ddNTP) (laleled wilh 0uo66t dv€s) were used in no6l oflhe<br />

s€qu@in8 rurioB b srop DNA sy n6is al tpeific nncl6tid6 Thc fr,Emmrs de<br />

sep@t d by loSllt fotu longdt to shond wilh a di{Idtue of onc nuclcotid. pnviding<br />

Eeh of thc fou did@xvnucloti.lcs<br />

Bood lelution a1 tiic €d of ihc imubatio! Peiod<br />

lluollgn@ a difimr color whd ilMinal€d by a lM b@n and e olomlt|c s.@€r<br />

pbvidG a pnntolt of th€ eqlence,<br />

Ihe s.qucncing ofDNA E cdiqi out by lo-l5Fl ofpuified PCR prcdat (song/pl) in<br />

l.5nl nico cdt ifusB nrbc, lOFl of ptiD6 with conHlr|lion of5 pnoldFl (5uM)<br />

brsd on five spl6, inc@ of l0 p6ole ceh lin. the F&lio$ @ incr4ed Primer<br />

Td suihuc for M&Dgd sdicc is 5O-58'C. Scqu@cirg @nd@t€d uldd BigDltTM<br />

tmi6lor cycling condilions de r€et€d Prcdncls puified uing elhsol PFipilation<br />

ed M sing Aulomatic Scqlencd 37l0xl. Abi lil€ (€l@koph@8rD, mw dar.)<br />

cEjr€d .ltd 37l0xl @D9l€1es dalysis.

2.74!IM!_$IqDIE!<br />

All ainal sludi6 wft p.rfomcd in Mordnncc wilh rhc auidctna tor rtr<br />

Exp€rimdtal Aninat ecepr.d by lhe Erhical Comfrilteeoffic UnivcEny ofKarehi.<br />

t.?,1 Elpcrimcra.l Alimt,<br />

M.lc Albino Spnsuc Dawley Bls wilh averagc weighr regms rrch l?5-2j0a wcrc<br />

housd 5 pcr crac nnd kcpt undc. sr,ndndiz_.al tctrrnmturu nnd trgrnints condirioN wnh<br />

rre. acce$ ro srddatd diel ed watei AI drugs were adninnlercd wi$ inrmscule<br />

(YM) injetioB for 2l - cd@uriv. da'r. The ainals wca ocaprt t€d aier l@m€nr<br />

Thc nrs wcrc dividct inb fivc 8btrtls tor ucilnEnt wrth lrrc inlipsy.lnric dnrg<br />

(l'ulopuidol u cloapiDc) s d$cribc pEviousty (W6 ct J., 2004;2006). Anjmat!<br />

w€rc tErrql chrcnicatr, for 2l &ys by injerinc inrnmeutdy natoFddol (0.2 mg/K8).<br />

co|)nncrcully avdlubtc iqc{ljor (ScEnlcc) l.ron Scartc or n uro roaD ol.! etutioi<br />

prqdq, lom r puriticd pbdud from Signa, Simitr,y, an@M wrc arrc tek{<br />

chonjcally fof 2l dars by iijc{rins lhem inr@us.utdty wirh clozapine (20 nB/ kg),<br />

cilhq in $c foh ofstlrion nadc ftum comcEialty .varrabte r.btd (Clozail) fom<br />

Novanis or a eturion piepded from $c punred producl fron Signa. Conlbt dinats<br />

werc inieled iftrneul2rly qilh sdire for a simits dur.rion (21 dayr.<br />

2.8.1 Drlg pEpt.rtio!<br />

. Halopgidol (Sisn.) (tons) ws distverr in maninat moud (roFtlorstmrat rc c<br />

ac'd dd 500!l ofd.iotrt.{t ward, vonqed ed the volum€,s nade up b 5ohl<br />

withdeioniz.dwarcrroobr.inn@nccnrarionor0.2Dg/nnol{,nrs.(Ron,tdt9e4).<br />

. H.lopqidol inj*rion (sdl.) 5 nBhl *a ditucd v,th deron,zod wars up lo 2j nl<br />

ro obldn a @eent arion oto,2 mg/nt otdrug.<br />

. Clozapine (si8na) (toohs) wa diserv€d in nininal ahounr (4q0 ofHct and<br />

sff)Fl of dcionircd w r, vodcxcd rtrd rtrc votunrc wN nkrc up lo 20,nt wnh<br />

dcjonized wat r to obraid s @ncarstion ot 5 nghl of dru€ ud pH 5,6-6 was<br />

adjurred wiih toN NaOE. @F, t90}

. clozapin€ (Novank) bblcr ws initi.Iy $aked in minimat mounr (4opl) ofHCl<br />

dd rho 5 nl oldeio zcd warde6.rlded, vonded ed the nnal vothe ws made up<br />

to 20rhl with dcionted wsrq ro obhin a @Mnrration of5 ng/hl ordrug. The pH J.G6<br />

wG .djusr.d wnh toN NaOH.<br />

2,3.2 Colleriotr of 3.hplB<br />

Thc iats weE dccapitr&d on 22nd day an€r l8h or$e Usl irrjcction Thc btood 6dDrplcs<br />

wq€ rat6 in cl@ tubG wilh or wilhoul a{dcd and@asuret lor drftbrcnr 6ri.rcrions.<br />

Sem lnd plaha.dptes wer€ coll4rcd s.paElely and sror€d rr 20 "C. Thc bmins<br />

we@ rcoovcd wahed wird @td salinc dd Eaionally dislcd ov€r ctushed ic.. The<br />

sepls were slored i, liqlid dt@8q ai _70.C till ndh.r darysrs. rhe liver smpts<br />

wft .le w6hed wirh cold salinc ard stor€d ar -2OoC udilt tuihcr eat'sis.<br />

2.9.1 Dcrerminorton ,f<br />

of ot.l Probins by BCA Ktt M€drod<br />

Th€ brrl pbrcin concenhrion lor cach prcp.Etion wG dcremincd by rhc njco-ncthod<br />

of Bicinconihic lcid (BCA) pbrcin 6sy (Pic.cc, Rocttord, lL) usiis boviic *rnr<br />

. Bkinconimrc Acid (BCA) poleir Alsay l

p€rfomed in a BioRad MiIi-PROTEAN ll Dual Slab G€l cpPdtus (70hn x 80nn x<br />

l.omn) dcordins to lh. pr@dw of rnemlli (1970)<br />

. MonomE Solutio (30% acryl mid6 / 0.8% Bis-a.ylmide): 309 .fyl nide dd<br />

O.8g bk-acryhsndc wm dislved in distill.d watd ald th. volm€ w6 nade nP !o<br />

I OOnl. The solution so lillded dd sloEd in a dart botl€ at 4'C<br />

. R@io8 C€l Bufid: (l-sM rn$Ect) pH 8.8: 36.39 Triz@ b6e wa dislvcd in<br />

dislill.d wara. pH ws .rljust d ro 8.8 wior HCI dd the volme wa n de up lo<br />

. Slekinc cel B!fier (0.5M Tris-Cl) pH 6.8: 39 Trima bsc {.s disoleed in dislilled<br />

wat€r. pH ws adjulcd ro 6.8 witlt Ecl md ile volmc ws badc up to 50n1.<br />

. sodiumJo.Lcylsulfa,le (SDs) (10%): 108 SDs wa disolved i. dillilhn wabr sd<br />

the vollnc wa nade up 10 t00nl.<br />

. Amonim pq slfalc (APs) (lr6h) (2one/ml): 0.06s amoniu pa sulrare w6<br />

dislved in 3-0ml dislillcd vals.<br />

! N. N, N', N', telru-nethylerhylclhyl€nc-dimine (IEMED): Uscd d p!rchased.<br />

. Smple Diluting Bufld (0.125M Tns{l tH 6,8, 4% SDS,ztYA eltrnl le/.2m@ap1@llt@l):<br />

2.5n1 Tris (pH 8-8),4m1SDS (107t,2nlglr!.ol dd lol2<br />

nflaplo.[tdol w€re dissolvcd dd th€ vol@e ws rudc up lo l0ml with dislilled<br />

walq. Aliquor.s w6 stored al -20oc,<br />

. Elatode Tatrk Bulld r 4 (0.025M Tris pH 8.1, 0- l92M glycirc, 0.1% SDS):<br />

l2g Tris, 57.69 gly.ioe ed 4onl SDS (10"/") w€rc disslvad dd ihe volMe ws tud€<br />

up to I lit€r with disrillet wats. The bu{Lr va dilut€d wilh dislilled wald ( I :4 bcfo.e<br />

. sraininc $lurio! (0.025%):<br />

2-prcp4ol 250 nl, Slcid &enc &id 150 frl dd comdsie brillidt blue 0.259 w@<br />

dislvcd in I lit-ofdislill.d waar.<br />

. D€-stinin8 dolulion (loPl.):<br />

75 nl of Blrcial ecti. eid ed 25 6l of .thml w@ dissolv€d in l-tiler of distilled

El€tmphoBis ws cdicd ou on I Oyo .cpmling Sels lr.ee nr running get buner, O.I 9<br />

Dl I0p,4 SDS,3.33 mt di.liltcd wab,6,66 nl monohr Dlut,oh, 0,79 ntApS,5.99 nl<br />

TEMED) and 4% slekins aels (0.7s mtslekins Bctburc,, 0.06 mt l0{,4 SDS.4 j5 ml<br />

disrilled*rt€ri 0.83 hl nonon.rsoturion,0,25 nt ApS,2.5 ml TEMED),<br />

Egual domc or sdpl€ md smpt. dituing bulld in lh. Bro or | | I in a 6oilinS wate!<br />

balh for 3 minul6. ElerEphoGis was pcfom.d usin! crerRtc r kb(tfrrt.onsrnnr<br />

voltrsc ot 9ov/ptar for .ppuinarcly 40 ninulq ar uar (h€ lle dre had nig.aroi<br />

95% ol $e get l€ngrh. Aft€r staining rh€ gel wilh coomas,€ brue dye, bnnds werc<br />

analr,ql usi.s e!{liry Onc sonwrrc (BioRlt).<br />

2.10 trigh p.rtornance Liqltd Chronarogrrphy (FPLC)<br />

High p€fona.ce liquid cnoh.tography is onc ofihe mo$ wdcty apptied dalyicat<br />

sepaolDn lehriquc, D which rh€ cohpondrs ofthe unknown nixrurcs plescnt in a<br />

hobilc phe &. scp@r.d. udcr h,ah pBsuc by s .kh8,nro a cotudnconrrrnrng fie<br />

lrar'onary phas.. Th. @hponars f.vel ar di{Icqr 6t6 a<br />

cx,,, dirce'-,," r," ;,;.;:;;";;;"ru;;.ff"ff'il,;:<br />

nGuftnqk of lhe cumntrsuttiig f@n oridatiodedlcrron rcedon of6€ anat,,rc ar<br />

a surlablc.t@lrod€. sincc rhc lcvct otrhc cuncnt is dncclty proponionat lo rhc ,natyc<br />

coicolation, tisdcl€ror ws u*d torquantifi carion.<br />

ItPl-C, ECt) (AnlN-tcydo tiquid chmDdotsruph systcnu was uso( b dcrcnnirc lhc<br />

::::i': " bios€nic &rh6, noEpin.prdn€ (NE), dopeine {DA) dd 5.<br />

(5-r0 qd<br />

,:::ll-r-'"<br />

th.n ndalolire, dihyoo,y ph€nyl ac.ric .cid<br />

(DoFAC), honoval.nc &id (HvA) dd 5-hrdDxindolcia$c&id (5-HrAA) in concx,<br />

snaruh, h'd bkin, h)?othalds dd hippocMpus of<br />

r@lrndl othalop.ridot {d cloapine.<br />

bra'n tnq aptrcp'iale<br />

Exrecion mediuh: 0,372g EDTA, 0,02g Na mera-bisutl<br />

c'oic ftid wce d so,; in,,";,;il";il,'J:,:i::,:':,*f:i:;<br />

l00ml. 0.17o clsr.iD ws add.d s p@tuarie. ed s{or.d ar 4.c.

. Mobil€ ph&.: 0.05g EDTA 0.2339 Octe€ Sllhnic acid (OSA), dd 15,6g<br />

NaH,lOa ws€ disolved in l50mt of mcth&ol dd pH adjusr€d b 2.9 vith<br />

onnopho+horic &id. Th. mobilc ph4. M degased vith heUuft b.fo@ e.<br />

. Slldard pr@dtior Al1 siardds (5-rn, DA, NE, 5-HIAA od DOPAC) w@<br />

pr@s€d by mating elurion of 0,028/20n1 of ceh stdddd excett EVA qith a<br />

cm.nhation of I ng/nl.<br />

. Slsd{d milturcr 10trl of e&h sla.dard .xc.pl IwA (5tl) wd r.k6 sd wft<br />

added lo 5ml ofdeio.iz€d ward.<br />

. Srald.rds ced for cslibmtion<br />

. NE - 200n8/ol<br />

. DO?AC = 100n9/ml<br />

.5-HIAA-100n8/nl<br />

The bnb dssu* wft exciied ed diered inro ddircd rcgio.s inne

t<br />

€<br />

ItEt c.firFi- CEG hrifurhar Ib an @d<br />

tDd &r lb. Fr|t-ilon ofNE b Zhglbl DOPAC h lfrrs/Dt, DA<br />

lt 162!8/b! 5.IlrAA ir lcrhg,bl, EVA L 50ns/ol .!d j-llr tr<br />


2.11 Esdnrrio! of tryptophrn h Boi! !d Llv.r Tksua by sP.ctrclluo.oD.tri.<br />

ft. Sperro0@ooeiric dalysis iovolv6 |he n6umel of mitt€d Edialion fiob<br />

qcit d alotu o. nolsll€s when thcy daay to th€ir Sroud sr.tes Th€ fluo@dce h<br />


Foi stddd&, 0.02, 0.04, 0.06, 0.08 ed 0.1 6l of wo*ine sraldard elution of<br />

t)?ioph& wqe t ko in lhc &w-c.pp.d tub6.Icc.@ld TCA (lo'lt ws added 10 eeh<br />

1ub€, 0,2n1 of fomaldchyd€ md 0.lnl of f.ClJ ragdt w6 addcd, th. tubc contcnt wa<br />

imcdiatcly slDld viloou.ly on vortcx ed irdf.r.d io l!. boiling w.tq balh Md<br />

q6 @ol€d at Mn tdpdl4. I1t volun. v6 mad. !p to 4Dl wnn loe/'TcA.<br />

FluoFwrce wa m@wd at chnsion I of 4E0@ lrd .xcitation I of 365m by<br />

JASCO ilemn€rd (Itr.ca).<br />

2.1, E dudo! oa T.yprop!.! Py.oLr. a.ltvity h llv.r by (ry<br />

SFcr@phororetrk.!.lyt&<br />

Q!&fratv. Sp€rrophotom.{ry is !s.d s a p..dictivc lool lo 6c.ec iit@i1y of ligbt<br />

s a fiinction of lhc color, or mo& 3p€ifically, lh. wawldgh of figh $at pNB<br />

thmugh . slulion. IlE 3ign.l i. proponiorut to ltE doul olUelll which origi.ally<br />

slrEk rlE Dhororuh. &d is rhue s &cur. h6!@@1of lhc amul of lighl, which<br />

ha hd Fljmincd by rhc so!l. rhrcugh phorodiod6 d.rdbr<br />

flE W SpetbpnoroneLic &.ly5is wa u.d to me@ |ijc -riviry of r.tdophd<br />

ptmle in livq lise hoDoSq.tls by Fduing lb. fomarion of t t)4.u@i!. 6m<br />

t-irtyophd d ww ldgrh (1, nd) 365m K'&l@in. de ratios \J@ ctl@laLd,<br />

plon d asriilr dnc &d ciz}m edvity I crlcul.t d a tmol ot kyD.uMiE Inlg of<br />

tise filn dc slope. (Feig.lson !d Gre,rgrrd M.lM (l %l )).<br />

. Mdrphosphodc &id (lsyt 15I ofmhphosphoric &id ws dislv.d in loolt oa<br />

. PhcPh'lc bufld (0,2M, pH"?)<br />

Solurior A: 13.89 ofdi-htdrc86 phosphat w$ dislved in 500b1 ofdoo ztd<br />

Solution Br l4,l9e of dlsodiM hrdbgcn pncAhllc w6 di$olv.d in 500m1 of<br />

d€ionizcd wstcr.?8nl of $lution A ed l22ml of sol$on B w@ nircd ed lhc<br />

volme ws hade up lo 400rDl with d.ioniz.d wata-<br />

L-trypbpnm (0-005M): 0.519 iryptophd wa disslvcd in o.lN NH,|oH dd volMe<br />

q6 nad€ !p ro 500n1.

t20<br />

r00<br />

80<br />

60<br />

44<br />

20<br />

0<br />

l0 20 l0<br />

Ceenradon (mol.{tr'l)<br />

Filc a Srdd.d .1re fd TryFop&dn

. (Cl (0.51v0: 18.6258 KCI ws dlsolv€d in 500 nl ofdeiodzed watq,<br />

. NaOH (l M): ,loc of Naolt w.re dislvcd ir dcioniz.d wald ed volun. w4 m.dc<br />

. HomoSdale $lution: ?ont of KCI {6 Dixed {ith 0.5n1 ofNaOH md dr€ volm.<br />

ws rudc LD to 250n1 wirh |n. deioniz.d *.rer-<br />

. Subslraro solltion: l5nl of phosph.te bufir (PE A ws .dd€d to 30nl or lh€<br />

rr?roph.n $l io. .d incubaLd ar 3IC p.ior ro ih. addirion ofuE homos€nar..<br />

2.12,1St Ed.rd md€ of Lyn.lr.rb€<br />

Slddatd cw€ for t lylclMie sulfrte *4 ohrain€d !o 6!d out rhe onMlratj@d of<br />

ktroEdne io ii$ue 3@ples.<br />

. Sroct stardard of Lkynoreninc sllfal. (O oolM)r 0 3063g of LlFdrcoine sulfalc<br />

m djslv.d in I N NaoE ed volmc wd madc up to loooml<br />

. Wo*ing sld.tdd of Ltt!.utdine sulfat€ (IO2FM): (] 00lM stoct sLndard sa<br />

!.12.2 Abrorpilon tP*tr. of Lkymtrrcn|!. srlftt<br />

Absrpriotr spelra fm I O, 50 ad IOOFM etution of LtFsMinc w@ Eko ar 250M<br />

to 5o0M ed the ndimm abetption (1 nw) @ ob$fted st 365m (FlguFs)<br />

O.0l, O.Ol2t, O.O25,0 05 ed O lml ofqo.tiog standdd w@ lald in spa61e lnbes ed<br />

wlme wd natt€ uP ro lnl with NaOE 8ivi.8 tne @mdt"lios of l0' | 2 5' 25' 50 and<br />

l0O mM BPcctiv€ly Their ablorPlion !g.in$ lml N.OH Mi laken al I md of365m<br />

dd rtrDd.rd cwe va Pron.d.<br />

2,12.3 S.npL Pr.P.r.rior<br />

. ftcpdlion oI lis homogcn l€r 6g of frcsh liva tisue wd6 homog'oied in 40nl<br />

of honoScnat€ $lution al CPC lor I Dinuic<br />

. Prcp@rioo of leiio! nixim: 15nl of tivd hohogdal' elulion wd incubat'd<br />

wirh 45 nn of tub6tzrc etulion at 37C silh @ttul shalina 080<br />


.S o.<br />

?<br />

|5t) 350 450<br />

wt',! L.ogI (m)<br />

n!.|! ! Atdtt 30.d.dr\tDraiD (i5c5{b}.<br />


2.12.4 ltltlmollon ot eDyme .c(vily<br />

Thc tuync &tiviry q6 D6!Gd a1 orc linc int Nat of t5 minurB @8ing frcm 0 ro<br />

120 ftinuls. For thit 3hl ofrc&tion mixl!& ws t*an our 6d 2ml of h.hphorphoric<br />

&'d wad .dde4 sh.td for 5 6inul6 and tilreEd. I _5nr of NaOH wa addcd b 2.5nt ot<br />

6lt!e rn

Dnbtir elnlion: 200 ng of pd.siM fenicydide (K3 Fc{N6), 50 ng or potassiM<br />

claid. (KCtt &d lr|o ng of pottsim dihydmSd phoQhalc arh)dnu (KI!, lO.)<br />

w@ dirslved in dislilled w.lq dd ih€ volMe wa mad. up to I lila<br />

Th6 @m@iatly p4?r.d stct si{dardr for hdoglobin (B@bringd M@ncin) wnn<br />

lhe €om.otation of l5m8/dl wd u*d 6 putchscd. Thc skldards wcF pEparcd m<br />

sdi6 of di{fqal cotu€nttarioG (2msldl, 6 ng/dl' 9 ng/dl {d l2 mg/dl) win Dnbkin\<br />

slution ald ln. volwe w$ rdc up lo 5 nl. Tbe t!b6 q@ lhorushlv mir€d dd Ead<br />

.t 546 m (Micto lab, M€rck)- The calibtttron cwe wd Plolt€d (Flg!G6) dd fi€<br />

@nMtlalior of hcmoglobin v6 Epllgtcd 4 ydl<br />

molc blood (2otrl) w4 t.I€n in lh€ sdple tuh's to vhi'n Dnbkin's $luno' {a3<br />

added sil bixcd lhmuShlv. All lhe tlbd sd incubalcd for 5 mmut6 rl ltm<br />

rdpdlw &d ab$rbdc. wd iedu€d at 546m<br />

2.13.3 Eidudon ofTot l R.d Bl@d c.ll (RBc)<br />

The INbd ofrcd blood c.lls es. calcdarqd dd ioponed d iI6 nuhb'r of td "lls /nl<br />

ofwholc blod by sins h@oc}'toncta (Ralh&I, 1983)<br />

. Ti$diu cilrale (!,8 d wd dissolv€d in 100 nl ofdisrillcd Natct<br />

EDTA tr4ted blod (2od) wd addcd in $ei. Gp€cdve tube (label'd) wilh tn$diun<br />

cib.re $lurior (Gd cell dilulin8 soluion) aid uomueblv dir'd- Tb' sple ss dihtcd<br />

to l:201. The diluted sPl€ ws pip€tre out md se'pcd into lhc RBc coNting chmb€r'<br />

daline !@ thd th@ *@ no air bubbl6 .td @ ov'r filing b"ond th' ndrcd a@<br />

Thc ch66a es bn on th€ bdch for I ninutes' 50 thsl c'U corld get s€ttled in lh'<br />

outitrg ea RBc wa @ut€d udd hjgh-pow'Fd dry l@s (Ni&o'! Ja!4)

lo.<br />

I<br />

?0.<br />

a<br />

21 A 810 12<br />

c.didofflbG'eI)<br />

ftr. 6 Sa.dd ott! oflhgbriL<br />


Nmbd or RBCS (millio cu.m) - N!!rbs-9&!d jEU!-celqdr dllulen<br />

Afta .out x Depth ol tnc nuid<br />

W!@, Ar x DrDi! = Volmc of rhe fluid in ihc emtiru chube.<br />

A16 Coutcd = 5 x 0.04(0.2 x 0.2 = 0.0a cu. m.)<br />

D.?rh oflh. fluid - 0.1 m<br />

AB x D€plh = Volme = 0.2 x 0.1 = 0.02 mD or nl,<br />

2.13.4 Eitlddlotr ofP.cLd c.ilvoldn (fcvl<br />

Th€ blmd I Lto in rhe sc.lcd h@diniz.d capintry tub€ .nd mEifugcd. The volM€<br />

of p&k€d rcd cclts ad thc p.lqiaee of ih. whote bl@d (l€v€l of pl@.) w@<br />

d.hined by a hmtocril rcad{ (R.ph&I, l98l).<br />

H?dinized capilhy tub6 w.r. u6ol<br />

Thc capilldy tob6 w@ fillcd tii! blood smple Ore.nd 6f the tubt *6 ealsd &d<br />

cdLituged (mi.toherubcnt mhitug€, Gemev) for 5 himtes' The sedime ed td<br />

c.lk / p&!.d r.n ccls volm€ wd nolcd with lh. h.lP of h4'locrit card r€adcr'<br />

2.13.5 EldDrtlo! of b.E.rolo€tc.l i!.ttd rnd CBC bv Altotut d C.ll Codt'r<br />

. PbGph.tc buficred Salin pH ?.4: KHTPOa ard N.'HPO, @h 0.1% dd pH wd<br />

adjulad boforc 6n l vdue of0.85% wilh NaCl-<br />

Thc EDTA-d0oasuhr€d blood smpl6 w* !5ed for lhe ell @ul€r' 10 ml of<br />

plDsphate bufcttd s6line pH 7 4 rc ttlcn inlo b€ake6, ,4 and B cPetivelv 0 02 ml<br />

ofwhol€ bl@d ws added to the beakd A makins the dilution of rho blood to I :500' 0 I<br />

ml of diht d 54ple *d rato &d wd addcd to beld B, with dilorion oI l: 50,000

Th. €e[ coutd Ema Pc 604 detmin d 6ve pamclc6 i.e. henoglobin, lolal RBc<br />

@ul RDW, PCv sd total \YBC cout<br />

2,1!.6 DrdDdor ol AbelnL hdlcs<br />

Tt. Abelok hdics (MCv, MCE ad MCHC) w.r€ estimat d bv $ing sttnddd<br />

fo@ula im hdoSlobia toLl rEd 6l@d ccll E3C) 6ut Dd p&k d a[ volmc<br />

(?C\,) (tuphlcl, 1983; Silmos, 1980).<br />

,.13.7 lrc! PrcfiL<br />

Stu irc4 total i6n binding cap&ny GlaC), elu F€rititr ed % lrsf'din<br />

$l!.lrid v@ |rre!s.d fd iFn pm6l. dcl@tultion<br />

2l!.7.1D.t rmio lotroflrcn<br />

Ion wd dddined by deprcrciniztion hcthod uina cobnic GdibH tn (F 10r) Th'<br />

irdsfmin!.bomd i6n is Fldcd bv Sreidin. htdmchloridc ed foms ! @lolcd<br />

complq by rcdei!8 it b leII-ioE. Tne @bred @nplcx is highlv s?eilic due ro IcU_<br />

ioro {oFfitltion ofrh€ smtl.. (Adis c! .1 . 1981 ; Slookcv . 1979; Ldbcr 1980)'<br />

. R€ag.nl 1 G@idit€ hldr@hlotide 4.5Fo1,4 buffcr pH 4 5<br />

. Ragdt 2. (Color @gat) Fdde Jnisodim elt 5?n dokr'l<br />

. R€Sdt 3. A@rbic &id_N&salt 2 5S<br />

. Reas.nt 4.lron Glddad) 3omnovl-<br />

. Sdpldsnld.rrl blul €g6r dislv. escnl 3 (@rding lhc @out or 2<br />

spatula) i! 50 nl of@8€ni I<br />

. R*lion Entu.: The @lion niit@ ws prcp&ed bv addins lnl of Fsot 2<br />

into 25 nl of spusrand.td blank Mgot<br />

2OO Fl of eN {s mixed *ilh I ml of @lio. mjrtrc rd i'cubded for l0 oftlte al<br />

roon lemp.ralu€- The stand,rds weE lc.led simildlv For seple bldlq 200d of<br />

s4@ wG ctd &d I nn of d86t 2 ws add.4lhobusllv mix€d dd itrcubal€d for

10 mirut6 al room idpfrie. nE ab$6ece ea F.sued at 5?8 m agMsi in€<br />

Th. stu iFn ws cdculrLd a folm:<br />

fnot4 = 6A dron @ple) xN Or pgldl= 106r x 6A(lonmplc)<br />

6A (siadad)<br />

6A (.b$b,e) - ^ (e,ryle)- A (sBLlA GaL)<br />

6A (!bd6.ne) - A (strd,rd! A Gtdtud bLnr)-A (RrL),<br />

N = t0 llfuvl (trocndid ot.llldtd)<br />

2.1!.7.2 D.t rDlMdor ofTot l Ircr Dbdbe clp.cltv (IIBC)<br />

Tord lror Binding Cap&ity GIBC) vd dct€roftd bv 6ing Cartonic CnbH kit<br />

(LlO3, Ml} TIBC w6 m€Gurcd aft€t satur.lion of lh. irNfnid bv m inn $lutior<br />

dd.derpiionof ln€qcsitonhyna8trsi@oa$on .(Stmkev1979)<br />

. Rog6t I : So(ualed Feclr lohtion 89 5!novl.<br />

. Rag612: M.endiD.dnonale (d dern6t)<br />

ll) M.lhod<br />

Rsg6l r (sOOd) ws add€d to lhe tuh. witn 250F1 of th€ *ru4 nircd dd in'ub'1€d<br />

fd 5 ninur6. To rhis I nduing s!@n ttag@t 2 (m+n6im cdtollre) wD adtLd'<br />

Thc tub€s w€re incubaled for 30 niou6 ai 2cr'c ed w@ cdhifuged al 3000 rpm for l0<br />

nirur6.Tn sup.6ara w6 lr€t.d s c@ dd ndured pith lnc Iton ldt (r l0l)-<br />

ftc &tivity ofTIBC it ttte s@n vs calculal€d s follows<br />

llnol,4 TIBC lobl = 57Ox 6A (S) Or ltg/dl=3183x 6,\ (S) ,<br />

6a (s) =A (smpl.! A {sBL)<br />

2.1!.7J Determlmtiotr ofs.rud Fer.id! bv ELISA<br />

EEFel-inled tM@mlb61 Asv (EL!SA) is t wtui dd Pow'r6<br />

oelhod in

dlinaline nelDl to pelbr ordded Dat ri.b in the biolosic.l sasplG it d b. pqfom€d<br />

lo ddude €irh.r the p@€ of &rigd o. th€ pcfte of artiHy in a sdplc,<br />

Th. eftple wirh e unlnom dout of &tigB. h imobiliad on nift litd platc 6 a<br />

slid supporl sd rho rhe deletion etibody is added, foming a @npld wi! dE<br />

dtigd, The deleotion eribody ce bc @valently link€d ro e @ynq o. cs il@lfbe<br />

detsied by . sondrry etibod, which h linl.d to { @}me Lhbugh bioconjul,ttion,<br />

Atcr thc linal sah st@ the plale is dcvcloped by adding m dyDatic subslrrtc to<br />

p'od@ r visibb nglal wlich indicatB $e $dtily of dliga in the splc eilh.r by<br />

utlitng cnrcnosdic st6t-316 or Auoos.nic subrltdG hatte nuch hid!6 34ilivity.<br />

DRG disenGtic GnbH bt (EIAj872) *s us.d aor tbe detdmimtio! of$run fmiln'.<br />

.o9loin8 ELISA nedrd. In !4.d ion l4€h wre eiat€d wilh ircn dcficii vihl<br />

hcpalitis *he.. 6 deresed ldels w@ dleialed wi$ cnrcnic i.fections, n@hr6G €tc<br />

. Artibody-cod€d wells: Micb rild wclh @aled wirh nlbil dlibody-fc lin.<br />

. EMFe @njusate Bsol conLining moue monclonal dtibody aedirin<br />

@nju8.rcd to hoffidish pmxid.-<br />

. R.f@ce sland.rd set onlaining 0, 15, 80250,500 and 1000 ng/nl hllM livd o.<br />

splm fmitin in bovine sm with pcdativg.<br />

. TMB rcag€nl 3, 3 , 5, 5' t€tran.thylb.nzidine tiabilizen in bufid solution<br />

. Sbp elutio. lN HCI<br />

20,11 of sbrdrds, mpl6 and contbls speliv.ly w@ add€d inlo alPbpnrk wells.<br />

lootll of @ymc @njngat @8qt w6 ldded inb @n we[, gdily nix.d ld 30<br />

@ndr sd incubaral at mn ldprarw for 45 min 6. Tbe itulbarion mixlue wG<br />

rcmovcd by llicting well @nlols i!!o a suila!|. *6le cotrt incr; wells *crc rin*d 5<br />

tin6 with dklilled or d.ioniz.d war.r by slrikins the wells sh.rply oo absorb.nt papd<br />

for removal of Bidual waler dmplcls. l00tl TMB reae4t wa added into ceh p€ll<br />

g6tly mix.d fo.5 6*onrb ed i.cubdled 6t toon teDperrtu€ ir the dlrk for 20 dinules<br />

lo0rrl of stop r@cBnr e6 added inro oDh well dd smlly mixed for 5 sondg. The

oldc.l ddy (O) of& .qf- d aodrf ir.. @!d d 45tb rtlh. ni.{o<br />

liE rdl ft.d- ri6ir 15 DirE fi. rd!,ny of hilb i! e xlm .4 rI<br />

€bldtrDLdiiarnhd@c<br />

,.r+7r lt.di. llr.lr'l 8.btb ('.Ic)<br />

IbX.te Iffifi Se.doo 06T8) r. c.Ldd !y tt! ftdlh,<br />

%TS - S..un itldnDc '100


3. RESULTS<br />

a.l Aldp.t.todc Dr{!|r a!.tr Std. E t .l| fid PANSS<br />

It hs lur{ hfi tlctrxlBtrrtot th ttr rrtipi}tt|'||i( nn,l,"r {,tirt{ d,nt,. t.,,,?, (<br />

ck$in.d on fi. b$is of rh.n cffic&y in @t otling posiriv. .nd ncg.tiv. syrnplons of<br />

i.hizlphmi.. In rhis srid e! Epon . d.finic @m@rualiztjon nccdcd lo bc<br />

!ddB$|. i'r o.rlq to fir{ {n eiulion bcl*ei UE {nlil,sr.tdio ttru8s, $cn iidc<br />

.fier Drefl. ed rh. P^ltss<br />

Thc @bi.@8n9hic .rd ctinic.l f..r@ of l2O *hj4ph@ic pltial| chrcni..ly<br />

rElcd qi|h hrlop.idol {n=92) .Jd ctoapin. (n-28) w$ summdiz.d in t.bt. t_ No<br />

risninon| dilrmc ws ot dcd in rhc tw trcr|nor sDurt tor nlq os. 0r t,r onsr<br />

of illn*, durid of rarmdr.!d d6rg. of eri!tr lhoric dtug rqrlMt, SiSnitic&l<br />


I.U. r Ddocivhic dd cliricd ftr!|n of &tiz.Pbdic paliots uEt d wilb<br />

brLpdidol (n=92) .trd doz4iE (!+8).<br />

A8e .t r oset of i!!.$ (}!d)<br />

Dunrio! oftidtndt (ye6)<br />

Dosgc orAP dNgs (ng/.Ly)<br />

lditiE stnpt 6 (94PS)<br />

N.Bdire 8)atoD' (7.NS)<br />

PANSS(%)<br />

0Lto!.tlio0<br />

29,01L9.05<br />

3.66+3.03<br />

22.30.E.39<br />

56,3?+8.26<br />

. PANSS, PositiE !.d N.*.tiF Syrpr.ro S

IrbL 2 CorbtioD Mly3b b.le..n PANSS &d othq oliricd pteelcB ofdD<br />

Schizophmic p.tidt8 taGd with hdopdidol (n+2) ed cl@pi@ (!-28).<br />

as. .l r od.t of ilnc| 6Es)<br />

Dmlid of dqtodt Oe.)<br />

Irca86 ofAP &W. (dgid!y)<br />

Pciriv. 'yryrd! (91iPS)<br />

NcsdiE .yotsmr (%Ns)<br />

H.lo!.rldol<br />

r- 0.26 ( )<br />

r --0.013(D)<br />

r = -0.r0(D)<br />

.{.1?8(B)<br />

r-0.0?4a)<br />

.cmrrrin @!dr G) ('4.05).', (p4jolr.., d, 'r.r.is.in€d.<br />

' = -0.27(c)<br />

r{21s)<br />

r-0.0t(B)<br />

r - 0.026(s)<br />

. = -0.073(N)

T.bL 3 Coopdicon of6. sid. .rc.t pofiL r!€&i.Ld *ilh g?i6l (h.lopdidol) .!d<br />

atlic.l (cloaqie) eliFylhoti! dDg.,<br />

EPS lilc<br />

(Dr!tori., PdriI|@is,<br />

Arltbid.! T&dire Dtskitr eir)<br />

. Th. 'Ei9 of .id. .ft6 & !q.*|t d tt .tfitot +/.-<br />

. rd.0fidol @oF2-2mo3/dry)<br />

. doah. @oG5AOE8/dy)<br />

X.Lp.rld.l Cl@pit.

Tdle 4 Diltibuiion chs&lertrics of PANSS ilds u*d lor lhe dissnosis of<br />

schtopbhia patidls lrdled wirh halopdidol (n=92) md cloz.pine (D=28). Th€<br />

sybprom e PFql.d 4 Gp*tive pd.dlagc.<br />

Shorod<br />

PGitiv€ Svnptomr of Scbiro.hrdlt<br />

P,lrrcid d.lsioa, or &l[ioo ofFnanioa<br />

cGly dnFlloiz.d or abbic b.!'viq Il<br />

ii'rr'.pde b dc duttm d 3rinli.<br />

^fid uNU2l nsr b.hvi$ (!d!g, clli,s),<br />

&s!!!!.qgr&!l-clg!E!!rr4!<br />

Ar.si' (drnicur'y or tub ir b spajl)<br />

b4pbFfucirlt'j|ltg|rkotifut<br />

dasililyhsenl'4siudkp@pl?<br />

lnrbiury to friG iridnd. d t e Ftod:,<br />

DilEcdV qp'.sins rhogbb

poplo (100%), ad social isolarioi (lO0%) erc morc conmonty ob*ded in case ot<br />

halop€ridol(n=28)lr€al.d*hi@phrcnic p.ricn6.<br />

Eovev.r, the n gativ. s)mproms includin8 lsck of @otion (a5,45%), affetive<br />

flattnine (63.67%), alosia (54.54%), and sciat iehtion(90.9%), di&fsanized rhintinc<br />

(81.817t, difliculry in hddtandins (81.8%) and difficutty if, inresrating rhoushls,<br />

l|c1itr)+r ni bdnrviin (4545y,), rLr.o onrd |)tlrr]ro,t tr I,rti0|ts r,ert(t wirtl<br />

1.2 DRD2 gem polynorphkn h Scht@pftrcntcD,ttcnrs<br />

This stion deals *ilh ihe 6!@iation sudics bclwe. dlelic fiequaci€s ofTaq tA<br />

R.FLPt in $. DRD2 @c?!or 86c. Thi! B.no b larcd in lh. chomGond position<br />

llq 22-23 (Figur. t) &d rhc tuplcs trom ch@nics y Le.rld paticnrs ofhltoperidol<br />

ed crozopin. v.r.3ubjer.d ro pCR srudio, in ordcrtoddcnrinc rhclltcri. r.cqucNy<br />

dituibulion. The s€noq!. prih of dc 5d. lmrlc is .rso pwme{ hce.<br />

Caonic DNA witn rhc puiry of r.7 s damin.d by Spcchphoromcld w6 rur on<br />

,ge* g.l 0.8yo to chet it int.gity. t cgjty ofrhe DNA spb non $c blood of<br />

*hraphr€.ic palidrs ch@nicaly aqr.d wilh h.topr ot edor cloz.pinc. Single bad<br />

w& sen on |n. s.l thowin! int 8rily of$. DNA.<br />

d'e mplilicadon dd gootrling oflhc DNA w4 ffied our by using potymere Chain<br />

R@tion - R6triclion Fhldcnt Lcngrh potynophisnj (pCR-RFLp,s) r6hniqtr6wjrn a<br />

pa'r orpnmer 971 ed 5014, ro anptity a jro bp tragmenl sp.nnins lhe potyno.phic<br />

Taq I A sire of lh€ DRD2 gcne (Fig!rc S). nr€ 3 lobp dnplifi€d p,oducl (8Fl) of DRD2<br />

cene wN li^t M on r8es. sd {2%) ed vkualizcd usins elhidim benide srain. ,tE<br />

PCR bla.t *s ued s conhol. pCR rslhs of 2ol. agarese gd d€drphoEsG showed no<br />

bad in the conrol; ho*€v4, very proDincnt bed in rhe 310-bp @sion w6 se€n (figure<br />

9). This rcp€scnts d uncur iEsmcnl ofDNA, $e Ar llete. Two iEsmcnls of 130 bp<br />

and 180 bp Ep@at rhc A2 alt.lc whilc ibr.e fragmcn$ of3l0 bp, l30 bp and t80 bp<br />

rcrcscrl l/A2allclc(t{gurc t0& lt r_b).<br />

We ha!€ obswed rhar rwenryjevcn paticnrs wcrc honozygors tor the Al/Al a ctc, 52<br />

*crc hclcrozygous tor AUA2 ! qtc !|l(l 4t pllicrk wcr homozy8ous lor 2lA2 rlclc.<br />

HoNwer, in the lon-scnizopbrcnh individust! Gonftl) groups 5 weF bomozysous tbr<br />

A I aUele, l3 wer tui@zySous for A I /A2, &d 26 w.re homozy8o!! A2 (Trble 5). The

frl<br />

q t .!,,r<br />

'! j ,!q 1 1,! tr '1<br />

n r i{ in ia ni !<br />

{1{lEtEitrtsrrrtr<br />

DRD2 GEI\'E<br />

I<br />

!; t ! !$t$t<br />

rtun 7 chs@@al lo..tio! of DRD2 gFe. The DRD2 g@ b locned od<br />

cbrcm@m. 11 !t posiiion a!!rcxin loly q22{23.<br />


32621 agc{accacaaglggsseg<br />

12641 ttqtctsaat tlccatcicg gctccrggct t6gaaccaoc cagagtSigpc aclgaoggct<br />

32701 c.rrgc.cri 1d.gga Cgar, atgargcoor gcrilcggcr gcgeagggcc agtaScagge<br />

32?61 gtgtgcrgct cactccakx tggrcgt ca gctgggcgcr tgc!*gglcc agcacftg!<br />

32821 ggategctgt gtgcccttgagggcggccs ggtggcggg tgtccagccc acrtgrgc<br />

32881 gggcgtggac atttgcgtga rgttctakga ggr &arsac actcalsssc<br />

FiFE t ShIt@ of 3l0bp E8i@ oftbc DRD2 Ctu s!mi.8 rh. TlqlA sirq<br />

IE T.4lA rcltridioo sir€ is Eptqa&d by srdisr e) d @l@ti

{x174<br />

figrE 9 2% agtu gel of the rcR pftdEr dpfirying 3l0bp<br />

olDRD2 94. tjG 2 - 10, t2 6n ir rcR podu.r ton lO<br />

$hto!l'qi. Flidts reFtst d by r $rodg I | 0 bp b6nd re<br />

2-5 rpi.ars {r bdoDqidol raa.d polienrsj IrF C9<br />

Eprenrtdoapirc rEted pori.nB qhile l@ 10&12 EDt!$eil<br />

mmrl @tr!!k. l!. I I c@triB rh. 6ulrs of a bl&l rsrion<br />

wiIll no DNA, Lee I @nlai6 ih. 9X174 m|s'ne w.ight<br />


l|grF l0 RFLP'S of DRD2 delror goc sp@red on<br />

2.5% agNe gel, Lse! 1,2,+7 ed 11 Eprcsi DNA<br />

lion $hiapbmic AlA2 hcI!@ygo6 pdidts, hlving<br />

tr bdds. ldd 3, 8 {d 9 FFlst DNA im<br />

indivituli hdn@r€N for 42, nNirg tm t6nd! of ll0<br />

bp 8rd I E0 bp. rlE 13 Gplsn! OXI74 Ha. ttt diglsr

UryD<br />

t2 t<br />

r|tlt rr . nE die.qa.l pdar of '#rg"d<br />

/digci.d (uDD) silb Tql d|d Ft s Fc&Rru<br />

prldlc|. oo 2.t/a rg.rlc g.L @d !@b6 lrc<br />

rpr€ctr 3l0bp @lifild lrqtu t of DPj, i.l. '*fiI.<br />

ercn Mb.r l&q Eptlgt Taql diEEd€d prod!.1 of dF<br />

s.D indivi&ds dryinS .llclic pen Al, A2 rut<br />


UD'D<br />

345<br />

Ft E ll b, rhe djff@nid pdr.n of 'Ddig.r.d /di8ca.d<br />

ruryD) *it[ Tlql .!donEl€* FCR/R.FLP DrqlBl! un<br />

2,5% .grc Cel, Odd nMbq laG Rpllsr udiSclr.d<br />

mplifi.d producls etik eo rmbq llG eFrsr $.ir<br />

Fsp€.rive T.ql dig*led Fodlcts. lr'M gel show int ne<br />

h.rde of 3l0 bp EpEaning Al hmoTtgou $hiaphhic<br />

II<br />

r,5060<br />


T$L 5 Diltributio! of DRD2 smrr1. (F164) snd reLted pe&Ft F to Ta4 1A<br />

PolyEo.phi@ i! lh. h.lopaid,ol cloz{ilo ed control subj4&.<br />

Tiar€d (28)<br />

05<br />

2l<br />

06<br />

ll<br />

t2<br />

25<br />

3l<br />

!0<br />

. Cl'isq|nE (r, aoo(bo of 6r r,6! p4.05,<br />

o.26<br />

0.44<br />

0,43<br />

12 =8,55;p=0.425

gcnolyDc disribution ofTaq lA dopaninc D2 Bct'or gcnc otschi2lphrcnic prticnls<br />

(halopcridol ed cloz+ioc lrealcd) and nomd conrots weE in aco.dscc with Hrdy<br />

wqinbcrg equilibnm. The fiequocy oi Al auete difl6 sie.iticdrty b€rwea rhe<br />

*bizophr..ic paridb trsled wirh h.loperidol (0.44) dd cloz.pin. (0.41) a complEd<br />

wllh $eh nomal conftls (0.26) with x2- 8 55df=2, p= 0.425 (T.bt.5). The marked<br />

dill.Mc. in the all.lic ftequflcy ws obscNed in $e real,henl soups (haloDcndol ed<br />

cloapind eirh,(2 =2.5099,p= 0.285 s compsed 1o contml wilh 12 =6.047, p= 0 048<br />

'l[c Al rdlulu *N tbon to tt! eee,cinlql witl 5] (.t4,%) ot tlr Dt) kruwn<br />

shiapnrcnie,burwirhonly 12(10/tof{hcnon-$hiephmic@ rok.<br />

3,2,1 Scqucne ,r.lFir oa lhe lt Obn .DDIfl..l produ.r of DRD2 gcr(<br />

Th.3l0bp bdd on lh.2% ase* s.l t@n bbon spr6 of$hizophr.nic parienB on<br />

balopcridol sd cloapine trartncnt .Dd ftom rh. btood samplG ot contol subj*ts<br />

(rigurc 9) wcrc cxciscd {d analyzcd usinglO-t5!lotpurilcdpCRpGluct(50ng/,10.<br />

ScquencinS qu conduct.d undcr BigDy. lminabr crtine condition! ancr Erhanol<br />

PEipiidin ed M on Aulomadc Scqlcn@r 37joxl (Appli.d Biosyrrds). The<br />

s.quft. rDcl6 obsdld h b,lopdidol drd ct@pine Eatcd schiaphmic patidls e<br />

r5 .) cpe$vdy.<br />

shovn in (Flglr | 3 . -<br />

In ihe schiaphrcni. populalion invBigard, no significdr difa€rence wds aound in $e<br />

allclic frcqucncy bur DNA sequacc ealysis ofrhc 3l0bp Esio. of DRD2 shoved rhar<br />

all tchiz,phrcnic pdionls, chroricn|y lrc cd wilh hltoDcrdot or ctoznDilc. wcrc<br />

homozygous lor a C-.-T lrdsition in rh. base pan positio. 32827 .dying Ser36lc<br />

mutation (Figur. 8 & t2 , - b). Otrc otour impodtrr obsefraroN rs tx4r th,s c T<br />

muahn rs nol al$ialed wirh $c non-$hi&phmic conrrol grcup. Moevc.. the<br />

s.qudcc dalrsir slo*ed no si8lifie.r cft@ts on rrqrrdt our@n6.<br />

Ann scqu.nciry, the 6uus of jtobp mplitiqd prcduct of DRD2 s€i. of the<br />

$hizophEnjc p.rienh on halop.ddot / clo2apin. rrarrb€nl &d conrrct sahrls. *ere<br />

sbjcclel lo lhc bNh l@dl dienntq srrch toot (BI_AS1) to Inrd orl ,cgtons ot.tocul<br />

sinilaily betw€en *qumcs. The compadsor oi the nucl@loe sequcnces lo darabss<br />

and lhccalculatcd staristiql siSnificdrcc ofscqucn.e marh6 arc shown in tigure Il c<br />

& 15 c for thc hdopqidol uaLd paucnts s4qucne dl showi in Alurc t5 c aor $c<br />

cloz4n. let d *hiephrdic parjenr6. AddidoMly dle sre id6rid6 Md saps in

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plus/ninus str.nd ws als giv€n in th.s. figurca,<br />

Fisurc 13 d - 15

g<br />

500<br />

300<br />

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'!giN<br />

follosing ctrMic (21 cdgutiE

.3<br />

-rcon.6l E tkll @ ti.lP -c!.TE=Cb-P<br />

FtuF 16 b CoEFri$tr of doFEi* l4l in r.r 3tri.uD<br />

fouosins chEnic (21 onsccllivc &F) l/M trcttnqt of<br />

hslopcridot,rd cloapinq (ommcciully avdhblc l'lnj*rio,v -l:<br />

Talla !!d P- Putif.d fom) !!d contol spl6<br />

(rl0 *h pO.m5. Srdrtt t{!3)<br />


6r.4%a2.93) in botb rh. qpqin@t t aoup! of cloz.pirc Eatl.nt E+etivdy<br />

(n8!n16r-b).<br />

Th. ld.l of mronin w$ 3ignifidtly ierc$.d in rhc nidbnin, hyDorhrtmls dd<br />

3tri.lm bd .lidtly der...d in thc @ncr (r.?,./.+26.9 .!d 6.99%arl.6) fo ow.d by<br />

tbc chrcnic t!.ttn6t ofh.lopaidot in borh.rp€imor.t gEups (@m.Ei.Iy Nritau.<br />

t Uct .rd in purifi.d powdco qperivdx d @np&d lo rh.r oa cont@t ors, Thc<br />

naimun imtt4 in thc &otooin corc.nrr.raon wG ob-rycd in lhc .xFrinqrrl greup<br />

tet d wirh puifi.d fo@ ofhatoFridot in a[ th@ rcgjoE: midbain (2.0%*23J).<br />

hypothalhu. (254.8%i2t.a) lnd in srillum (2228%+39.7). Motuvci rhc *mlonin<br />

@nantr.taon wq sisnificdtt, imra.cd tu nridbhi,r (8,t%{6.5) in o$ ot. rtrc<br />

cxtcrinEntrl soup r@d wnl comnErcialy NJitnblc hutqEidror nrjeriotr (fig!.c<br />

11).<br />

CorcuMt &ct!e su o0lcnrd in .ll rdos .ncr chrenic rrqrtndr of ctozjpire<br />

crc?t in conq wh6! $roronir con4nhrion wa! tnt.dly hctwld (3932%*2.01<br />

rld 23.0%t4.2) ...rqriv.ly in borh rh. dpaimdr g6up' Addilio!.lly in<br />

hyFthdour 5igilica de@r! (5a.65%i9.5) ws obFryGd in rh. cxFrimdr soup<br />

rMr.d wirh rhc pu.ifid fom ofclo?:pin Gigur.lE)..Itc varyiu crer of rh* dtuss<br />

on rcuD0_ulmi|lq nEy s@unl tor $c dirTcan@ in lhcjr ,ido cII*t ,,tlntc itr Btudsc<br />

Thc livq dhibitcl r sianifiofl inclt4 (p

I soo<br />

e 400<br />

E goo<br />

ElCo rel @ tr|-t dthlP<br />

-CL-T :Cb.P<br />

Fisle l? Comp.iis of 5-HT coMntdion in difr@l DEn<br />

r!si@ rollowins chmnic (21 @'rivc d.t!) UM oqlnd or<br />

hrloeqidol lrd cl@pirE, (@d||iwi.llt tvlil.bl. l-lnjeddv T-<br />

T6l.t .!d P- Puifi.d fod) !trd conEol @d.3<br />

(FlO.dl rd.00r, Sdbr.' i{!d)<br />


3.5<br />

3.0<br />

2.5<br />

2.O<br />

BrrinTrlploth.r Liv€.r'tvpropbtn<br />

[:c.nrrl @ fhll dtllP<br />

-cb-T:cL-P<br />

Fig{rc 18 Compdier of m1 bnin .nd livq tr}llophd<br />

@nenttation (4/8 wel wiSlr of tise) followins chrenic (21<br />

o.surivc dayt UM EtD.nt ol h.lop.ridol trd cloapi@<br />

(@m@idl, svEihbl. l-lnj4liotv T-Tablcl lrd P- Pdified fom)<br />

(Flo a.! p

The esm@r of lirc. bypropha p).trotsc enzlne adrv y (pg&ar) in ds w6<br />

cffirqr oul by 'rsing slorthd n$fto{. Kytrcficrins tcvcls (tgd wurc nr0nibrud ir Urc<br />

Iiver ti$ues al a tine inrcfr.tr6gcd from 15 ninurcslo l2o ninut€s (Tabte 6 & 7).<br />

In addirion, thc cnzync lcriviry wis crtcutatcd fFm hc stopc rs x/y , 60, Mnrkcd<br />

indcscw6 oblcncd in lhc cnzyDc lcrivily, ptoucd dganNr 0ns al lhc tihc inlcfutol<br />

l5nrinuts in rcsponlc to borh hatotoidolNDd ctoz{inc rrcahcrr in a lhccxp.rincnht<br />

groups ofcohDcrciatty lvaitlblc and pdncd fom oihc.uncnr as cohpscd to rhcn<br />

r.sp€cl've conrrck (Fi8uc 19 & 20) For ihrlec. lh€ Dcr€sc m the tryprophm<br />

pyrole eDyme a.rivity *q signiticsl (p

.Db 6 TryPbphe prrDl& &riviry (Fdylr) in d liva foll@in8 .bui.<br />

.duiliib.li@ of hd.oai&|.<br />

0<br />

l5<br />

30<br />

15<br />

60<br />

?5<br />

90<br />

t05<br />

120<br />

G{id futJdll!)<br />

CoorDl qrl{ Bd.P c@rol H.l-l lbl.P<br />

1.65<br />

o.79<br />

t.71<br />

t.58<br />

1.63<br />

1.66<br />

t,72<br />

t,76<br />

t,75<br />

t.62<br />

t.06<br />

2.ta<br />

I.EE<br />

l.E9<br />

1.64<br />

2.6<br />

1.66<br />

t,77<br />

l.n<br />

1.97.<br />

t_84<br />

t,9l<br />

2.05<br />

1,80<br />

2,11<br />

t,67<br />

t:fl<br />

0.@<br />

3.16<br />

3.,18<br />

2.to<br />

1.33<br />

l.l5<br />

t.00<br />

0,87<br />

0.00 000<br />

4.U 7.88<br />

4.36 3,76<br />

2.50 2.54<br />

l.E9 2.05<br />

f.3l ta4<br />

l.n r.80<br />

0.94 0.95<br />

0.88 o.EE<br />

. KyEMirc l"Fh(@!!} S,D,.DrO-05) w mildld h rt liE rittg.tr 0m<br />

'<br />

YEE ft Dlivity w c.lcuLld n6dF rloF aylr.60

T.!b ? Tryp|phd pymle &tivi9 (fy'sAr) i! nl liva folwitrS th. chMic<br />

r&niiirdid of clozrpirc (toth @i.Iy Mihblc (t bld) tnd Pui6d (lowdq<br />

0<br />

l5<br />

30<br />

a5<br />

60<br />

75<br />

90<br />

105<br />

lm<br />

Gsi8)<br />

(Y8/slti,<br />

cotrlol c|?T clr-P cdtrol Clz -T clz -P<br />

1.65<br />

0.79<br />

t,74<br />

1,58<br />

t.63<br />

1.66<br />

t.72<br />

t.76<br />

l,?5<br />

1.45<br />

t.t8<br />

1.06.<br />

1.20<br />

1.23<br />

t.28.<br />

1.10.<br />

t.22<br />

0.E4.<br />

r.79.<br />

o92.<br />

0.45.<br />

0.4E.<br />

l./lE<br />

0.54.<br />

0,00<br />

3.16<br />

3.48<br />

2.10<br />

1.63<br />

1.33<br />

l.l5<br />

l.0o<br />

0,87<br />

0.00<br />

4n<br />

2.t2<br />

t.60<br />

l.z3<br />

1.02<br />

o.13<br />

0.65<br />

0.61<br />

0.00<br />

7.16<br />

t.6a<br />

0,6<br />

0.,18<br />

l.tE<br />

036<br />

o.25<br />

o.22<br />

. Kynmie l.ck (nE I sn.,.D4.os)r@ @ildtd i!lll liE d6g rl rrim<br />

t YEEIG &tivi9 E .dod.r.d nw dr rlof. s t/y '60

6<br />

IL<br />

--.-cdd +HrH --FH,I+<br />

F|.G 19 Rd li6 trrF.rD- DyadE dibtt UCdlr)<br />

fdio{i4 ftaic (21 co.sriE d.F) |/U trrtu d of<br />

lEloFi&l (dEEdrnly Ndhblc 0- Iri€did) e<br />

Frifi.d fdn) d coonol @pb.<br />


s.<br />

,:a<br />

TiD (EiD!6)<br />

+Cdd +CD,T -.r-Cb+<br />

&G 'c Rn lit rrD.oltd t}rrd.r divily 0rg/94!)<br />

buovi.s cbdic (21 coariv. dry.) UM tt har of<br />

clodpir. (@idly .tdLlc (I-T.Ha) dd Fritr d<br />

tonlod codol !qL1<br />


'|llc eNnrNic l rc ildDrl ddrDdbrcric ldlcnN w.r! usl Inr lhc Jclcnnirdi,o ol<br />

mlcdr w.idr ed @i qulibriv. ulysis {nh th. Qu{ y On. $n*@<br />

(BioRdl} T$lc9& l0 tBn|3 rhc rfltrrnt tuolduhr wcighls ad Blaliv. quanlity of<br />

eh bud wirh r!.Eer to t!. tot l quliry .pplicd in 4h ld. (%) ot tlF pELin<br />

cdpdEr. (Pl-Pl3), In drlnion, chlmlcrillac ch.n8s w@ Bv4l.d in &nc ol drc<br />

por.io @mnon6lr on SDS-PAOB lollryinS chMic ft.rMl of bo$ nrbpcidol .tn<br />

cloapin. whici @ FG@t d in ngr 2l. Th. totci! @mtoM1 P4 hrvina mlculs<br />

wciot 120 KD wa do*n rc$brcd in rhc hllopcridol lolcl qFri'Dcn|ll sreups $[nc<br />

t. pDr.in @nFn@t Pl I hving ml.culr w.itht 43 KD w$ up E8!|lr.d folloqing<br />

h.lotqidol (bolh nu,ilicd and conncrcially .v.ildblc aM) l@lncnt (Fa$rc 2l &<br />

'l-lblc t). Moovcr, cupelul iotrotFltui.o ponc c l'2 rn'l F) luvirg nFldu|J.<br />

w.i8hr l8a .nd 58 KD, Gperiv.ly wo! 6h.d.d following chMic cloapin. tlanndl<br />

in bo|h |h. qpdinold greup6 (Fisurc 2l & T.blc l0).<br />

!,5 andFrlctou. Drug. .!d H.mtoloaldl Dytc.nlu<br />

Thc p|Bd( pm of rn|dy fo.iB d d. etiFychotic dD8 itrdBcd blood dFc@ia in<br />

th. ehizoglssi. p.li6& ard in D oimd bodcl (nts). Tlr. handoloSicd, biehcmic.t<br />

p.firears lnd hoalDlogic.l |s!65Mt w.s csi.d out .nd chonic tMlhhl of<br />

h.loF idol.!d cloapi@ wirh<br />

'!.D6r<br />

to mmd @fioh. Douuc conpatuon ha ben<br />

mdc tor 0|. *esdt of tlE &vdity of 5id. .fiect! h !r!6 by u5in8 connd.idly<br />

avlihblc lJn Oc nuincd fodn (Sis,na Chsnicrl lic.) ot both th* dtugs.<br />

ll'c hdaloloSiel indiccs including hcioSlobin comcnt'-dtion (g/dl), complcrc blood<br />

ccll @unr (cu.mn) r.d .t6ols!c indic (rcv (%). Mcv (n), McH (t8) .rd Mcllc<br />

('4)) !rc rhc nl.sc lh|| sivc inlomrrion {bo!L rlr $vdiry of lnmir ( RlplEcl lr)81).<br />

Mt€r' i.hi?rphEnic p.!i.rrs chDnicrllt ulrr.d with halopdidol, . sitnificdl<br />

(r4.C{01) dcc.!a* w.. oh..v.d in h@oglotin c.l6lntid (9J6*1.29, n=84) ad<br />

rh. RBC colnrs (l.9r4.r9lj n-E4) wirh . rridr &ct!& in PCV (32.61€.@, n-84),<br />

MCv (?9.1'954,a+ FJI). .!d MCH (t3ltr.2,r2, n-84) l@cl irdicdi.a .|Bi.<br />

(n8.e23} wbil. MCHC ld.l O&59j1r6, F8a) L sisriliolly G

T|!L l Coop&i.d of d! t\rt l .t@ Fd.i! Mdrioo .nq th. chllic<br />

.dbilirt ti6ofh.lopqid.ldd@Tii..<br />

Hd.Firbl luitrcd<br />

'v.l'! G @ *s-D. (4, .(!ror5).<br />

E rr.tnt bcoc{nrdor<br />

QIdI'<br />

4.981.54 (E)<br />

5r6d0.55 (E)<br />

7.09*0.E5 (O<br />

6114.65 (O<br />

9.05*r.(rr (o<br />

lbnr..c<br />

Fco!<br />

0.la7l<br />

0.m5t<br />

0.0465.<br />


KD<br />

n!c,r Prdd. dly$ dddpq/(t dc dntg lErd !u<br />

rude 2qa of lqL s hd F l& of ib l0 ta SD&<br />

d EFrdlg G9d Fd! lo.d F l@. t,cl FFld<br />

Dhorb Eiab @t. (MW-SS4ll b A A D nFlsa<br />

ib. codol rDpLr hoNEr/lr Lc 84 rd BF ftt !*n rh<br />

@cti.lly |vdLL -d Fri6.d 6.D of clouqiE .d<br />


tDL, C@dis of Er Gu pmt i! @AoFlr ob.dd @ SDS,PAGB.ftn tbc<br />

chodc dni lHi@ of t{q..idot.<br />

P1<br />

P2<br />

t3<br />

14<br />

P5<br />

D6<br />

P7<br />

P8<br />

19<br />

Pl0<br />

Pll<br />

P12<br />

t13<br />

(KD) IId. P<br />

200<br />

184<br />

168<br />

t42<br />

t2l<br />

E3<br />

55<br />

5l<br />

45<br />

29<br />

25<br />

8.0<br />

7.4<br />

6.7<br />

8.3<br />

25<br />

EO<br />

72<br />

7.0<br />

7,1<br />

7.2<br />

4.2<br />

42<br />

8.9<br />

l0<br />

t2<br />

9.6<br />

2.9<br />

83<br />

84<br />

8.6<br />

r1.8<br />

5,9<br />

5,9<br />

7!<br />

8.5<br />

9i<br />

a2<br />

7.9<br />

7.2<br />

6,9<br />

6,9<br />


.DL l0 Cq.i.oo of tr !|m Fd.b coq@lr otsv.d d SD6-pAcB .i.' t!.<br />

c.hmic rbilidid of d@qn6.<br />

PI<br />

P3<br />

P4<br />

P5<br />

P6<br />

n<br />

PE<br />

P9<br />

Pl0<br />

Pll<br />

Pt2<br />

Pt3<br />

IlL|..d.a Wdtr. Idta|i. lra..dt %<br />

00) C.rtd &-r Cb-t<br />

r9E<br />

l'l.a<br />

120<br />

rvl<br />

8l<br />

63<br />

53<br />

5l<br />

15<br />

13<br />

t7<br />

62<br />

6.4<br />

6.1<br />

6.0<br />

62<br />

72<br />

2,<br />

7.5<br />

'J<br />

6.1<br />

5.7<br />

6.1<br />

5.1<br />

51<br />

6.9<br />

2a<br />

6.9<br />

5.1<br />

5.6<br />

5A<br />

5A<br />

6.5<br />

6.6<br />

6.3<br />

6.0<br />

6.1<br />

6.8<br />

u<br />

72<br />

6.,1<br />

5.9<br />

5.?<br />

5,7<br />


cmdtratior 01.2@1.8t, RBC coDk (3.9j0.61), PCv (32.16a7,95) &d Mcv<br />

(80.50t8,2) dc@t slight incrc.s€ in MCH (2E,63+3Jf) &d MCfiC vah6 {36.1t6.66)<br />

do Dol .ltribulc io edi. (rlgun 22). W. al6o e$ some calculations for lhc initial<br />

$rcenine of nicru,lic oenia $ing €iydnctrc indice in ordd ro disdihinate IDA<br />

with $aldsmia ninor (Tdle 1l).<br />

ln nls, the chrcnic (21 days) r€atucnr of hatope.idot, both qp€rin€nral glups trsted<br />

wid co@ially rvlilalle (n=10) dd pldfi.d fom (n-lo), r6utl! in rhe signincer<br />

dcl)!!e (!

100<br />

550<br />

ED Rtc MCV MCI| lt|CAC<br />

@Co.t,ol<br />

- H.lop.ridol tcbzrh.<br />

Flglnat CoDD.dru of He[lologicrl in

Irble U C.lculdi@ u..d &r irtoDrctilg c,thro.)r. indic.s i! ordd 10 disiniftle<br />

two l:/pd o{ 6ic@ytic &dir: tndedi! niM |rld iror d.6cidcy-<br />

MCv- (5xllb) - RAC3,4<br />

MCV/RBC<br />

MCIV RAC<br />

Rcd blood @ll (RBC)<br />

MCx{r(MCD:n@<br />

Iru DdLl.rcy T!.1Mboi OuRqlllt<br />

>13<br />

>3.6<br />

1530<br />

60<br />

€uo<br />

30<br />

20<br />

10<br />


Elcontrol @ Hlu @H*p rC!,T:cL,p<br />

Iit!ft 2l Co lxlien of tlunutotogicul irdiG tblto*i,B utrDnic<br />

(21 @okliE d$5) yM rlqrn ni of hdop.ridol ad cloz!,ine<br />

(@mcrcially wliLblc l-l.jeriod T-Tabt.r lrd P- puifi.d fom)<br />

Hb. h.Ndobh G/dlI IUlc-R.d blood ett .dEidid (cu.nn), tL-p-kql<br />

e[ sh4 o.I Mcv.Mo c btffi (q, Mct{-Md e[ hqnosbtn (rc]<br />

r{cxc-Ms 6rr r'dot|l$n' ..|g!rdd o{).Rrw.R.d e .|il!ihri.. ridn<br />


TrbL 12 AltdlrioD h n@ablogicol psm.rds in nrs folloving ch@ic<br />

adFinilrrariu of clo@ie t carmdt.<br />

P.rM.t B<br />

RBC<br />

PCV<br />

MCV<br />

MCH<br />

MCHC<br />

RDw<br />

lt.125+2.97 (8)<br />

5.733*0.635 (6)<br />

33.07s+4.8?l (8)<br />

54.425+1,308 (8)<br />

r9.05+2.85?(8)<br />

14.95@4.911(8)<br />

13.5510_735 (6)<br />

. vd6 e .xpra!.d i! tr@ r s.D. (n).<br />

ll.l66+0.781(14)<br />

5.686{0.32104)<br />

29.257+1.736 (14'<br />

51.51442.18804)<br />

t9.129tt,105 (t4)<br />

38.329r2.E99 0a)<br />

l5_0lrl+1,294 04)<br />

Cldrpin. Pldn d<br />

11.35+1.785 (8)<br />

5.967+0.314(8)<br />

28.8?5+4.681 (8)<br />

53.1011.398(8)<br />

20_875*o.62n (8)<br />

39j25!4266 (8'<br />

15_625+1.50r (8)<br />

' Hh- t@Clo6jn G/dl), RBC, R.d btood ccu cotu.futid (CL'm), PCv,p&*.d 6lt vol|m<br />

(%), Mcv-Ma c.n rcllm (fl), MCH,M@ c.ll h.flFslobin (rs), McHc- IIE& c.ll<br />

h.mglobin o'].ahtior (yo), RDWR.d c.lt dirtribulid wjdtn C/o).

E€lnot in tn€ $hizopt!6ic pdans (FtSurc 24), Th. 6c tHlcd viih halopdidol<br />

idetion sho{cd eisylsis &d hpocnrcmic cclk whil. th. nls treted sifi puincd<br />

aom of h.lopcridol sho*cd in addirion rc nnisoct'losis md hyDcchmmic cclh,<br />

micFclic celh ehd conp.rcd to thcir rcspcctivc nom@ylic-nodiehdnic conrsl<br />

Ets susgcstins lhaL thc lr?c oa,ncnid n1!y bc Dricocr'licrlyrchronric (FEtrre 2s)<br />

whil€ RBC norpholoSy rcnain non!@yic-nonnochronric h rnls lrcrlc{ wilh borh<br />

comm@idly aldlable md punncd fom olclozepin€ cohfomins the ab€nc€ olmmia<br />

Iron pofile is a useful biochcmical ft.rlcr lo cotrlinn ion defrciency whcn other<br />

findinss dc inco.clusivc. Si8rincd chdg6 (p

t60<br />

't 0o<br />

80<br />

20<br />

IRON<br />


EControl t[[|!!Dttrhp.ridot @CbzlDD.<br />

FrgrF 24 Cmp€ris of ton ProfiL of shircpl[@ic p!ri€'r's<br />

cnr@i..lly t!N!.d wirh hrlop.ridol cd cloapinc.<br />

rM Pro6b: |'0 (ry'dr] nBc-toot iM blrlirs c+dt ta/dt] fdirii<br />

(r€/dD tr.s. Isru.ft.rii !&rib O{),<br />


i<br />

;<br />

E<br />

E<br />

6<br />

E.<br />

E<br />

;<br />

€<br />

.l<br />

E<br />

g<br />

a;<br />

gi<br />

.E;<br />

i!<br />

qa<br />

:=<br />

-^E<br />

=; E<br />

tE e<br />

EF€F<br />

5-9 ! ts<br />

,,f29<br />


E$<br />

rl<br />

FI<br />

$EE<br />

{e<br />

!t<br />

€E<br />

E9<br />

;E<br />

9;<br />

g5<br />

4.9<br />

;5<br />

:.r<br />

6o t<br />

€EE<br />

Er.E<br />

1iE<br />

g'sE<br />

e*3<br />

3€g<br />

aaE<br />

5ri<br />

F.EA<br />

gE BO3

z<br />

,t<br />

E<br />

4<br />

,.<br />

z<br />

e3<br />

tt<br />

SE<br />

F.9<br />

FF<br />

>?<br />

gt<br />

ii 9a<br />

a9<br />

::.5<br />

.:*<br />

bE<br />

FE<br />

a9<br />

c:<br />

a4E<br />


Trbh 13 AlldtioG in lrm Pefil. in nt! follwirA ctmic .dhitttr.lion of<br />

hd@didol 6d cloeine,<br />

S.nm Iu flEc Fmidn Tru's.a<br />

rsJd rl4lD! lvdl<br />

163.88!42.09(9)<br />

!38.25117_92(8)<br />

82.5019.24(8) '<br />

113.42+37.27(4.<br />

93-31+ 8.45(6).<br />

976.44163.44(9)<br />

1157.25+32.7(8r<br />

1590.0 88.48Gr<br />

r19a.7b70.21(1r.<br />

194E.0+30,09(6r<br />

. vd6 F .x!r6..d i. m t s.D. (r) . e{.05.<br />

r6t.25t22.6714'<br />

5.7211.37(8r<br />

5.1s10.59(8).<br />

73. r4i9.480r<br />

93.6C44(6r<br />

t6.79%<br />

|,94%<br />

5,188%<br />

6.3e4<br />


cloroii. eft6l lik€ v&cul.rid in cytoplM, nucle filgmatatim .rd clmD.lollsis<br />

wc ob$dcd i! $c roFopnil dEing difi@ntid @udng (nglrc 23),<br />

T.bl. 14 sulmdia tbe @mpuison of robl @d dilldErial WBC @ul in the<br />

$hidphrcnic palidls folNing chuic t atndt of halopdftlol od cloa!'nc.<br />

significei de!!e (!

11 ,rr<br />

Yi Y!<br />

9C/<br />

E<br />

z<br />

7<br />

eE<br />

3E<br />

RE<br />

ZP<br />

9t,<br />

".€<br />


I.bl. 14 CoDpes of totd dd dilTaed.l \vBC cout i! tbc 5.htopnsic pdicnts<br />

followins ctmic Ecah@t oflulopdidol (n=8a) .id clozaiF (F26).<br />

wBc<br />

(o-a0)<br />

7525+1541<br />

34*12.33<br />

2.0*l20<br />

5?46*116E.<br />

32.88+5.75s.<br />

6l.03:5.931.<br />

2.73{O.88'<br />

. v.r'E @ .arE-d in @ t s-D. (n), . D4,05, lsn! laani6.d<br />

804{*21n.<br />

50.2v4D82.<br />


E<br />

t<br />

E4<br />

!8<br />

r>g<br />

9?<br />

!.E<br />

.E?<br />

Ir<br />

.F!<br />

55<br />

z 9-d<br />

6AE<br />

E:3<br />




4,1 ArrlFy.bo.ic Drug Tr..iD.!r, PANSS, EpS .!d potyno.Dhbm.<br />

Tns ml*dd $nom.llric iry h|v. impri.dion ln s.n. polymoryhi.n pan mr<br />

'nduccd by chrcnic ft.armcnr. Our r.sulB llppon rhe norion thar potloorphtsn is nor<br />

relatedblheclinic.lveiatlGincludjngaSeofpatients;aeedonselofdise6e.PANSS.<br />

Ou dala susgBr thal th. dos ofdtiprtlholic dru$ had sisniicdt cfecls o. psychoric<br />

lirtuB rnd hencc relaGd ro dcvclopffcnt of schizophrcni!.<br />

h rhc prcsenr ddy wc dchonslDtc 1tr0t. 0t ctitricr|y cftc.rivc dosgc, rhc sidc cntcG<br />

prcfile ofhalopendol aDd ctozjpi[c is sisnific,nlty diilcreni, based on rhe evaiMrion<br />

lionr hisrory prclilc of thc schizoplrcnic pltic s rnn oh ditTcrcnl srqcs Jurhs<br />

rrcalmmt Addilionally ir has b@n ob*frcd $ar drc cxrnrlrznidal srrdronrc Eps tikc<br />

dysrori., O,.kirre.isN,.knriisir, nd rnlivc dysknrLsir wuro sianiricrorty ruc<br />

@mo. in patielts tre!.d wi$ h.lopcridoli how.vcr, agmuleraosis wd signifitutly<br />

nor omon in tte ctoz.pin. naicd p.tior!, rspetiv€ty. The dislribution<br />

ch@terntic of PANSS a& us.d for thc dirgnosis or $biephtuir (r.ble 4), 6 fi€<br />

&tp.tlhotic dng |rerndr cd .lsify on rhe b6is of pcitiv. or negativc dd<br />

oghrrrve synploms (Tugs ct .i,, 1997; Me .r d., 2ooo).<br />

ngurc l0 & 3l rcpBcnrs rhc coreldion rmtrsis or PANSS with dcmogr.lptricrl<br />

chdlcldisrics of hlbpcridot ud ctozapinc rcalql $hizophrcnic palients Gpdlivcty<br />

PANSS sorc rcvqls sraristic.tly signiticanl posilivc corct.rion *irh posjrive synplons<br />

(%l'S) d nca ivc atruloors (,z"NS) &slM vuty ir Loth hloDundot d ctoztrpiDu<br />

t ql.d 3chimphr.nic patiots, Th..8c at tBt onscr ot illnde shows significdr (p

nae 3a cqddd ulF,i' of P NSS ein d@s!.d&l<br />

dm..sli6 of H.bFidol t lcd .cnirotLaic pd.d.<br />


Ikc lr CdrcLin !.lFir of PANSS sitt

4.2 Arllprycbotic Dme lr€dD.trr, EPS ftd DRD2 C.ft PolymorphLn<br />

Goelic f&tos @ftibltilg to drug indu.cd EPS have bd closly l@ked lpon by<br />

*uding dopdine @@tor goq, In dddition, sevcral studi6 have ained (ThohFon<br />

ct .1., 1997j Smd er al., 2000; Wu ct at., 2006) io idm1i6/ $e rlatioship betwm rhc<br />

DRD2 gae pdlmodns dd th. dEg 6!oEe o. adv@ eftetr, but ihe 6ul1s @<br />

still @ltDv6ial. DI{D2 B.?ror gdc hs long b@ lle flM in lhe wh for thc<br />

.tiolo8]/ of $hiapnroi. (Cri(y ct .1., 2000). R€*eh fcu [s c.aId.d on D2<br />

E.tloF do€ to t!€ clinical elfsls of uliFy.horis ttrr w@ foud ro mai.ly bl@t D2<br />

re.ptoc. Cosidding th€ clirical obsd.tiotu, dopuine b?othsis, (Ktio! 1.2.3)<br />

wa postulated in wlich ft€ synptonr of &hibptuai. wd€ Etaled to incM€ central<br />

dopMindsic &tivily thar @y b€ Nociatcd with a deF6e in the nwb€i of dopmi.e<br />

rece9lols in sohizophraia paii€nts (Sme ct al., 2000). Mo@v6, @rtical slioh of<br />

long-tem dtipsrdotic dng rr.aindt n$ fto bm $ss6r€d (Lidow et rl., 1998) dd<br />

*ell oftlated nol*ular md noryhologio.l abnonalitiG in the 6n x (Hdison<br />

199.) i! &h;opbEda with th. dopqiDdec fucdon (Cdter er al., 1997; Goldsmiib<br />

ct al., l9?; Nddahl d a1., 2@l).<br />

An eiarion of the 1.4 DRD2 At .lLl. wi1h *hihpnmia sybproE EPS .rd rh€<br />

ld€l ofD2 ecpior bildilg h.ve bd rcFrr.d (Ihompsr et al., 199?; Dubdtrct er st.,<br />

2001; Nohl. cr al., 2003; Kulacli cr at., 2006). Mo@es, *vqal srudis in @njuction<br />

*ith ou snrdi6 bave shoM d incre& of lh. DRD2 alcl. fr.4Mcy and pB.lenc€,<br />

Fni@ldly in paiimt8 chrcnic.lly bqt€d wilji hdtopdidol. E()vwa, orhd lludi6 hlvc<br />

thoM no €vidcrc€ lor linlage or s@iadon of fie DRD2 Al all€le wnh shi@phMia<br />

(Nobel ei al., 2003) imludi.s EPs ad aka$kia $ G6Fd by ihe nmber ofDsMlv<br />

mikda (Andicd Psychiatric &siddon 1994) for th€ di!8losis ol $nizophMia.<br />

Thc D2 r*€plor is ore ol a1 lal five phm&ologrcauy distitut dopuire Hcptor<br />

fo$d otr l[. syrptic ne@B otr 1[c b6in. Th6e re€ploB de qpGscd in ncubG<br />

wilhin c€re!6r.ortex, ed I[. liobic srlr.m including nulos mb6, citrsula{d<br />

@rlq dd llc [ippedpB. Thc DRD2 6€p!o. eoe is rcgulated by rhc Taq tA<br />

pFnold Egio4 nncrional tudid.l. gft for shirlphrdi! di$rd6. Prcvios G@h<br />

show€d d Nciario. b.tsd poltnorphim jn rlre TaqlA rsion ed *hi&phMics,<br />

wlich is als obwed in ou lbpul.tion. I hied ro r€ €vabate tbe pEviou tiodiog in

shizophMb {Dpla &d in @ntltl mpl6 ilD P*i.trri populatim Ou fDdbg<br />

ruSger5 lh.r rh. i.lcriie. of th. Alal sllclc my si9i6c& ty inou@ lh. dD8<br />

tsloftc &d @phsizc rh. po!@tiat inportdM of Doltdor?hsh in ga* &riv.r.d<br />

(8eh a DRD2 86.) by @mo y p@rib.d etipsy.hotiq. ldividulr dfying rhc<br />

Al dlclc h.v..ppbxim*cly 30 % fcw D2 E ploB (Blh .t d., l9l) th& th@<br />

witb A2 dLlc (Noblc | 99l). Si@ thc D2 @?!or gcnc @ntrols thc prcdrlion oa fi.$!<br />

M.proE, 0E Sndirg 6!r{s& th.t lbc Al dl.l. is re.pdlibl. for ll!. r.dudion in<br />

e.proi Thc mdhdir! is mt d clclr tur .dyirg 0t Al .[cl. Fduc rh.<br />

qp(6ion of de D2 86. c@prcd b cdryrtr8 rh. A2 .llclc. Pah.pa lu8g6lirg rh.r.<br />

Egulabry lia ld lbc D2 Fcpbr gq. i! .fi.c'!d j! A I crtrd<br />

Naallcl6c! qhilc nEy @!c!fu co.i! in rhc rMy &d nc.d ro b. nl6 itrto '@u!<br />

l[. i@iD8 lunbd of public.tio duing Lst y.r hrc iddti6.d tho e of 86.ric<br />

f.cto6 @tribuling to drw i!d&.d BPS ty cx@i.i!8 th. d@uie M?ror gaa<br />

I pop6. th.l th@ ir r .lrDog cmlarid emn8 DRD2 g6c DolImryhs, IDA &d<br />

tE EPS Cr't'nid slbh by FhiapnMic p.tid|! d.pqdot @ rhc &e .!d ldglh of<br />

hdopcri&l t!.d6r Cd!.qucntly, whru Dey rlrdie' bry. shoh d .lsirlio! of<br />

lhc DRD2 Al .llcL wirh s.bi@phMi., orh6 brw mr. Thi! .sei.lio! blr d$ bc<br />

drribu@d lo poouLlid sirrificalion in mG !.npl6 (Bl@quilt ct.l.,2000). lr shorld<br />

b. arphsiz.d rha! rh. c@?r of lid. cllct' of DtiFy.hotic drua' vai6 @Biddbly<br />

b.twd diflaqr !tudi6 (Blu Gr.t., t99l; Nob.t d.1,, 2000, 2003; cwo.d ct d.,<br />

2000). Tlc @trovdry 8@6.&d i! rh. lighr or |}ir illlhd dpl.irs tbtl lte .l|orli@ in<br />

thc tu@tioo.l -liviti6 rnd phm@logi.d pref l. wB lugg.st d 1o b. @i.r.d *ifi<br />

th. polFuphi@ ad Dularid h dop@ir F.pror 8e!. or i|5 8i46. Tbc vdiot<br />

i?dt d hc i! . G-T tmirion .r posirio 32a27 c.rryinS SaS6llc Dur.rion i3<br />

iod.tcldal of thc dtug |l!.t!r6t (HlhO6idolcloapi@); m dcfliiw trr la Fr<br />

b@ idati6.d to th. di!.r& d drug 6por, FutlcmG th. dillcm@ in th.<br />

6.q@y diliibulio!, i! .edd.E. ro l!. Chi{que C2) / Hardrw.irhds<br />

.quilibdu, of T4 lA polFuphilm oa DRD2 96. !.ing rcR-RFLP'., stow.d<br />

iFB. ElqHcy of Al dl.l. h thc *hiaphFic pati6l!, .ir rc signifcan<br />

dififfi@ wa obldc

The Al auel€ qs found b be Mirt d with 53 (4470) of tne 120 k oM<br />

shizopbrtnica, dd only 12 (10"/") of the rcn-ehi2.phMi€ h€altny €onhols<br />

(Fig!ru 12 & l3), Altholeh no significel diflerdce {6 foud in the .ll.[c nqudcy<br />

in boti tne tratftnt gtuups bu1 palimh vore honozygou for a G-T ItNilion in the<br />

b6e pair pGitior 32827 carryinS Sq36llc nut tion. (Fi4r. 8 & 12) nowev€t, no<br />

iigniiml cf6ts otr rrcarndt ourcom6 w.E obwed. h .ddition, no as@ialon<br />

b.t@i G32827T tresirion b€tw*n cloapi.e ed halop@dol rcstoroe ws foud in<br />

It is likely thai the rueeltible gd6, and DNA squdcc of 3l0bp pmdNis of the<br />

padenls uddlline $hibpluenia depictiry nulali@ ofG-T oui side the codine rc8ron of<br />

the DRD2 @@!or goe is pdhaps a Esulalory !ir. for 6€ D2 @@lor soe aJfelcd in<br />

Al ceisE posibly influtre alrerarions ebich re phFiologcally dd clidcally<br />

ndinCJul l6di.g !o B?S md IDA in our populrtion. trowdd, in 8m.ral, tt?ical dd<br />

ltlTical dtipsFhotic dru8s, s {eU s chroric Ireal,adt, apped 1o iave diffcMt ell4ls<br />

on pamete6 such a EPS md IDA.<br />

b orcluion, my Bull! ddosirate lhat dopdinereic palhway it losd 10 be sdilive<br />

10 ID, whi€h @uld lcld 1o dq:6. h DRD2 @.ForE dd & in !!e in dopamirc a<br />

otcqv€d in aind model (Fieu. 16 r & b).<br />

43 Ner.otrorr tt 6 ud Artipsycbolic Dtugt<br />

This pan of study concludes th€ inplicatiotu of lhe thmpeltic tcspooe of dtitsychotic<br />

dngs, pdiculdly halopqidol md €loapi.e, in th. p.lhoph'6iology of shi&phMit,<br />

giva e .maSing @oelirion of rhc intoianc of albdrio$ d dilI@l<br />

n€@lr,l1mind p.rri.uldly dopdii. dd smlodn in vaiou. b@n egios. Thc<br />

dispmle sidc .fiect! pbnle oa lhac druss uoddli€s, in p!n, hay be due to tlcir<br />

dif@tial affnity rowdd dopuine D2 rco@to6, since lne th€rapdlio role of atFi.al<br />

utipsychotic dsgr i6 rclaled to the nodulatory nmtion of s@iondgic (5 m) systcD<br />

on dopdi!. rresnisio, (abi DdShd ct al., r99?; Melrza ci al., 2001; Abi Dd8hm<br />

20o7).<br />

!revioB studid (Abi D&ehd €r al., 197 and 2007) povidc tmlarire ryid€.c€<br />

regdding fie di$rcped.s relaled to th€ rolc of th6e nemtremilIcrs and d€n

ntrrt3a Coqlioof DlIl2 gE dldic t qE* io<br />

td.?oidol/.L€Tar.t!-d.diDfrdofdd.<br />


I!ft 3 cqrr(rl d ta.rylis d Drut2 !s<br />

ldtlrfDhio h hL?dtrol dlr "r""Tr". ft-d<br />


Gsciafion both fd ed agaiEl in ehizophFnia, HNwn, the @nbibutior of @ronin<br />

in Ur. psychopatlolosy of die6e cithd diftctly or vi! alcnlio$ in rhe dopdin rsb<br />

srstdh rlmiu elEiv€ 0qbal et al,, 1995i Lelle €t d., 2000; Rc}lotds 2OO4j<br />

Along lhe hid line of the bniEidn, tic di&Etc clBr€. of s@rotrqsic ncw6 e<br />

pllqI particuldy in nph€ nultu (BCB8) @mdtDg l)gly aI al@ of the @ntr.l<br />

ndoB systd by tlEir qoE, ad als @ir6 inr nDn orid elt greuls mh a<br />

dopditre (subsrdtia nien (Stq ad v@trd l€Smotal aF (VrAD, acetylchotin.<br />

(supdiu v6tibular trDleG ad @r €Pin phri!. (t@6 @qd4s (rt)) crc. Funn@r.,<br />

the dopeindgic nbd & noslly pr€snt irr nigrcstdial (SN--CN Gaud.l€ nuct.uo &<br />

Puim&), ntulinbic (yTA-N,{ (Du.lcus &cmb6)) sd ih€ n€@ni.al<br />

(VTA+ftb61 coicx), rceioN of ihc b$al geglia, Hdopaidot, a ll,licat etip6rrhoiic<br />

drug atlduie rE ilive srrptom of &hircpbrenia by &rasonisn of D2 @plo. in ihe<br />

m.slimbic while the @a@nirdtrl blocrrd. in srriaral Egion is s$ciat€d with th. hoior<br />

sidc .IId& $ct s EPS. ln @nr!4 ftc djsrinctive fucrionat prefile of clo?,ljna in<br />

ontolling moo4 @gnirion ed mlor b.hvior i5 nodukrEd by dopmin .gic<br />

t'lei$ior (Mila 2000).<br />

An inq1!4 ir rub @dic:l !@roli. tundjon tu htlFlh6iz€d ro lE eia&d wnh<br />

po3rl'v. syhptoes while rhe del:Ile in DFtionr.l sbnin irncrion is lint€

Sonc d* ofthe brajn sun s mn€x, Did-brain, ttiidM, hippocmps! e $ought l0<br />

be inDorl@1, 4 th€y previde sP4inc sitc for ih. r.tion of etiPswholic dngs dep€nding<br />

on thc Dl€sce of lhe difidt ne@t'enitld @cPto6 lik 5-1IT2A and DRD2<br />

Mo@vF, lle eff@r of atypic.l stipayohotic, s Prdict€d bv blnli re€ptor hrlotnsis<br />

is cith€r by appmpriar€ nodutalion of thc D2 @@lor alode, or bv bldtadc of olhd<br />

E@!od Ir is mteturlhy thal thc .tpical utiD6tcholic .ftdt, Fwioclv<br />

EFdcd bv<br />

neNihlsing dal,, is n dialed by optinal D2 d@to. @uP@v whiL tbe a1!!ica!lv is<br />

lod in rhe pcfte of hiSh 5-HT2 dcupect Thc dtipsicholic .frd b@md Eorc<br />

domod.dng depdding upo! lh. fst diss@idion non lh. D2 6@tor rcSdating $.<br />

phtlioloSr€at EMi$ion of dopmin (Ktpu.t d.,2001_b)<br />

Signific&l irctw e6 obw.d in th. .oncdtarion of doPmin€ laniculdlv It<br />

hlpolhal@us, @nex md ltnalD in r6pon6e to dE chrDc lr€atndl ol nabp€ridol'<br />

bur ir nidbFin lhe cotudralion is sligh0y der@ed in boih th€ expdinental greups,<br />

Howwd, hatFat with clozqine rcsultd in mark d sieni6@t ds@e in all lhe<br />

Egios dcepr @fi.x in whjch the c.m@i.lly av.ilable fom of .lrug sbow mdkdl<br />

iF@e in lle @n@F.lior of dopminc (ng!rc 15 r & b) Ihis is onculmt with thc<br />

bylolhgis $ggeding ifibition ot d.Psi4agjc n@don via @tonqgic svsteD in {E<br />

mid b6in .nd for!6n! wh@ dolt of rhe dopanine temiEls e ptE4l Gult i! lhe<br />

El66 of

(Fteur€ 12), Thc varyinS ef€cl of rh6c dng! or ftmirM6it1€r bay e@ulfor fie<br />

difrFdce in i!.ir side ef*t pofile i. Espoac 10 .hm c heal,!@t.<br />

To elelaL bBin trrloph.r! pdiphcral br?toph$ mNt ale bc irc@cd s obrcR€d for<br />

livq rrrptoph& in tlp p|€gr lrlrdy Grs!rc t8). K@ll €r al., (1987) de rqoned<br />

inm.d eoro.i. ldek in ln. bBi! an6 cln c utipctlhotic drugs trslln.n! wbjch<br />

ws oorel.rcd sigifcetly vith dE b.haviodl rcspos6. Data G.ble 6 & 7) shows a<br />

si8lificor incrcse in tlTlophs pr@ls. &tivity 6 w€ll. Inftded lrtttopho in livd<br />

may a.cout for this increded dtiviry of bt?lophe plrblde involvinS subirale -t?e<br />

arh4cm€nt (Cih3I et al., l9?3; Bad.wy, l9?5),<br />

ln bEh the dtc ofs@lonin sy h6is ir stbngly inlluaEed by fte availabilily ofplM<br />

E}?lophan (T.8li4ont ei al., 1973) dld tldE.d l*ls of pr.ila lrt?topho md CSF<br />

5-t AA hav. bcd Fponed itr $hiaphdia (MarlT d al,, 2002), The l€vcl of<br />

rtyoph&, s it influ@B ktDffri!. (od poduct of t}?iophd calabolism 4d t-tll<br />

hover in both bnin @d liv{, could cll@t th€ rvailability of lhe prccusot lrrlloph&,<br />

in 6po@ io D.6ue lne dif€rcnlial clf@r oalratopmdol ed clozpinc,<br />

4.,1 E.futolo3lc.l Dysr$is .!d AntlD.yctoric Dmgs<br />

4.41 lrotr It tlct .cy Ardi. .nd rlTh.l Ald!6ycnodc THI'mI<br />

Alleration in io. m€t holim hs ba @iarcd wilh the dtipstlhotic dd8! althoush<br />

e sociation berwca pdipneral {d bnin iren l€v.l is difli.nll to 66t R€sllcs_legs<br />

sy.dhn (al€lhisi.) d EPS, relaled with halopdridol ddonstnt$ a hiSh trevaldce of<br />

imn dencicncy, Th€ nosl likely n€chdim oi ircn defici€n y in $€ sbizophEtric<br />

pad€ s is thc intdelion olneNleptio dtugs ed lhe dopdine D2 ta.plor, 6 ilafi6tr<br />

non d€positiotr in @dare Dels (Rnjd ct.l., 1974) pqh46 duc to lhe iM chelatjng<br />

prep€ny of h.lopdidol. A@rdilett iren doc e moE dyndic d|d My b€ mE<br />

se@tiblc ro ch.lation by n.mlcAtica at th€ oscr of irctr deficid.y (Bo Sh&he€t<br />

rl., l99O). Onoc ircn defioiqoy hd b€fl ind!c.!, non .toe dc dcPl€tcd ed der€fo.e<br />

ft noi availabl. oy nrnhd for int€r.clion witt stiptycholiG. Iurthmoe, alteraliom<br />

of DRD2 ra.plor nmba ws su8g.stcd !o be N6iated wiih body iron sl2tu<br />

p.nicddly duina imn deici@y rn6 chbnic halop@dol tEltn€nt. Con*quodx this

dec@ iren tuy augBmt lhe avaihbilily of t6 halopaidol for fie dopuine D2<br />

Ir rhis lh6ie I tsr.d 0F hr?orhgis thal iren d.6ciocy edi. oh6d€d in li. Pakisrari<br />

popllaliotr k dag-indu.ed by usin8 a @mpdative malysix oI difs€nl com.Eially<br />

available balopFidol dd pui6€d lEloDeridol u.d for tne bns-rern admini.tralion in<br />

ds nlther subsl&riare ircn deficie@y edia, My resllls suppon the idca $at the ion<br />

denciocy semi! itr phimph@ia parioc ould be drug,induced.<br />

SFiLilg dimilditi6 in the imn pDnl6 by lo.g-l€m tlalopaidol he ndt in rar od in<br />

ncdic!&d shizophrdis pariatl hay b. dplaincd by lhe followirg (wo hy?orh*;<br />

FiFlly, lonS-tcm admidst rtiotr of h.lopdidol @y modulate the ion ldcl in<br />

$bizophrdi.. Send, tbe ion tw.k obed.d in shizophri! n.y b. alferd by<br />

stipsychoij. dtug h.alnot. The hra po$ibility app.m Dorc likelt si@. a nunbd of<br />

stndi6 pdfofr€d in scnizophrenic patiac, on bl@d (Wsli et al., 2004 & 2006) sd<br />

brain ii$uc havc ben conducied in pali.nis wjth long-t€n mtipsrhotic dog hearhcnt<br />

iBd- Sh&h& et rl., 1990).<br />

This rtudy cl@ly d€lineld @ ile bsis of s€qudtial dalysis, noQhologiql &d<br />

bicl@i.al ^e

lain region o{el$h etd., 199?; pinco cl al.,2OOO; Eriksn €t al.,2OOO) ed a numb€r<br />

orsludjes suppon this hypod.sis dr.t a rcduction of s.lu, ljva md braih ion tcvch in<br />

ral is reompanicd by r dccrc4o ir1 truhrbcr ofdoplmilc D2 rcccplor. .fhcN rru rko<br />

olhr faton rhar may funh.r compticdc rlE cval@tion of iron d€nciocy in patcnk.<br />

Chds6 in rh€ scM ion ldet io $hiaphrcnic p.(€nb Md d modcl rponcd hcrc rd<br />

lh{ oadelt@ iren in bmin EBaoE (Bcn_Sh&hr cr .1., 190) suppon 0E rction n<br />

dopamin rgic pathEy is &nritive ro ibr defciency. (Bard cr al., 1994; Cnc! d al..<br />

I9r5; Net$n er al., 199?; Eriken cr d., 2oo I ).<br />

Thos, this srudy ron8ly suppons $c otr oftypical &ripsrnoic in developncnr of ion<br />

dcficiency omia iD schizophqic pati.nB. Thc io. l.vels afldred by lwo dru8s r!?.!<br />

dc .ot iddtical dd may (presst the advenc clf*ts oidtug rcsponse repon€d for thc<br />

Iist line in Pakislei shiephrnh paiicnk md the knowtedge utilized ro sppon<br />

pos6ible monibriog slrategis to Edwc bl@d dy$Eic fron dlipsychotic drug<br />

4,4.2 N€ roplil C)aororicfty, pro&h pmfit. ..d Arypiet Ardpsy.toric drug.<br />

l. @nlst lo &ur€ dopamiic @cplor ont soni.n $al @uB imhsti{rcly uron<br />

atiFychotic drug adbinjss.rion, lo.s,!am ocarlior is ,€quied for .linic.l €fiic&y ro<br />

rlcv.lop. Ou data nied cotu@ .bo!r hdalorosic.t 3ide effer. of ddpsychoric<br />

dngs, whjch do not occu acquody bur e a por€nli,l haad b sdjo$ roxicjty.<br />

Monnorine of doe niSht bc hclpful in .ffetivc mmagemot of drug acdon ln lhk<br />

roporq wc have showed crozapinc induc.

€1 al., 2oo0t cednd €t al,, 1998) m6hdism6 havd bm proposd. we d.momlrale 61%<br />

ilciderce ofndhophil c)lotoxicity @cu!d donng clozalre trcalrndr'<br />

Bio4tirati6 of cloaine to a @tiv. nctabolit (Gadld.t al, 1998) &d tne<br />

$b6qu@t @v.l6l bbding of llis E{.tiec intqnediale to both hulm md ra1<br />

ndropnil hs hd $gg6r€d s the pLsibL .xPldlrid fd . re|. in clo24iteildE€d<br />

rcutropnn cytoloxicity, E@ati. ctaodom. P450 azyme (Pidohe.d .l al, 195),<br />

MIO md pqiph.rl blood lMN (williMs .t .l-, 199, nG bd obefr€d in hul@<br />

(trrrr) 10 m.bbolired cloapine into a redive inlErDediaie Po$iblv nitenim<br />

metalolitcs th.t cNe ct4otoxicity at il|rapcutic rlrug ondtration. P@iou snldi6<br />

hav€ d€mnstrarcd, all[ough n is not yet cld dr.t cloza?ire b6om€ covalddy boud<br />

to hum mEophilt duing theii n.brari@ or lna El.e of ltc nolrophils itrto<br />

pqiph€ril circutation. Tt@ is didac. io suppon tlis @nl6tion lor ddplq il is<br />

posible 0t't ln..oval.nt bindinS of cloapinc !o nstropbik in parids trqled with<br />

clozaline is not duc to @tive melabolit s gaerated by the neulrophils bd dnd to<br />

clozapirc rcelivc metlbolite troduc€d in lhE livd and lhd relcaed inlo the blood<br />

(Gadlq €t al., 1998). obwtid in rcdhl (Li! et 41, 1995) d4ost!316 lha1tu vivo<br />

cloz4inc D&rgo6 bepadc bioa.tivation ro s I@tire inlmcdi.re drled s<br />

clurarhiore @nju8.r6 (Mages .t al., | 95).<br />

Hoc. ! probablc ncohdjs by which n4lroPhik b4on€ .ovaLntly modifi€d bv lh.<br />

radiv€ helabolite is th€ r€lede of thd. d€tabolilB by 0!. livq The patiqls on<br />

trqhldt wilh cloapin€ in lhis study cxpcris@d odvde efcch to lhc medication.<br />

It@ e ccn{n p.Ellels h€twq the findings in hMd dd rals on !on8-tem cloz.pine<br />

tErndt rc$lding nolropni cytotoxicity. ln all €xPain@ial eimds lrst€d wit! pm<br />

or clJ]i)lr@ial prcp{aliG .rd paliols dp6€d to .t@4irc, dcmBftlc ndlropnil<br />

c,robncny (Flgor. 28 & 29) (ws! d al., 2006), Bur only 60 % of th6. prti.nti go on<br />

10 dw.lop crloloricitr 1lis hd lcd to suSg.stion! rhat th@ nav b. adtilioml risL<br />

factoc h ln. dcyclopnmt of clozqine ctLtoxi€ity. Ahough in lhk studv we did.ol<br />

ait@pl !o iddtify diretly the re&tive mckbotites of clozqine, but it i! ittesliry lo<br />

note all st g4 ofcloloxicny (Flcrr. 28). G.rdnd el al., 198!-b ha dmoGtml€d tlE<br />

ov.l6r birdina of r€..rive m€rrbolile of 58 KD of clozaline !o ndtrephild, 10 plav !<br />

Dlc in thc ddelorbot of cloalicinduc€d cyloloxicity. b d .fon io gein turltq

isieLt inlo thc ool@ule mdheisn irvolv.d i! cloapin _induccd clotonci9, lhc<br />

drus nodilied prct in prelile wa comparcd.<br />

In additior! d iMrcluive shdy oD G&h cloz.pin. patidl showld e up regulated<br />

difi€dlialty qp$scd cloaline bodilicd 5E KD and 184 KD polt?cplide s opposed<br />

to h.lopdiilol tqr.d p@tein pbfl. lh@iry 43 KD srd 120 KD @mpondts !! drir<br />

doM Esulddl Gp@lively (ngrE 2l). Str|dia @ .ndflly to Puiry .!d ch@tat<br />

rhe rmtci!. Th.* lin6 of widetue indi..r. a Fl. for pret itr nodul.don by l@g-l€m<br />

cloz{line lratn.nr. The resutts premred h $h lh6ir lad support io thjs h,?olh6G<br />

This study al$ dphsized on lhe potential h€oalologrcal onplicadon of tie<br />

dtipsrcnodc dn8r, p@rib€d to lhe p.lidB of ehjaph@i. &d olttd disrd*. Tne<br />

belie dal: of ou popurario4 wim Uoit lioD d@ ro tto dd. !iz.; *ill h.h ir<br />

d€hining hdarologi.al dy$tui6; wldch k ditioal in otdd io d6ign b



L TIE mosl signilicet linding of lhc ptqql rludy is the *quace eal'sis of rhc<br />

3lobp mplilied trcducr ofDRD2 goe rhai sho$ rhe pr€@Ne ofc-T nllalion al bse<br />

pa'r posilion 32827 cdlne S€86X. in rhe Pakisbtri scniaphmic popdarion.<br />

Addilionallt no alsLI'on w6 foud b.nrcn allefic nlqnocy rld c T tr-rsilion<br />

sd cl@Aire drd h.lopdidol Epon* in *hitupbmic pari.nb .@dirg b rbc<br />

nomal clinical prdic. for noF rha 12 w*ks, o'ro ol ou inpondr obswarioc is<br />

fi.t this G-T nuialion is rot N@iarcd wiUr ttE non-shiephr€nic conttol goup,<br />

Mo@vd, tle segudc€ eallsis showed Do signilicor ef€cls on ircaltnol outcomes.<br />

2. Or rhe b6is ol PCR RFIP T &atj6is, n is.olworrhy tial lhc ftcqutuy oI Al alLt.<br />

dilt s sigtrificully bat*ar rh. &hiaphEnic patiots E€ard wirh haj@didol (0.44)<br />

ed .loatine (0.43) a @bp&€d to thei nomsl @trtmls (0.26). Th. At a.[ele w6<br />

fomd lo be 6s@iat.d wilh 53 (44%) of the t2O looM shizophftnics, but ws<br />

Beciared witn only l2 (loe/o) ofthe non+chi@ph@ic onr.l&<br />

3. h d€ pr@ni siudy onr rtata nis.! concm! aboul hddological side etfets ol<br />

dtitsrchoric drug!, which do ml @ur fr.quotly bur e a poretiat haz.d to sious<br />

loriciry. rlis shdy suggBts srri.g6t morilorinS rrshar $h@c dtuins rhc sfibitiry<br />

of haatoloeical polil. for ehi€vins tn. .linically bne!.ial .ffccb ofrhe lrahr6t.<br />

4, IE app.@.c of ch&acidislic cnd86 jr ihe norpbological fcalur€s oa RBC<br />

parl'cultrly fie pie$nce of hrlochrchic-nicN',tic c€lls (>107d, €infoEs tne<br />

dctdtim oat!. ofnicq'lic edia-tDA (ion deficiacy ami.). Funls validariou<br />

by o|!tr p@.t 8, in cpor ro rhc chmnic rrshat of hAlopqidot in $hi?opnEnic<br />

patiens, indicar€d rhar ft is a sid€ efel oa a drus Etna lb& a disw sr.t€ ir<br />

ehibphmia Addidomlly simjld resulls e@ oblaircd in @ &inal hod€l followinS<br />

chronic (21 rLls, WI) hqln€hl of hatopendol. Th€ €o.srsEy of th. prcmo€ of IDA<br />

furlia confimed by Bing i!€ €o@ercially availabl. dd pMncd powd@d fod of<br />

&is drug indica&d lhar |he svqity ofsidc cIlct is n@ obvios in puitied fm of<br />

5. Ndkophil cylotoxicnt apDEd 10 be o.o of ou imporlet findih& mosl nequen y<br />

obdwed in th€ pdiph@l blood s€e, in rupon* ro t]te chronic cloapir€ trearmenl in

o$ schibphmic pad€nls ed d dimal nod€l. All lh€ sbg€s of cltoloxic .fdt lile<br />

vdul iotr ir cylo0lND, nlclqr ltugncnrulior tu chtumnblysi$ wN obsutvtn nr t<br />

ncurophildurints dircrcnlill @o ins. . lr nuy bc susaBrsl $ lhc cloaPtu mcrivc<br />

nelllolilcs havc bclo implicaled in the loxicity bui thc m@h$isn by which lhG @cu6<br />

6. h .ll oxpcrindr.l eimal. aqGd wilh puiicd or conndid pr€pml'o6 md<br />

pad€nls expos.d io cloapine, d€nostr.tc n€utrcphil cyioloxicity sd 60 % of th6e<br />

pdtien$ 8o on 10 dd.lop cyotorjcny. This ha led ro su8g.stio$ fi.| lhm m<br />

addnionrl risk fi.r.B in Lh€ dey€lopnEd olcloapinc cyloroxicir, AhhouBh in rhis<br />

study I did rcr anqnpr ro id@riry diGrly tn. @tiv€ nelalolit6 of cloapin , bul il is<br />

inrGrins !o nolc all slag6 ofc)totoxic cfel obrd.d thrcust nisblogictl sludi6.<br />

7. Oor sudy dso cnrthsias DulnN u$ oil[c dirgnosric tool PANSS lbrcvulurnoD Jn'l<br />

chsictcnz ion ofehidphrnia, on rhc bab oaposilive and ncsrlivc sytuptonr and in<br />

Gponlc lo lrlic.l md at,?ical anlipsrr holic druss.<br />

Micrcsalclldc polymoahisnr ond conDlctc idcnrificaliotr ol tolcii *ill fudlrr<br />

help in lDd6landiog rh€ Ceneiq of *hizopb.ni..



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huPo 6th<br />


^.dd wond co.ea. ocrob" 6:1941j9!Iq<br />

EA.ll97<br />

Antipsychotic Induced Alteration in Serum<br />

Protein Expression of Schizophrenics<br />

. Using 2DE<br />

N. A Slrldhul, S. Zahid, A. Wssd, and R. Khan<br />

{.rroclErr|l..'t, Rr!. .cl| L.bo.rtory, O.grrlm.nt ot akrch.mldry,<br />

Unh.. dly ol K...cri, K!.rchl. Prlld.n<br />

2D€ 9d baJed drire.€.rliai toleome analys|s has b€€n wbely usod lo<br />

sn cry pali€ols' blood lo discove. p.olarin fiE kers indbalive ol dn,g olfects<br />

d dis€as. p.Es€g II|€ 2OE PAGE gel patt€rns. ot &hLophrcnb<br />

sanrn sarnd€s" d€.ndrst'at€d e rirnber ot p.otoins wuch ar6 up r€gubted<br />

by b.€ le.m rr.roF.idol lr6.lncnt P4, P11, P7. P!6, P1Z P23 wilh<br />

ute pl .ari{F tqn 82-3.5. Ar t|€ satne tim€ palieots oo cbzapino lrsat_<br />

me. sioir€d si$iftcant (p


HUPO 6th Ann@lWorld ConsFq Ocr.!.r 6_lq:t07 s'oul |(oE.<br />

IIA- 89<br />

ProteomE Mapping of Healing Comeal<br />

Epithelial Membrane<br />

N. Siddiqulr, s. Musht qr, s]' z. Ali [€qvi', A Ah.aodr,<br />

A Wsstlt, A. A Slddlquf, end J. Shafqarr<br />

runk .Cty ot KlrscH, K.ractt, P.lkt.|r rAfE tft.i tj|fv..!tt<br />

Kerechl, Paldrt n; l(srolinsks lndtirto, l(.rel&st , Synd.i<br />

Oown r€gu|atbn, sFlheir o. €t€vatod a'fE rl ol firr|bcr o{ p.ol€iE ir<br />

Equirod f0. cdl.c€ll and cdl-olstrix ht€f&li'ls t,|at ocqr drhg $a<br />

normel migralion ot th€ co.nsl erilhdrun ai€r a nrdrJlcd bqrd, Wc<br />

hevs b€dr alt€ to coofi|m t s by lttd co.rpratw Fol€o.rE maplt|g ol<br />

antj{lauco.rE, ot,l€r r€lated dnlgs and g€.8 s&t{i€ h tttFli€ c.lt ot<br />

6bttl.o.n€a h o.!Fn cdttxs and hunan cdn€l6th6ad c.! lc. IIE<br />

p.ot€ans tourd to b€ diltd€nlialy srr€ss€d h tsaled cdtt€l atturril<br />

m€rnbran€ as cdnparcd to t4rattrg €naDl€d a d€t€rpi:t loatarEa<br />

ot th€s€ prot€ins in t |€ lpaJing P.oc€s.a Ort slvds u$9 dlttsn aP<br />

proch6s. 2-OE. Micrqtray, p€gtid€ l'$ss tlE€. p.hthg s!o\^,€d a wito<br />

vsri€ty ot difi6r6nc€s b€tw€€i dtgra&E atd tb.td(J''.thg co.tt€d eftilE_<br />

Ital p.oi6in €r@.Bssioo both at t to t-atEcriptixtat and t-atELliqEl Lvor<br />

Th€lo rxoterns inctudo c€ll srtf&. glycog.oGirs' c.l adEt(n ntoS_<br />

qi€s. ;tra-c.tlot6t rutlx p.oi6,.!s' valdattdr ot so'tt' ol t|e rt'diL{<br />

orot hs was csrn€d o.n uslry Lnm{tpblots. kttrtro_t*no

6iiein-;fiiifd;<br />

APPENDl)(.II<br />

Cloaphe Induced Neutbphl Cltotodory iD Rrts<br />

ed k!d' Md tui, M.[di^. tuii, Nhed<br />

ab|Incr<br />

oj.e: rh. dldy6 onrddroudlllh h Ftbg.Hb d bnEbk Hdyloubrd qbb-<br />

icily6h4dnnrfuDdffiFfud@mf,lb|ydbu.ho.k'li.|nm.ndtl]d'<br />

k|d; n. ab F sF@a D*y €b (i{o) d6 ri MEF reiqh o. iec<br />

hd0d'!'Nan.b|ogg|F6trEe h (FN) d ndmelarf.e6 o' FGo! by p.iphdr M<br />

s' tr Fibrtud by dd rtu ey n€rhdr. tudhry sdo r0 tuen .t6 (srcl td rm<br />

BrdiEcqdt(rrBc)(tu u)d be srum ri{n rd (tudx 6)sE<br />

g@p'A|'lddl.l.ElFbwlFfu0ih9'.'h'.dFllh<br />

fu6:cb,c5.hddidtq|b,dyw.mfu6hboFl|fuq'q'6ffi<br />

d9bqutlifudfubi]ad'<br />

br&rodd r.ig d h !tu tu d di.r.r<br />

6leidr|d& bhlEdhdq (JPhs:4e).<br />

I rodNdo!<br />

cr@pho, r dib{&dir4bD i8 & 4?ii bdprycrjod.dq'wtid'PrcdfiBhmdolqia|lidooll4u'<br />

dytlBbtful.d..p.'n.'muhpairtdd'@be'lol..<br />

dir 0.r% drdidlt |Nm4 lsulrdcr{Gis rd 'lndhc<br />

cy6; O' dr rrn6r) e |si&r vi6 r d cbry<br />

tu. nn dy qgd. Mjd F.b|m rr & ry<br />

ddM'€i.u'dn4ilwcFfuybdo<br />

d @d b oisiiod q e !5dd dFy'<br />

fuuld.t6dj4o'{EF{uedsdrb,la<br />

bg.ddymrui!kdsdi|lrol'n.cf'dfuqDDehd'<br />

drusoroid4.i|yh'l.d!Pohdd*8.o.<br />

enocdidtyliUdlr.dnidffil4d.{su'<br />

c|4eid'o.h6dwidl$.d.I@do'.ub<br />

!ra4@id@bdddEdFbGfu'Md'i4<br />

etra ei".d vin do'piE & @d or tuFy'<br />

clrc i. Fal,!d G uslr bis4 brdh, d<br />

tu Ei robh' orh&tud dt dd .ld<br />

briciiynndbyd!uor'j..'!idunAlytlE$<br />

ydlnoqlqFMmyo'6e.idg!tratofcl4ii.&<br />

ohlddy!fu!fu'od'de36dydu.d<br />

fufuoI66odyw'oinvddgEedd<br />


m'4qdidu!b'fu.dDi|Iagmjd*'<br />

Bi.omDiolo.i.anillidofbl..d6Eawjt.<br />

R6drt<br />

M 6ddbi tus! i rlca drhdod ud<br />

tutubsd ndi€ Grrr ildr.uc D wote]d<br />

&bi4flbcloa9i*@@i|Hosw,M&&d<br />

mtrqbr cNh .hd.n . mdan iffi. 1D

E @hir<br />

carr rd ithty d..rF i rFerey..4d iidnnd<br />

ed Lndiddhdrc'or ciy b! rt'. i'c Ei6n by rhrcr<br />

dq 'Grd sqF (rierc 4 my e seqtrE ord. 6d<br />

IdcFd4.6i3ufd@Pircidqdrulqhis.y'G<br />

]nlliq'di|F!|c,16hid'!,9i!dbdBjD!<br />

Conclu:ion<br />

'q'olad[d'fuiq|{laffil!46tsei<br />

'}fuFibbl',Ddh*orftlEfuoisddfu3<br />

|rciwhd'ircfudby.qhds.prer'nily'odre|fu<br />

ii!6rie'id<br />





%n ^t, Gnet aa wtlt M) a twiqui M.<br />

rt h Mti:r f6 th. effdive nmlft<br />

or hmrblogi.al dFh!18 Herotolorior side en-a or ndrcleDtl. dtug!<br />

(Harop.ndoL 0.zme/Kgl,bdh6pu'rftd<br />


tq d.ndsEy emla {IDA) ha bM deamntcd<br />

b b€ caus.d bt/ rh€ adddsanon of<br />

varlo!3 dtpsytbortc dtu8s. llowae!, io dab<br />

no d.nnite 6edh he erursed 10 clarlty tud<br />

6nnm 0E cud..l slgnln@€ of rh. t.retu.<br />

dd b.lv@ haropdldol .nd to.!.<br />

TlE ltu or tF pEn. study r. h.top.ddol<br />

(a butyroph..on.) hdnced h€natoloarcal<br />

d's(adas, 6o.laEd *tth dhrontc trcarhst<br />

or ddg both purllted tom dd comr.ralt<br />

avanable lnlecdoB on animal nod.l, host<br />

.onmo.ly u:.d for ti. lElftnr of $hapht6h<br />

ud dh€r pstrr'odc .risrded<br />


Th. Alblno Sp€gu. D!*ley rab (n,15) wuh<br />

& avehse veishl of 1303 ftre dtvtded ido<br />

thrE 3tup: Fi6t srdp fF5) wa adnr.isbcd<br />

hr6m'sl.r h.lop€ddol (0.2 nglKsJ<br />

or plrlned tom (slsmd whne th. s.cond<br />

sroup (n=t va ft.Ed vitb (0.2 mglKs)<br />

comn rctany av.llable haloperldol tntection<br />

(s€.r|.) and rJE.onuols (n=5r weHubjecbd<br />

ro errne rtu6r. for 2l mM(u0v. days<br />

The r.6 w@ d@dded r3 hlM .ftd rl*<br />

I.lt lilEtion. wlEle blood ard w enpl6<br />

wea 6lld.d spaEtcly a'd ar.llzd<br />

Nud$e6 of preplranoN v€e mads tn du'<br />

plr6t€ (n-10 to. eeh A'oup).<br />

rb,rtr eqtr.od!F.cErtrstucrd.fisqdffi 0b.rrturiidm<br />

Th. hematoloAl<br />

al p.r.@ rTludlna hemglobln, RBC dd<br />

drlftmdal (ful., atEolub indt6 |rEtudtna<br />

h.mrooi (paci.d ell slmq PC9. M.m<br />

@rp!s.1nr volu@ (Mc9, d.an mrplln<br />

ld h.mglobh (MCH), fta @rplsld he<br />

noslobt. dncentErlon (McHc), red @I dn<br />

dbudon *idth (nDW and mo.pholoSlsl fabG<br />

ofRBCs via p€rtplrcral blood st:E *a<br />

p€rfomcd by standard lanora@ry ftthods<br />

S..un Ircn concntrrlon (SlC), roLl lM bhd<br />

lns.aprity tnBc) (Roche Lrd.) tnd ihe *<br />

ru6 t6ruin level (Rdndox Lid.) were deteF<br />

nrred. nE p€r@ntlge tdr€rh etuation<br />

w$.15o @lculaLdr{. Nl srds{.d .JBb6is<br />

v6 p.rfomd u3r4 g€ph prd pdsft :nd<br />


kon dendenry aenla (IDA) ha b.en d{u<br />

medd b be au$d by th€ adnrnt$atron of<br />

v.rlous ddp6ychotL drw. Ho*E to date

TABLE I Conparts.n of Hemaroto3tdl<br />

indnee bllowLag cbontc halopeddol<br />

(b.rh pudned ad hjction forn)<br />

@tunt in B1s c F0.05)<br />

Pcv=F&4n{l@l$'Mcv-n,U@nxluLl<br />

vo|uftn'McH-nEs@l|rebh.mg|obnPs'<br />

nodennrte r.*r(hh6en'eB.d rod4lfy.nd<br />

ronfim rhe (linlcl is'rfi(da orthl intcrar<br />

tio. b€e@n hrloperidol ard jD..<br />

fte h@.6toalcat indtc* lftlrdina h.@<br />

glohin com.nlra o,.onplcr. blmd elt counr<br />

and absolut tndic6 (PCV, MCv, MCH and<br />

MCHC) aa the neasues th.r srve jntorha<br />

lrd abod ln. r4s&y of:ned.u. ou BUlb<br />

she.d rrr henoslobt .oh.enbaron ed rh€<br />

RBC munr In bo(h rlF eyF imenbl mubs ro<br />

be siBn n( rty deftased tp < oos) E;pe.<br />

u\ery ArSntn@ de.ft,* (p

mercraily alallable lom i.d pudned forEl) h<br />

m minal mod6l Tne eqledLl anabsls b.r.d<br />

on th. @rpholoAbl ed bl6l'mic.l s<br />

md suag* dBt tE .YP or nia!.rIk-hy<br />

pahlmr. d.mla rr IDA- 8.oue rbn srud<br />

16 6d b. aniately 6s6ed on uE bets<br />

ofetun fefilth,.eruo rron or RBCe rotu€<br />

done Th@ pal?ftteB.ppd b b. d.p€n<br />

deo. on 6cn o(h- rd 6 shnA as*hdon<br />

d be ldenund. IlE sredty otiM d.n.r.ncy<br />

anetu ll more obuo$ In the purtfi.d pN<br />

der a compdld to c'llmrclally avarhble ln<br />

jdim tai'Mt Ho*e*., th? trDcndkm ot<br />

Ih. in(@crlon of h.lop.rdol ad nm k y.r @<br />

NNFtrRtrNCES<br />

l'ud&3€euR'Zd|GMrrrlnho.yle<br />

e-!dldd6dio.Fd4lEhFldo,d<br />

0dn!R r.&q.d.c.n,P+bby rer 32(41<br />

hbbgd|ffi|6hda6Eed.tqe<br />

ryd'd.Edre Dfugs:,.y,9:,'(d):<br />

3.9D8'sk!.r'&'pDn|6oIEwutrFsh.&<br />

4{6 j cli Byhbry 1996 a?(lr: G.<br />

lLus@MM'ffnd4Icdd.e6ddq,A{<br />

tuh k ,elo: rs{r): r xnt.<br />

Fhdh6&n*ryd&'l'd,#d|<br />

bd'bPhaou4.uosfu|dlfuddF,dg<br />

d|hPu&ddnfufuldi!!F&!6N.lv!'4|<br />

tua Dr r w4q E |rlldosd ddr ordlFy<br />

tud4 JPanoFiEtfur rsc rloi e[<br />

J'mwtu Mkd.rr!ffih ^mFnPir3bi<br />

/|r4EDidx rsrs(4:6nt<br />

&nrtuD&Yehm N.mb4t h(d<br />

{Pfd{yrde&hEt@dd].bryd<br />

sddi'y.l Nouck*ry trs a 10 nrrr.<br />

brb ss'ldd dlEBbrory:. Lyd3Mdr<br />


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Nre of P.ti6l (oPnoolY S@L ID<br />

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AgE at lh. 6Ft d.d of dig.:<br />

Dnlg u5.d fd E€.td@l:<br />

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cbrDge i! tody wiSbt .Aq r0 w'Lt oft€rm@t<br />

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chd8' in BMI:<br />

?Giliv. 6ymptdE:<br />

sddity eesd e.lo (ssA):<br />

Any olhd disalddid66:<br />

Add{ion l inJomtionl<br />

ConlilE.. .... ... .

Pmforme for the dirsnosis of schlzophreoi. (DSM-IV)<br />

in P.kistedi Schlzophreric prde ! lo evaluqte PANSS Score.<br />

PGiai( SvnotoN oa ScniDphr.tri.<br />

lamoid dcluionc, o. ddEio$ of peMnlion,<br />

G.osly dlrorgnlz.d or crt totric ben. or<br />

Afi*1 impprcpriaL to Ih€ silutior or slinlli,<br />

unulal motd behavio. (pcir& locking),<br />

D@alizarion dd somalic pr@cupalios.<br />

Ne.riv. 3vpproN of S.hlzopn@i.<br />

l&t olinld*lin lif€, low Dolivation<br />

Alogi! (dilficulty or inability to sleak)<br />

lnappbpnat€ $cial skiUs or I&kofi €r$1or lbilily to s@ializ witb oltldr peoplc<br />

Inability 10 mat€ fri.ntls or kep fri6d!, or not cding to h6v. fdends<br />

Cndiriv. Svmlo@ of S.nbdmi.<br />

Dimc'Jly.xprc$ing 0pughls<br />

Difficnlly inlegtatinS tnolghls, f.elings dd benavior

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