Wellness Committee Guide 1-17-12 - Eat Smart, Move More NC

Wellness Committee Guide 1-17-12 - Eat Smart, Move More NC

Wellness Committee Guide 1-17-12 - Eat Smart, Move More NC

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Email ___________________________________ Phone ___________________________________Step 1: Identifying <strong>Committee</strong>Members and Getting StartedThis committee guide is designed so that anyoneat your worksite can begin the process ofestablishing a <strong>Wellness</strong> <strong>Committee</strong>, but it may benecessary to allow management to identify initialcommittee members.Identifying committee members can beaccomplished in two ways: by invitation and/orsoliciting volunteers. Consider the followingwhen identifying people to serve on the wellnesscommittee:1. Invite staff members to serve on the wellnesscommittee. Staff members should be asked, inperson or by letter, about their willingness andinterest to serve. See Appendix D for a samplecommittee invitation letter.newsletters, via e-mail, or by other means.<strong>Committee</strong> members who volunteer can becomeprogram “champions” encouraging successfor the entireworksite.Volunteers havethe potential tobring increasedenergy to thecommittee. SeeAppendix Efor a samplecommitteerecruitmentannouncement.__________________________________________________________________________________(name of worksite)has a golden opportunity to Work Well.Do YOU want to be aleader in realizing theWorkWell <strong>NC</strong> goal?Join theWorksite <strong>Wellness</strong><strong>Committee</strong>Contact __________________________________________________________________________to learn more about the program and the responsibilities of serving on theworksite wellness committee.Contact: ____________________________________________________________________________2. Solicit volunteers by placing announcementsin high traffic locations, through employeeIdentifying <strong>Committee</strong> Members—Key Items to Remember• Number of <strong>Committee</strong> Members—It isrecommended that you have between fourand twelve committee members, althoughthis number may depend on the size of yourworksite.• Suggested <strong>Committee</strong> Members—Includecommittee members from all departments(human resources, information support, etc.).Also include members of management andsupport staff.• Existing <strong>Committee</strong>s—If you haveexisting committees, such as a safety orsocial committee, target these members forinvitation.• Supervisor Approval—All committeemembers should have their immediatesupervisor’s support for the time and workthey dedicate to the wellness committee.• Work Plan Revision—Employees may needto revise their annual work plan to reflect theduties of serving on the wellness committee.8WorkWell <strong>NC</strong>

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