Annual Report 2010/11

Annual Report 2010/11

Annual Report 2010/11

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management, reporting, portal functionality,payroll, time and labour management,academic advisement, and course registration.This initiative also included the developmentof data exchange interfaces between ERPand ancillary applications, and the upgrade orreconfiguration of related ancillary applications.• Design and implement a learning technologyroad map to ensure the effective integrationof the university’s applications for delivery ofdistributed learning and resources.A project scope was established with threeelements: the selection and deployment of asolution for synchronous instructional delivery;a strategy for the migration or upgrade to anew primary LMS; and a solution to supportexamination delivery.In <strong>2010</strong>/20<strong>11</strong>, the university acquired anddeployed a synchronous web-conferencingapplication to support the delivery of onlineeducation and to supplement synchronousdelivery. A project to develop a migration orupgrade strategy was initiated with approvedfunding, a draft charter, and confirmed staffresources in place. A similar project wasinitiated to establish requirements and examineoptions for a new system to support onlineexam invigilation and test bank functionality.• Implement a continuing review of businessprocess improvement (BPI) opportunitiesthrough the establishment of a BPI businesscentre.The centre was established under thenew Corporate Services department.Future initiatives include the roll-out of BPIfunctionality for ongoing review/improvementof processes and integration of BPI for theimplementation of operational plans.• Implement a digital/image records system forall student files and records (2012–2014). A business case was developed to implementa digital image system to address space andaccess considerations. However, as this isa major project that requires considerablehuman and financial resources, it has beendeferred until resources become available.Enhance financial management andadministrative processes and structuresto improve decision support and enhanceoperational efficiency and effectiveness(<strong>2010</strong>–2014).• Review service delivery options and modelsto ensure innovative and best practiceservice delivery.The requirements for a Business ProcessImprovement program have been integratedinto a comprehensive approach with risk andproject management which will be presentedto senior administration for review before fullimplementation. Ongoing service reviewshave produced recommendations for manyservice and support areas. Retail and CampusServices is currently developing a campuswidemodel of service delivery to enhance thestudent.An ERP sustainment team has been created toprovide ongoing training and support for thenew ERP system. The focus of this initiative isto ensure that user requirements drive systemdelivery and enhance the value of the system.• Develop and deploy business intelligenceand reporting solutions for effective decisionsupport.The <strong>2010</strong>/20<strong>11</strong> PeopleSoft ERPimplementation included the introduction ofa significant inventory of delivered reportsand queries, significantly improving access tobusiness information across the university. In<strong>2010</strong>/20<strong>11</strong>, the university acquired data-martsolutions for Campus Solutions (enrolmentmanagement data) and for Human Resourcesand Finance.A priority project to design and deploy theCampus Solutions Warehouse system wasapproved and initiated in <strong>2010</strong>/20<strong>11</strong> and is nowactive.<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2010</strong>/20<strong>11</strong> 21

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