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Helonias umbellata (Baker) N. Tanaka; Heloniopsis acutifoliaHayata; H. arisanensis Hayata ex Honda; H. taiwanianaS. S. Ying; Sugerokia acutifolia (Hayata) Koidzumi; S. arisanensis(Hayata ex Honda) Koidzumi; S. umbellata (Baker)Koidzumi.Leaves basal; petiole 0.5–2 cm; leaf blade oblanceolate toobovate, 1.5–14 × 0.6–2.2 cm, margin usually slightly undulate,apex acute to shortly caudate. Scape 4–20 cm; cauline, scaleleaves 4–6, lanceolate to oblong, 6–10 mm. Inflorescence oftenumbellate, sometimes umbellate-racemose, 3–10-flowered.Pedicel 5–11(–20) mm. Tepals white tinged with pink, linearoblanceolate,6–13 × 2–3 mm. Stamens free, slightly exserted;filaments purplish; anthers ca. 2 mm. Style filiform, 0.8–1 mm.Fl. Jan–Apr. 2n = 34*.Moist rocks; 700–2500 m. Taiwan.8. CHIONOGRAPHIS Maximowicz, Bull. Acad. Imp. Sci. Saint-Pétersbourg11: 435. 1867, nom. cons.Siraitos Rafinesque, nom. rej.白 丝 草 属 bai si cao shuChen Xinqi ( 陈 心 启 Chen Sing-chi); Minoru N. TamuraHerbs perennial, often hermaphroditic or andropolygamous, sometimes gynodioecious, rarely androdioecious, with a short,stout rhizome, glabrous. Leaves basal, rosulate, petiolate, spatulate to ellipitic, evergreen, margin entire or minutely undulate. Scapearising from center of leaf rosette, erect, simple, with 3–30 small, bractlike leaves. Inflorescence a terminal spike, many flowered;bract absent. Flowers sessile, zygomorphic, small. Tepals free; upper 3 or 4 spatulate-linear to filiform; lower 2 or 3 much shorter orabsent. Stamens 6, inserted at base of tepals, rather short; anthers basifixed, subcordate-ovate to subglobose, extrorse, with loculesconfluent or free. Ovary globose, 3-loculed; ovules 2 per locule. Styles 3, stigmatic adaxially. Fruit a capsule, ?septicidal. Seeds fusiform,winged at 1 end.Four species: <strong>China</strong>, Japan, Korea; one species (endemic) in <strong>China</strong>.1. Chionographis chinensis K. Krause, Notizbl. Bot. Gart.Berlin-Dahlem 10: 807. 1929.白 丝 草 bai si caoChionographis merrilliana H. Hara; Siraitos chinensis (K.Krause) F. T. Wang & Tang.Leaves several to more than 10; petiole 1–6 cm; leaf bladespatulate to ellipitic, 1–6 × 1–3.5 cm, glabrous, margin slightlyundulate, apex subacute. Scape 14–40 cm; bractlike leaves 4 or9. PARIS Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 1: 367. 1753.重 楼 属 chong lou shuLiang Songyun ( 梁 松 筠 Liang Song-jun); Victor G. Soukup 1Daiswa Rafinesque; Euthyra Salisbury; Kinugasa Tatewaki & Suto.5, lanceolate-ovate, 2–5 mm. Spike 3–14 cm, usually elongateafter anthesis, rather densely many flowered. Flowers fragrant.Tepals white to pale yellow; upper 3 or 4 tepals 3–8 mm, 0.2–0.5 mm wide in distal part; lower 2 or 3 tepals 0.5–1.5 mm,sometimes absent. Stamens 1–1.5 mm, 3 longer than others; antherssubcordate-ovate, with locules confluent. Capsule subobovoid,ca. 4 × 2 mm, dehiscent distally. Seeds 1.8–2.8 × 0.6–0.9 mm. Fl. Apr–May, fr. Jun.Shady and damp places on slopes or hillsides; near sea level to700 m. Fujian, Guangdong, NE Guangxi, Hunan.Herbs perennial. Rhizome slender or thickened. Stem erect, simple. Leaves 4 to many, very rarely 3, in a terminal whorl, petiolate,lanceolate to ovate, with 3 main veins and anastomosing veinlets. Flowers bisexual, solitary, terminal, pedunculate. Tepals 3–8,in 2 whorls, free; outer ones green, rarely ± white, ovate to lanceolate; inner ones linear or occasionally absent. Stamens 8–24 ormore, 2–8 × as many as tepals; filaments narrow, flat; anthers basifixed, often with convex connective apically. Ovary subglobose, 1-loculed with parietal placentation or 4–10-loculed with axile placentation. Style short; stigma lobes 4–10. Fruit a berry or a berrylikecapsule, indehiscent or loculicidal, several to many seeded.About 24 species: Bhutan, <strong>China</strong>, India, Japan, Korea, Laos, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Russia, Sikkim, Thailand, Vietnam; Europe; 22 species(12 endemic)in <strong>China</strong>.The rhizomes of many species are used medicinally in <strong>China</strong>.1a. Ovary 4–10-loculed, with axile placentation; berry indehiscent; seeds sometimes with a spongy (never succulent) arilon 1 side.2a. Rhizome creeping, elongate, slender, 2–5 mm thick; seeds without aril, funicle not swollen.3a. Leaves usually 6–8; outer tepals oblong-lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, 10–25(–30) mm wide ............... 20. P. verticillata1 Herbarium, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio 45221-0006, U.S.A.

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