Student Handbook - NW Services

Student Handbook - NW Services

Student Handbook - NW Services


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<strong>NW</strong>S STUDENT HANDBOOK If your insurance does not cover you during the driving portion or only offerspartial coverage, you must have this extra insurance before completing thedriving part. <strong>NW</strong>S does not recommend that host families allow students to usetheir car during this time. If no car is available to you, it may not be possible toobtain a drivers license. <strong>NW</strong>S never guarantees that this will be possible. If you earn your drivers license, you may keep it to take home, but you cannotuse it while you are in the <strong>NW</strong>S Program.AMERICAN LAWS As an international student, you must obey the laws of the United Statesgovernment as well as those in your state and community. The penalties for not obeying the laws can be more severe for you, as youmay be deported (sent home to your own country). Should you break a law, <strong>NW</strong>S cannot take legal responsibility for theoutcome. Nor will <strong>NW</strong>S be responsible for supplying legal counsel to you.NATURAL PARENT VISITS Holidays must be spent with your host family. Visits from your parents, relatives and friends should not take place withoutpermission from national <strong>NW</strong>S office. These are never allowed before theend of your program.Revised December 200955

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