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metrical hairdos, lighting tricks, draping headscarvesin just the right way so that one eye isconcealed. You find ways of showing your face toother humans while hiding it from the machine.I had friends who were constantly changing uptheir style so that their parents wouldn’t just findthem by the familiar shapes and colours they caston their face. But you learn how to read the commonelements in someone’s style that computersstill can’t read so well: the materials they prefer,the lines that their hand tends to produce.Trolls like my father turned onlinespace into a sick game. Well,I can play that game, too. And I’mbetter at it than he is.Dad hasn’t found any of my online profiles inyears, because he doesn’t understand who I am.He thinks he can find me by my name or my face.But I have lots of names and lots of faces. All ofthem are mine, readable only by those who knowwhat they’re looking for.ResourcesAdam Harvey (2014)Cv Dazzle: Camouflage from Face Detectionhttp://ahprojects.com/projects/cv-dazzle/About the header and cover image:Oakland poet Stephanie Young created the Anti-Surveillance FeministPoet Hair & Makeup Party project in reaction to an internal debate withinAmerican poetry after the December 2013 publication in the New York DailyNews of a puff piece profiling six young female New York poets. Photographedat the NYC Poetry Festival on Governors Island in late July whenthe New York poets were dressed to perform in the scorching heat, the articlewas widely excoriated within the poetry subculture. The poets cameto be blamed for having dared subject themselves to the male gaze in public.The backlash was vicious.The Anti-Surveillance Feminist Poet Hair & Makeup Party aims to scramblethe gaze. The Brooklyn segment was organized by poet Monica Mc-Clure, whose image headed the Daily News article & who therefore becamethe locus of her colleagues’ vitriol. Adopting the techniques of CV Dazzleby Adam Harvey, the Party thwarts the machine gaze of facial recognitionsoftware & disrupts the male gaze of the dominant culture. All via traditionalfemme grooming rituals & female bonding.Photograph by Emily Raw, used with kind permission.

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