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Europe might have fallen into a new Dark Age offascism and corporatism. I turned to study latein life, but was determined to find ways to buildbridges, between nations and between citizens,not only politically but creatively. My many talentedcomrades on this project, with their youthand technological brilliance, and their beliefin this humanitarian vision, were able to makedream become reality.”- Bernadita Martin, Asset Repository ProjectLead, interviewed in 2005.The project proved such a resounding and popularsuccess that the primitive infrastructure of NOR-PLNET struggled under the strain of packet exchange,and the students at Madrid had to rapidly secure additionalservers to support the Repository. Thesewere happily directed to the university, at the behestof the country’s Syndicalist government, from one ofSpain’s leading computer manufacturers.It wasn’t until delicate international political treatieswere signed between 1992 and 1993, signalling -amongst other groundbreaking developments - theunion of ARPANET with NORPLNET into a single ‘internet’,that developers from the Old and New Worldswere able to exchange ideas and assets as freely as isthe case today. This digital union was celebrated bymany online initiatives, among them the renamingand expansion of the Asset Repository into the grander,more communitarian Gaming Commons, thanksto international co-operation between numerous academic,government and unaffiliated syndicalist datacentres.Yet despite today’s Gaming Commons only havingcome into being when Old and New united, it’s probablethat the original concept of the Asset Repositorywould never have been willed into being without thecomradeship between nations that characterises thepast four-score years of socialist and democratic Europe- all brought about thanks to the harsh lessonstaught by the experiences of the Great War and theassociated follies of capitalism and imperialism.

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