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elief of the common folk and protected not bylove or devotion but by their fear. Fear of us—but protected only just. Our flocks and followersare indeed our greatest threat, for demons anddarknesses always wear a human face; evil worksthrough people; evil is born of people; it is impossibleto know what desires live behind unknowneyes.Leavenworth came under firefrom fans for being in a relationshipwith gender-abolitionistgames creator Quincey Floss anddigital art critic Jennie Jones.Jones was an IGF judge the year Leavenworth wontheir first Grand Prize, and some fans felt that thissignaled a potential conflict of interest, callinginto question the results of the 2021 awards <strong>alt</strong>ogether.Eventually, as things involving passionatefans always do, it escalated to death threats,extreme breaches of privacy, and drone-basedstalking. This resulted in the IGF finally decidingto abandon its long-held efforts to keep itselfopen to the public; last year’s awards ceremonywas an invite-only affair, with several popular butrelatively small-time creators being denied ticketsamid concerns that some of them had beenactive community members on notorious imageboard4chan in the past. Other creators were deniedinvite on the basis that they had connectionsto the Social Liberation Front.Jeremy Irons, the president of the IGF, was verycandid about the matter.“Look, as far as I’m concerned, the fans havebrought this on themselves. We are all reallyfucking tired of being bullied and harassed by‘fans.’ We’re done being terrorized by people whodon’t have the talent or energy to get off theirasses and create things for themselves, who justwant to tear down other people and their efforts.

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