Uganda - Campaign to End Fistula

Uganda - Campaign to End Fistula

Uganda - Campaign to End Fistula

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145.11 Lacor Catholic HospitalThis is a missionary founded catholic hospital with a wide range of curative andpreventive services. A consultant obstetrician gynaecologist has been trained in VVFrepair at both Nigeria and Zimbabwe Universities. He is keen on VVF surgery. Thepatients are not charged hospital fees but the costs are met by AMREF Kenya and thepatients only meet their transportation <strong>to</strong> the hospital and up keep. During the year 2002a <strong>to</strong>tal of 50 cases were treated with over 90% successful operations. Dr. T. Raassenconducts VVF clinic camps and surgery. The patients came from Gulu, Lira and Apacbut ethnically widespread. There are no specialised VVF equipment available as thevisiting surgeons normally carry their own equipment.5.12 Arua HospitalThis is a regional referral hospital. At the last VVF camp conducted early March 2003only 11 patients turned up for surgery. Available records showed that another 14 patientshad been seen but had not received treatment. A commissioner clinical services at theministry of health and formerly employed at the hospital attributes the low turn up <strong>to</strong> thereduced numbers of VVF in the community. The VVF camps have been going on since1993. However, he could not ascertain that there were effective measures enough forreduced formation of new cases!!! The patients come from as far as Sudan andDemocratic Republic of Congo.Population served by Arua Regional Ref erral HospitalDistrict Males Females TotalArua 402,175 432,075 834,250Adjumani 83,844 84,120 167,964Nebbi 207,580 226,932 434,512Moyo 102,986 99,305 202,291Yumbe 128,043 126,364 254,407Total 924,628 968,796 1,893,424<strong>Uganda</strong> Population and Housing Census – Preliminary Report 2002Recommendation.Arua hospital should be facilitated <strong>to</strong> serve as a regional fistula center for the Northernregion5.13 Nebbi HospitalThis is a district hospital for Nebbi district. Dr. Tom Raassen of AMREF Kenyaconducts VVF camp clinics twice a year and last year 18 cases were operated on. Amedical officer, based at this hospital, performs VVF surgery with good results havingbeen trained by Dr. Raassen.

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