Uganda - Campaign to End Fistula

Uganda - Campaign to End Fistula

Uganda - Campaign to End Fistula

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6817. Raassen Tom: VVF Surgery Report 199918. Reproductive Health Division 5-year Strategic Framework 2000–2004. July 200019. Sexual and Reproductive Health Minimum Package for <strong>Uganda</strong>20. Tanzania <strong>Fistula</strong> Survey 200121. The Community Component of the Safe Motherhood Programme <strong>Uganda</strong> – MOH22. The National Policy Guidelines and Service Standards for Reproductive HealthServices, Ministry of Health. May 200123. The National Supervision Guidelines for Health Services: Department of QualityAssurance – July 200024. The <strong>Uganda</strong> Safe Motherhood Needs Assessment Survey: MOH GTZ UNFPAUNICEF WHO. February 1996.25. Training Curriculum on Safe Motherhood for Community Owned ResourcePersons: Content Outline and Lesson Plans January 200226. <strong>Uganda</strong> Maternal and Neonatal Program Effort Index MNPI27. UNFPA release July 200128. Weissaman E. at al: <strong>Uganda</strong> Safe Motherhood Program costing studyMOH/WHO 99.929. VVF Training Program – Draft guidelines and Budget Women’s Dignity Project1999

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