Uganda - Campaign to End Fistula

Uganda - Campaign to End Fistula

Uganda - Campaign to End Fistula

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67REFERENCES1. Ampofo. K. 1990: Epidemioloyg of Vesico-Vaginal <strong>Fistula</strong> in Northern Nigeria.West African Journal of Medicine 9(2); 98 - 1022. Bangsev M: Report of the Meeting of VVF Partners in East Africa and theWomen’s Dignity Project – 8-11 th August 19993. Bangsev M. et al; A comprehensive Approach <strong>to</strong> Vasico-Vaginal fistula – aProject in Mwanza, Tanzania4. Bangsev: New Year’s Newsleter – January 20005. community Mobilization Strategy and Community Mobilization Law (Draft Billfor Limited Circulation) September 20006. Ebanyat F. “Challenges in the implementation of Reproductive Health:Experiences within a sec<strong>to</strong>r wide approach in <strong>Uganda</strong>. Department ofReproductive Health and Research7. Ginzel a: Obstetric fistula, an Obstetric Complication in remote areas – Riskfac<strong>to</strong>rs epidemiology, Socio-cultural aspects, Prevention and treatment – withspecial aspect <strong>to</strong> female genital mutilation8. Guidelines for Moni<strong>to</strong>ring the availability and use of obstetric services:WHO/UNICEF. UNFPA publication Oct. 19979. Kelly J. Kwast BE, 1993. Epidemiologic Study of Vesico – Vaginal fistula inEthiopia: International Urogynaecology Journal 4: 278 - 8110. Maternal and Health and Safe Motherhood Program – WHO/MCH/MSM/91 - 511. Maternal and Newborn Health Making Pregnancy Safer – <strong>Uganda</strong> Country ReportRHR WHO12. Ministry of Health National Health Policy: Sept. 199913. Ministry of Health - Health Sec<strong>to</strong>r Strategic Plan 2000 / 01 – 2004 / 05. August200114. Ministry of Health – Annual Health Sec<strong>to</strong>r Performance Report 2000 / 2001. Sept200115. National Supervision Guidelines for Health Services – MOH. July 200016. Raassen Tom: AMREFs VVF programme: 2001

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