Untitled - National Agricultural Information System - Institut National ...

Untitled - National Agricultural Information System - Institut National ...

Untitled - National Agricultural Information System - Institut National ...


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56 - to provide technical and usefull information to theextension services and identify the most eff icient prooedure toconïey such information to farm,ers'7 - to commercialize results of research work and studies.NARI is & goverrn€mantal institution governed. by a Boardciraired by the Minister of <strong>Agricultural</strong>. Members include r'epresentativesof the Ministry of Finance, Education, Hrealth, 'Interic-ir,in addition to appropriate representatives for farmers. The mandateof the Board is to decide on program's, budget and salary scal€s.A Technical Commission follows up on lhe decision taken bythe Roard.In addition to the Roard and technical Comrnission twomain commiittees ptay a great in determing objectives and programsof NARI : The first committee identify long term objectivesthat, will benefit the country through contacts with economicleaders and ot'ganizations. The second will help the director ofNARI to evaluate programs and staff through senior scient'isis.S'everal struciural and functional changes were proposedfor NARI after three years of interral review assisted by a surveydone by ISNAR. The changes were approuv'ed 'by the Board.Af ter NARI reached its present structure' The new structureconsists of s,even main units and/or divisions dealing with management,seven additional multidisciplinary research departmentsand eight regional researoh centers. The rnranaging units anddivisions include :- social fund,- general inspection,- computer and biometry department,- inforrnation and training division,- programming division,- r.egional centers division,- administrative operations division'The u social fond , unit helps in solving social problemssuch as housing transportation, entert"airQlrleri, etc.. through financialresources provided by the budget and pariicipating staff.The u general inspection , unit oonducts inquiries on misrnanagementwhen happened an provide recommtrndations onproper management,.

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