Untitled - National Agricultural Information System - Institut National ...

Untitled - National Agricultural Information System - Institut National ...

Untitled - National Agricultural Information System - Institut National ...


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17mJcais. llesearcli needs al.e differenL and very difficult to findin nr,ost, cases. Another problem in the comrplicated and timeconsumingpayment prr,,cedure followed by NARI which makes merchantsor companies not keen to deal with the institution. Usually,rvhen they sell to NARI, they raise prices 1,o com;rrensate for therlelay in payrnent. This also burden the overall budget.Nationr,vide research requires a network of research siationand laboratory facilities to cor,er differenf agroclimatic conditions.Thus the need to provide facilities for various locationsrvill scatter the hudg,et and facilities. The l,endency of researchstations is to try to have a complete set of all laboratory equipmentsandother needs thus decentralization.Efforts are being made io solve ntrajor problems. We cannot say that the problems were ali solved. Most of these drawbacksrvere deeply studied by NARI itself and by consultants re,questedfrom iSNAR and the World Bank. These studies evaluated specificprolllems and made recomrmendations. Based on these recomm,endations,NARI, with the approval of the Board, developed set ofûIeasures ancl means to improve the situation. Some measuresare being impmented. Others will be im'nlemented in early 1988rvhich is an import,ant date for NARI hecause it will initiate thenext year plan r,vhich includes the implem,entation of the specialproject for res,earch financed bv the World Bank.On budget, tnanagement and utilization, ôwo steps ,wereunderialien t

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