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Untitled - National Agricultural Information System - Institut National ...

Untitled - National Agricultural Information System - Institut National ...


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19l-he number of scientists in each discipline depends on anurnbei of lactors : fhe priority given to each progrùm, facilities,ar,ailability of universitv-graduates in each discipline. Recently.graduates are ar.ailable in almost any discipline b.ecause of theemphasis given by authorities to encourage training and education.'Ihe problem is the availabiiity of financial r,esources to supportnewly needed posifions and to provide w,ell equipped laboratoriesfor certain disciplines.One additional factor is the expecied rafe of growth ofscieniif ic staff to meet grou'ing demands from research. As indicatrrdia.rli'er, riost scicntists are yollng and they need to workwith vrell experiencecl scientists to gain experience in appropriatemethoclolcgy and technicril sirills. For this t.3a-qon, a r€lsonableanirual rate of growth is aboui 20 scientists ( Lû'/. of total staff )which lvill be fixed for tire next five Srears plan. As for otherst'lff Lrr els ( tec.hnicians and supprting staff ), we believe thatcurienlJl' thers is no need for new positicrns..4G11:'{:LiT,Tti R.AL RESEARCil I)iFORM ATION AND I}OCUX,IEN-T,.\ T IO)' .Inf,:rmafion and documentation are still not well developedin NARI which is considered os a major constraint in researchrvcrk. After independence, a very efficignt information and docuin'entabir,ndivision was established in cooperation with the French.All means and facilities were available. Two journals w,ere starled anri issued regularly : u AI-AWAùIIA, and u LES COHIERSDE Ll\ RECHERCFIk AGP.CNOMIQUE-'. Some scientific booksw,ere published - e.g. u Citrus in Morocco n and u Pests and Diseasescf Citrus ". But rn'hen the cooperation left were buildings, equipinentsand supporfing staff.Eecause of th: importance of informalion and docum'entationto rese ,arch, considerallle invesl:ments will be devoted to thatdivision for the next five ]rear plan. Supporting measures andactivities include recruifrnent, of snecialists gradu'ationg from theu Informatist School-,, training supporting staff, providing nsededecruiprrLents including c^ornpuber facilities.More basic steps rvere already taken by creating the Infornraiionand Dccurnent,ation llivision with linkage to the <strong>National</strong>Docum-"nt,afion Center. Technical,infortmation was a.lready releas,edto extension services though u technical leaflets ". Still a largenumbcr of scientific papers subrnitted 1by scientists a.re waiiingfor publication. L'ots of ur.rrk need to be achieved. The libraryof NAB-I contains ah,out 30.000 book,". ?t.Offi) renorts and 1326periodilals.

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