User manual METTLER TOLEDO Weighing terminal IND425

User manual METTLER TOLEDO Weighing terminal IND425

User manual METTLER TOLEDO Weighing terminal IND425

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<strong>IND425</strong>Appendix7.2.2 GEO VALUES 6000e/7500e OIML Class III (Height ≤1000 m)Geograhical latitude Geo value00°00' – 12°44' 505°46' – 17°10' 612°44' – 20°45' 717°10' – 23°54' 820°45' – 26°45' 923°54' – 29°25' 1026°45' – 31°56' 1129°25' – 34°21' 1231°56' – 36°41' 1334°21' – 38°58' 1436°41' – 41°12' 1538°58' – 43°26' 1641°12' – 45°38' 1743°26' – 47°51' 1845°38' – 50°06' 1947°51' – 52°22' 2050°06' – 54°41' 2152°22' – 57°04' 2254°41' – 59°32' 2357°04' – 62°09' 2459°32' – 64°55' 2562°09' – 67°57' 2664°55' – 71°21' 2767°57' – 75°24' 2871°21' – 80°56' 2975°24' – 90°00' 30<strong>User</strong> <strong>manual</strong> 22011481A 03/0537

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