Student Handbook - rgccisd

Student Handbook - rgccisd

Student Handbook - rgccisd


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34By an authorized representative of Child Protective Services, Texas Department of Protectiveand Regulatory Services, a law enforcement officer, or a juvenile probation officer, withouta court order, under the conditions set out in the Family Code relating to the student’sphysical health or safety.Before a student is released to a law enforcement officer or other legally authorized person, theprincipal will verify the officer’s identity and, to the best of his or her ability, will verify theofficial’s authority to take custody of the student.The principal will immediately notify the Superintendent and will ordinarily attempt to notify theparent unless the officer or other authorized person raises what the principal considers to be a validobjection to notifying the parents. Because the principal does not have the authority to prevent ordelay a custody action, notification will most likely be after the fact.Notification of Law ViolationsThe District is also required by state law to notify:All instructional and support personnel who have responsibility for supervising a student whohas been arrested or referred to the juvenile court for any felony offense or for certainmisdemeanors.All instructional and support personnel who have regular contact with a student who has beenconvicted or adjudicated of delinquent conduct for any felony offense or certainmisdemeanors.[For further information, see policy GRA(LEGAL).]DISTRIBUTION OF PUBLISHED MATERIALS OR DOCUMENTSSchool MaterialsPublications prepared by and for the school may be posted or distributed, with prior approval bythe principal, sponsor, or teacher. Such items may include school posters, brochures, murals, etc.All school publications are under the supervision of a teacher, sponsor, and the principal.Non-school MaterialsUnless a student (or a non-student) obtains specific prior approval from the principal, writtenmaterials, handbills, photographs, pictures, petitions, films, tapes, posters, or other visual orauditory materials may not be posted, sold, circulated, or distributed on any school campus. If thematerial is not approved within two school days of the time it was submitted to the principal, itshould be considered disapproved.Disapprovals may be appealed by submitting the disapproved material to the Superintendent;materials not approved by the Superintendent within three days are considered disapproved. Thisdisapproval may be appealed to the Board in accordance with policy FMA (LOCAL). Any studentwho posts material without prior approval will be subject to disciplinary action in accordance withthe <strong>Student</strong> Code of Conduct. Materials displayed without this approval will be removed.The principal has the learning resource center as the location for approved non-school materials tobe placed for voluntary viewing by other students.

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