Student Handbook - rgccisd

Student Handbook - rgccisd

Student Handbook - rgccisd


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41program or wish to be notified in advance of pesticide applications, you may contact our IPMcoordinator: Mr. Arcadio Salinas III, (956) 716-6785 or e-mail him at studentservices214-901@yahoo.com.VandalismThe taxpayers of the community have made a sustained financial commitment for the constructionand upkeep of school facilities. To ensure that school facilities can serve those for whom they areintended—both this year and in the coming years—littering, defacing, or damaging schoolproperty is not tolerated. <strong>Student</strong>s will be required to pay for damages they cause and will besubject to criminal proceedings as well as disciplinary consequences in accordance with the<strong>Student</strong> Code of Conduct.SEARCHESIn the interest of promoting student safety and attempting to ensure that schools are safe and drugfree, District officials may from time to time conduct searches. Such searches are conductedwithout a warrant and as permitted by law. <strong>Student</strong>s who are off limits and/or have violated theclosed campus policy may be subject to search.<strong>Student</strong>s’ Desks and Lockers<strong>Student</strong>s’ desks and lockers are school property and remain under the control and jurisdiction ofthe school even when assigned to an individual student.<strong>Student</strong>s are fully responsible for the security and contents of the assigned desks and lockers.<strong>Student</strong>s must be certain that the locker is locked, and that the combination is not available toothers.Searches of desks or lockers may be conducted at any time there is reasonable cause to believe thatthey contain articles or materials prohibited by District policy, whether or not a student is present.The parent will be notified if any prohibited items are found in the student’s desk or locker.Vehicles on Campus<strong>Student</strong>s are not permitted to bring vehicles to campus.Bicycles are allowed for transportation purposes only (Use designated area for parking).NO skateboards allowed on campus.Drug Detection DogsSince Rio Grande City Consolidated Independent School District participates in a Drug Free ZoneEnvironment, the K-9 unit can make unannounced visits at any campus to maintain this type ofenvironment. At any time, trained dogs may be used around lockers and the areas around vehiclesparked on school property. Searches of classrooms, common areas, or student belongings mayalso be conducted by trained dogs when students are not present. An item in a classroom, a locker,or a vehicle to which a trained dog alerts may be searched by school officials.Any student caught with any illegal substance is punishable by state and/or Federal law. See alsothe <strong>Student</strong> Code of Conduct.

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