Vision by Radio - Early Television Foundation

Vision by Radio - Early Television Foundation

Vision by Radio - Early Television Foundation


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The general staff of our Navy and Army may seeat headquarters all that a lens looks upon as it iscarried aloft in a scouting airplane over battle frontor fleet maneuvers.And from our easy chairs <strong>by</strong> the fireside, we stayat-homescan watch the earth below as a great ship,like the Shenandoah, carries our flag and a broadcasting lens, over the mountains and plains, thecities and farms, the lakes and forests, of our wonderful country.In due course, then, folks in California and inMaine, and all the way between, will be able to seethe inaugural ceremonies of their President, inWashington; the Army and Navy football games atFranklin Field, Philadelphia; and the struggle forsupremacy in our national sport, baseball.The new machine will come to the fireside as afascinating teacher and entertainer, without language,literacy, or age limitation; a visitor to the old homestead with photoplays, the opera, and a direct visionof world activities, without the hindrance of muddyroads or snow blockades, making farm life still moreattractive to the clever country-bred boys and girls.Already audible radio is rapidly changing our socialorder; those who may now listen to a great man orwoman are numbered in the millions. Our Presidentrecently talked to practically the whole citizenshipof the United States at the same time.When to this audible radio we add visible radio,we may both hear and see great events; inauguralceremonies, a football, polo, or baseball game; aregatta, mardi gras, flower festival, or ba<strong>by</strong> parade;and an entire opera in both action and music.Educationally, the extension worker in our greatuniversities may then illustrate his lecture, for thedistant student can see as well as hear him <strong>by</strong> radio.12

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