BANCA TRANSILVANIA S.A. Romanian joint-stock company ...

BANCA TRANSILVANIA S.A. Romanian joint-stock company ...

BANCA TRANSILVANIA S.A. Romanian joint-stock company ...

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amended and new laws enacted to comply with the European Union legislation.The new or amended laws often come into effect quickly, before the adoption of theimplementing regulations. As a result, at times, the Bank may experience difficulties inquickly adapting its operations to comply with new regulations. Possible future changes tothe laws in force in Romania may have a materially negative impact on the Bank's business,financial condition or results of operations and the Bonds. Laws and regulations aresometimes applied inconsistently, and, in certain circumstances, legal remedies cannot beobtained quickly enough.Legal and regulatory systems necessary for an efficient operation of capital markets are stillbeing developed in Romania. Legal protections from market manipulation and illegalactivities are not implemented in Romania as fully and efficiently as in other moredeveloped jurisdictions.Bankruptcy Laws<strong>Romanian</strong> courts have exclusive jurisdiction in the bankruptcy procedures for a <strong>Romanian</strong>bank. Procedures related to bank bankruptcy in Romania may last longer than in moredeveloped jurisdictions.4.2. Risks related to the Banking Industry in RomaniaCredit riskCredit risk is linked to the quality of loans granted by the Bank and to the likelihood of nonpayment.It also refers to the credit risk attached to lending products substituted off-balancesheet, such as letters of credits and collateral. Breach of a borrower, natural or legal persons,of its respective obligations under a binding agreement, shall have an effect on the Bank’searnings or capital. Risk is incumbent on any act whereby the Bank grants a loan, employsor invests funds or is otherwise exposed through explicit or implicit contractual provisions.Lack of proper supervision of the lending-related activities poses credit agreement-relatedrisks to the Bank.The Group’s main objectives as regards credit risk management is to maintain reasonablebalance between yielding and credit risk exposure, considering the volatility of marketmargins, as well as the effort to maximize profits.Starting from the history of placements and the strategic objectives pursued in order toavoid credit risk concentration, the Group established exposure limits/coordinates,depending on: the business size of the economic agents, types of activity, types of loans,types of foreign currency, credit exposure in relation to total assets, collateral structure.The main rules established under the internal strategy are:43

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