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As of December 2011 there were 24,892 registered endorsements of the <strong>Earth</strong> <strong>Charter</strong>, out of whichover 5,942 are organizations and nearly 18,950 are individuals. The number of endorsers continues torise steadily, by an average of 2,000 endorsers a year.COMMUNICATION SERVICESThe ECI Secretariat maintains an international Web site, available in English, French, and Spanish. Thesite serves as an information hub for the EC network, offering an overview of activities andorganizations involved with the <strong>Earth</strong> <strong>Charter</strong> <strong>Initiative</strong>, organized by country (there are 100 countrypages) and by topic or focus area.One of the main objectives of the Web site is to allow for the sharing of experiences and goodpractices. For this purpose, specific pages within each focus area were created for the display ofsystematized stories on how different organizations work with the <strong>Earth</strong> <strong>Charter</strong>. The internationalWeb site also contains a Virtual Library with over 800 resources available for free and work to improvethem is constantly underway.In June 2011, ECI received a grant from Kalliopeia Foundation to develop and implement an onlinecommunication strategy. This involved the assessment work of the online <strong>Earth</strong> <strong>Charter</strong> presence,specially the Web site, which was undertaken with the help of Fenton, a California based organization,as well as the design of a social media strategy and of a new Web site for the <strong>Earth</strong> <strong>Charter</strong> <strong>Initiative</strong>.As of the end of 2011, following the findings of the assessment process, and recommendations drawnfrom that, a new Web site was in the process of being designed, along with a redesigned virtual library,and a new site featuring the results of a study linking the <strong>Earth</strong> <strong>Charter</strong> with international laws andconventions. All of this work will be fully completed in the first half of 2012.In 2011 there were over 599,351 visits to the main <strong>Earth</strong> <strong>Charter</strong> Web site (as compared with 849,645in 2010, this difference is probably due to the fact that there were major events in celebrations of <strong>Earth</strong>9<strong>Earth</strong> <strong>Charter</strong> Annual Report 2011

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